Providers got their rant. Guys whats yours?

Not a rant, just a question ...

Do you ladies who start a lot of threads and post a lot of b.s. in others' threads generate a lot of positive acivity from your excessive posting?

I mean do you ask guys: Did you contact me, because I post so much? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I find that many, many times a gentlemen will comment on one of my posts when he contacts me. But, I can almost bet as opinionated as I am, there are gentlemen who have not seen me because of my comments or politics.

I do think there is a difference between someone that posts on topics of interest to him or her and folks that pop in on every thread just to post a one line comment.
boardman's Avatar
Failing to scratch my balls!

junglemonkey's Avatar
Stating "Check on my new PICS!!!" only to find out that there are no new pics.
don't kill me
Dont rob me
If an after fun shower is an option please let me know , yes this is an added level of service in my mind , yes I mean to get clean.
did I mention the not getting killed part .
LexusLover's Avatar
... there are gentlemen who have not seen me because of my comments or politics... Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I wasn't referencing content (unless it is considered on the "far fringes"), but I was considering providers that get into pissing contests on the board with hobbyists and other providers and get into some personal areas of commentary ...... I think the "Glad you're ok" posts are "look I am here" for the most part ........ with a rare exception I would think that everyone would be glad that ..... another member is "ok" ..... for what is supposed to be an "anonymous" board (with screen names and rules) and a risky activity (even if legal or generally accepted) there seems to be a lot of "interest" in outing people, identifying people, and gossip about personal stuff....... often for nothing more than disagreeing with what a poster says ...... those are who I would avoid, and I would think most would also.

In fact that is why I quit posting reviews, and haven't on this board.

That doesn't qualify as a "rant" .... more like a suggestion.
guy fawkes's Avatar
Not a rant but common sense

1.Seeing to much details in signatures. Who cares where you are? Where you are going and where you have been. Try FaceBook or Twitter
2. Enough of the theme music in signatures. Are you still in high school?
3. Providers please get better pictures (LARGER) in your showcase. I don't need to see that you have a dog and you lack house keeping skills. Get a better camera
4. Please providers keep the advertisements down TO ONE post. Adds staring to look like BACKPAGE.
I wasn't referencing content (unless it is considered on the "far fringes"), but I was considering providers that get into pissing contests on the board with hobbyists and other providers and get into some personal areas of commentary ...... I think the "Glad you're ok" posts are "look I am here" for the most part ........ with a rare exception I would think that everyone would be glad that ..... another member is "ok" ..... for what is supposed to be an "anonymous" board (with screen names and rules) and a risky activity (even if legal or generally accepted) there seems to be a lot of "interest" in outing people, identifying people, and gossip about personal stuff....... often for nothing more than disagreeing with what a poster says ...... those are who I would avoid, and I would think most would also.

In fact that is why I quit posting reviews, and haven't on this board.

That doesn't qualify as a "rant" .... more like a suggestion. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I get into heated debates sometimes. That's why I'll bet there are gentlemen that don't see me because of my politics. Once it's clear there is no agreement, I usually say let's agree to disagree. The last thing I want to do is get into an argument or a pissing contest.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... I usually say let's agree to disagree. .... Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Let's not even get to the "disagreeable" level. OK?
One of the things different about your post, and opinions, is they are laced with good old common sense. Plus, you have an uncanny way of expressing yourself without comming accross as condescending, spitefull, or mad at the world.

In short, you are very comfortable with yourself.
21 year old Providers lecturing.
Do some living, experience life, then come and tell us all how it's done.
Just because a girl screwed the entire varsity football team two years ago does not mean every hobbyist is dying to get in her pants. Originally Posted by Jackie S
+1 million!
Don't know how the ladies are going to respond but I do know that I personally have seen more than one provider based on her posting and posting style. I've also decided against seeing more than one provider based on their posts.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Mega dittos.
burner2157's Avatar
My only rant is being lied too.I get enough of that from my boss at work.Like Jack Nicholson said in a Few Good Men.You can't handle the truth.Well I live and will die by the truth.P.S. I'm not talking about wanting to know there real name either.
PhotoTherapy's Avatar
Ultimately, providers are in a customer service business...with a little bit of acting thrown in at times. I understand everyone has an off day or week where you simply don't want to go to work...EVERYONE (caps used for But if someone is paying for your service or product, have enough pride and decency to stand behind that service or product. I NEVER (again..emphasis......) shop at Wal-Mart because I feel I get crappy service...everytime. I would rather pay a little more to get more. That being said, Wal-Mart is a multi-billion dollar (don't quote me) company..because their crappy service is cheap as hell.

My gripe is exactly the same as everything else I spend my money on... gimme my money's worth dammit! FYI...a smile is worth a whole lot. That's my two cents.
LexusLover's Avatar
My only rant is being lied too. Originally Posted by burner2157
Sometimes it's not "lying," it is simply not comprehending the subtleties of the English language ....

... for instance ... this is not "petitie" ....