Review: Cameron0908 - The end of a Legend

I have moved on and yes..i have contact with provider...does not work...go to the next. Got it! But you got to admit she looks so hot that it was trying more than once...specially when SHE offered to make it up. Oh yeah..right...everyone is missing that point.

It is just fun to see human nature in action. The funny thing is that I am receiving a lot of emails with support, of all the ones that know I am right...but that would not dare to post in here....just not get bashed...the way I am getting bashed.
pmdelites's Avatar
chris, sorry that you had a less than deliteful interaction w/ cameron [for whatever reason].
hopefully you learned a lesson, she learned a lesson, and others have learned a lesson as well. [wont hold my breath on any of that].

I believe this is the "Escort Client Community Information Exchange".
if not, then disregard everything written below.

This is why this site is basically worthless for objective information. A guy writes a bad review and then everyone gives their opinion. Let the review stand. If most of her reviews paint a different experience then we will know this time was an aberration. Every time someone writes something negative guys come out of nowhere defending the girl. You don't need to make comments. I can read your opinion in your review. Originally Posted by slowmover
EXACTAMUNDO - share information, whether it was pleasant, so-so, or less than pleasant. but dont give the poster [Chrisfun27 in this case] a hard time cos your time was different from his. [and i'm not saying that all who had a good time w/ Cameron have been giving Chris a hard time].
what if it had been a different provider? would you all have given Chrisfun27 such a less-than-appreciative response? much passion about this! I knew something like this could happen...but I still most of you are missing the point. You think is personal, and you are basing this on what you know of the provider...and the review is supposed to be based on my experience. I don't blame you though...i would do the same for the providers I have seen and that I know they are cool.

My issue is not if she did not want to see me or not, I could live with that. My issue is that she scheduled me 4 different times, to blow me off last minute. Why would you schedule someone if you have not screened that person? and then schedule that person again and again if you have not screened him? That is my whole point...and everyone seems to neglect it and try to make this personal. But peace everyone...i get it...and have learned lot of this experience. Originally Posted by Chrisfun27
as i read it [and who knows whether it's true or false, but i'd tend to say it's pretty true], the concerns he is raising [in a very straightforward non-bitching mode, if i say so myself] are
a) she apparently made verbal and/or electronic several appointments w/ the guy,
b) was provided with references, and
c) either canceled or stated she couldnt get ahold of the refs or other apparently BS responses.
he finally said "enough" and said he'd write about this to LET OTHERS KNOW of his experiences. sure, maybe he shouldnt have posted it in a review, but the content is more important that the form.

I'm sorry Chrisfun for the WK's not being able to comprehend this......... Originally Posted by CanDo01
+1. things happen. we share them. and hopefully others will be understanding and/or comprehending of what we went thru. and not give us a hard time about sharing them [pleasant, so-so, or less than pleasant].

Sounds like another casualty of the entitlement society....... what a shame. Just because a time was scheduled doesn't mean it must be fulfilled. I have to agree with the others advising to chalk it up and move on to one of the other 600 opportunities. And no, i've never met Cam so I couldn't be a WK, just another average guy with a head on my shoulders and some common sense. Yea, I said it (too)!! Originally Posted by James6766P
i dont think this has anything to do with "the entitlement society". and it was, according to his account, several not just one scheduled appointments.

so, are you saying that if i schedule an appt w/ a woman and she cancels for what appears to be BS or bogus reasons and she does that several times [didnt we used to call that "leading him on"??] that i SHOULD NOT let others know?? sure, i'd move on, but i would let others know about it. to say that i should just move on and be quiet does no one a service, imho.

i've had several experiences over the years kinda like this. i shared what happened [some in co-ed and some in the lounge] and moved on. i dont think i caught as much grief as is being given to Chris.

I have moved on and yes..i have contact with provider...does not work...go to the next. Got it! But you got to admit she looks so hot that it was trying more than once...specially when SHE offered to make it up. Oh yeah..right...everyone is missing that point.

It is just fun to see human nature in action. The funny thing is that I am receiving a lot of emails with support, of all the ones that know I am right...but that would not dare to post in here....just not get bashed...the way I am getting bashed. Originally Posted by Chrisfun27
like i said, what if he were talking about a new provider or one w/ a spotted history or one w/ a poor history?
would there be as much "bashing" of Chrisfun as there is in this thread??

if we should write about things like this in the lounge, then say that.
if we shouldnt write about things like this, then say that.
bojulay's Avatar
WOW. You guys should be on your honeymoon by now.
(Sorry just kidding). After the first miss I would have just
told her to get back with me when things were 4-square.
Maybe PMed her at a later date if I didn't hear from her,
and pointed my little red wagon in the direction of another
sandbox. Always heed the red flags, live and learn, live and learn.
LazurusLong's Avatar
The true red flag that some may be missing is that Cameron apparently told him she got some information from a provider that made her not want to see him.

