provider bashing

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I live with a retired Provider. Most men really raved about her, but there were some who criticized her because she was a bit fussy about who she would see. At first, the comments bothered her. Then she realized that her regulars kept seeing her and many recommended her to their friends and colleagues. At that point she stopped caring about the comments. Originally Posted by SD7
H....... E....... H.......
At the end of the day vaginas rule.!! Originally Posted by snowballpeter
No way, shouldn't be said here. Sounds p8ssy-whipped even.

They rule only if you let them.

Damn, for all the brothers who have seen her and written reviews or not, but paid her, SHE JUST 'DENIED' ALL OF YOU!

Come on! I know you suckey a mean Black Dickey! Bare! It's in print...say it ain't so...deny, deny, deny, likey that Black Dickey! Say it ain't so...

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Quit trying to start stuff. I quit seeing black guys after I had a bad session with one. Dickemdown is the nicest guy I've seen and he's a gentlemen which is more than I can say for some of you people on here. I just can't see him anymore because he's just TOO big for me...LOL
2deepnya's Avatar
Wow get it off your chest.......
Jemma is sexy!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Mr hunt you are in the wrong business. the whole idea of owning a business is to bust your ass but make money off other peoples hard work, ingenuity. do the walton kids work any walmarts, no they go to sleep and I'll be damn that fucker is still open twenty four hours. You guys who live in the real world know what i mean Originally Posted by snowballpeter The Walton's kids work at the sawmill and around the house on Walton's Mountain...except for John boy, he went off to become a writer.

Sam Walton's kids are sucking off of the nipple of that big ol' titty he left them in the will..

Wait a second....why am I trying to explain this to someone with a handle of "snowballpeter"?

You actually chose that as your handle? Seriously??

Would you mind explaining its meaning?




pyramider's Avatar
He is into snowballs. The yellow ones are among his favorites.
He is into snowballs. The yellow ones are among his favorites. Originally Posted by pyramider

FYI.... the yellow ones melt.... I tried it .... along time ago..... more like a slushie...
Quit trying to start stuff. Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Who me?

Hey, Jemma, few vids for you:

You likey?

verb - transitive

to perform fellatio on a male until the male ejaculates, then spit the semen into the male's mouth.

I asked this girl to snowball me, and she got up and walked out of my apartment.
dearhunter's Avatar
That is because she knew that once she got it all into her mouth, you were going to say "never mind. You keep it"