Once that happens, the chance of you being seen is ZERO. BGelow zero actually.

And here's a fucking hint.

Look at how many attempts he made over how long to see her.

What did he think, he'd war her down till she gave in?

How about maybe that same attitude is what the other providers felt, pressure or whatever, and as a result, Cameron said, no fucking way.

Sorry but to me, this seems more like an obsessed fan rather than a normal client and with the time and energy he spent like everyone else has said, he should have moved on long ago but still felt the need to post a "review" rather than a NC/NS thread.

If I am revealing anything in the ROS that I should not be, keep in mind that the OP should have not used the review form and my opinion is that the ROS should be moved to public view so other providers can see just what sort of client this guy shows himself to be.


And I understand slowmover's point about letting reviews stand. But this is not a review it is an extremely long and detailed NC/NS thread written in the wrong content and comments about the possible mistakes this client made in trying to see Cameron should be subjected to scrutiny as a learning lesson to others.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I do not know Cameron, so I don't have a dog in this hunt.

This thread is typical: A hobbyist writes negatively about a girl who is otherwise well-reviewed. The reviewer tells of HIS bad experience. Then every Tom, Dick, and Harry chimes in with their GOOD experiences, which have nothing to do with what happened between the reviewer and the girl.

But what really jumped out at me is this line:

Chris my point is I talked to her and she said she didn't feel comfortable. Originally Posted by baldbrotha



Since when did it become acceptable for a provider to talk to Hobbyist A about her experiences with Hobbyist B? And, more importantly, when did it become acceptable for a hobbyist to get a provider's side and then post it in response to a negative review? Hey, baldbrotha! Are you a hobbyist or do you do PR for providers? Pull your head out of this girl's ass and let her defend herself!
Mojojo's Avatar

But what really jumped out at me is this line:




Since when did it become acceptable for a provider to talk to Hobbyist A about her experiences with Hobbyist B? And, more importantly, when did it become acceptable for a hobbyist to get a provider's side and then post it in response to a negative review? Hey, baldbrotha! Are you a hobbyist or do you do PR for providers? Pull your head out of this girl's ass and let her defend herself! Originally Posted by ShysterJon
No shit!! Shocked the hell out of me too!

I don't have too much of a problem if she chooses to tell you something, we all know this happens but come on man let her post her own defense. In a case like this man it's more appropriate for you to remain neutral, because if you don't it could come back, bite you in the ass and end up making you look real stupid.
daddyo67's Avatar
The true red flag that some may be missing is that Cameron apparently told him she got some information from a provider that made her not want to see him.

Once that happens, the chance of you being seen is ZERO. BGelow zero actually.

And here's a fucking hint.

Look at how many attempts he made over how long to see her.

What did he think, he'd war her down till she gave in?

How about maybe that same attitude is what the other providers felt, pressure or whatever, and as a result, Cameron said, no fucking way.

Sorry but to me, this seems more like an obsessed fan rather than a normal client and with the time and energy he spent like everyone else has said, he should have moved on long ago but still felt the need to post a "review" rather than a NC/NS thread.

If I am revealing anything in the ROS that I should not be, keep in mind that the OP should have not used the review form and my opinion is that the ROS should be moved to public view so other providers can see just what sort of client this guy shows himself to be.


And I understand slowmover's point about letting reviews stand. But this is not a review it is an extremely long and detailed NC/NS thread written in the wrong content and comments about the possible mistakes this client made in trying to see Cameron should be subjected to scrutiny as a learning lesson to others. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Damn! It just kills me when I agree with LL!!
by pmdelites "[didnt we used to call that "leading him on"??]"

We used to call it getting "Hootered".
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Damn! It just kills me when I agree with LL!! Originally Posted by daddyo67
I said the same thing to myself
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 01-10-2012, 06:14 PM
I disagree that you can classify the OP as being obsessed in any negative way from his account of events since Cameron had not said "NO" while he continued in persisting for an appointment. Compulsive, maybe. Anyone who has seen her pics and has any level of testosterone couldn't possibly get it out of their mind until he got a piece of dat.

There seems to be something fishy about saying that references have to be checked even though Cameron had scheduled in the OP prior to it. And that too more than once.

That gal is wonderful in every sense of the word. Probably just a little gun shy at the moment.

Sorry, Chris"didn't have any"fun27 for your case of blue balls. Do you have p411?

SJ, a SD like you certainly ought to know that girls always talk (gals, please don't bash me on this - guys do too but their embellishments are generally about how big their dicks are, or their trucks or their wives - OK, maybe not the last one). While baldbrotha seems to have dipped into doo, I doubt whether the gal will show up to defend herself. Hearsay, counselor.
ShysterJon's Avatar
SJ, a SD like you certainly ought to know that girls always talk (gals, please don't bash me on this - guys do too but their embellishments are generally about how big their dicks are, or their trucks or their wives - OK, maybe not the last one). While baldbrotha seems to have dipped into doo, I doubt whether the gal will show up to defend herself. Hearsay, counselor. Originally Posted by aka
Well, it's one thing for a provider to share stories with another provider, but it's quite another thing for a provider to share stories with a hobbyist, especially one like baldbrotha who's apparently so smitten with her that he plays puppy dog and reposts the information here. That, to me, is COMPLETELY stepping over the line between guys relating useful, quasi-objective information, and a guy getting involved in a girl's business affairs.

Personally, I hope the young lady DOESN'T post a defense. As I've written before, I think such defenses only draw more attention to the underlying complaint. I don't know her but I know OF her, and her rep is such that she's sure to survive one unhappy client.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
1. Hobbyist gets pissed because he thinks he's being jerked around. There's no other way to read WHAT HE SAID about this. Now, is it exactly, positively, iron-clad the way it was? Probably not, but the tone of the "review" was pretty even keeled and he went to great lengths to kow tow to those who have had good experiences with the provider IN ADVANCE of the subsequent grenade launchings.

2. Did he pursue her too long? Hell yes, but not until the very end, which finally happened more than a month after she first agreed to see him, did she (according to him) tell him "no dice."

3. WHY did he stay in pursuit of her so long? Who knows and I don't really give a rat's ass because if he wants to do that, he can have at it. Obviously, it didn't work out but if her answer was going to be "no," in December as it was in January then she should have been more professional and let him know much, much earlier.

4. I'm not black but one doesn't have to be a rocket surgeon - or even highly conscious - to see how especially more successful minorities can get extremely tired of still having to "be extra good" even after achieving a certail level of success. This can, and does, lead to some snippiness over things us whitebreads think trivial. That's not a pass, it's a fact no one on either side of that equation can can be proud of.

5. The OP is entitled to post his experience and I don't care the format he chooses. This started out as a review but was rightly moved to Co-Ed. So? Big Damn Whoopie! His opionion is what it is and to quibble about the format is rather petty.

6. NOW, IN CLOSING....(I can hear the collective sigh of relief) - If anyone ACTUALLY KNOWS about any bad or threatening behavior on the OP's part, let's hear it. If there really is some "there" there, I'll be out front in leading the chorus of boos. Otherwise, quit hinting at the unsubstantiated possibility of that sort of behavior and stop the hair-splitting and sharpshooting while parsing every single freaking word of his post.

The "I can't believe this happened" Department: Like no other provider has had her train jump the tracks when it seemed that everything was running so smoothly.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Once again, a gal's white knights do her more harm than good by drawing attention to a negative comment.
My issue is that she scheduled me 4 different times, to blow me off last minute. Originally Posted by Chrisfun27
Why would you even TRY to see her 4 different times after she blew you off the first time? Maybe another Provider told her that you never quit after being turned down? Boarderline Stalker? Does not know the meaning of NO? Especially with your heading in this thread that states: THE END OF A LEGEND as if it were up to you.

I have moved on and yes..i have contact with provider...does not work...go to the next. Got it! Originally Posted by Chrisfun27
I don't know the real truth here and I have never met Cameron. I only know what has been said. Chris, I believe you really tryed to damn hard to see THIS particular lady and that alone would scare her or any provider. Have you noticed that only 1 provider chimed in this whole co-ed thread, and that was only to add some humor?

Women notice when men go above and beyond the norm to get to her. sure she lost that session money but, not all money is good money. Maybe Cameron's suspisions are confirmed by this NO REVIEW, which proves that there is no line you won't cross to get to her. BTW, this is not a NO review because she told you NO and ANY provider has a right to say NO to ANY client and she don't even need a reason. Just like we have a choice of whom to choose and who not to choose.

I understand you were thinking that a make up session, (when she said she would give you a Super Duper Session) with a Stone Fox and maybe even a discount, made your head swell and jump to all kinds of conclusions but, at the end of the day, you would have been better off walking away. If a Session don't go smooth from the get go, WALK AWAY

Read plenty of reviews about her, overall great. My brief e-mails with her were polite and courteous. She couldn't screen me to feel comfortable, and I just moved on. I thanked her for her time and moved on. never contacted her again.

I have to agree with majority of the posters, if it didn't work the 1st time and even 2nd time, should have moved on. Sorry on your experience.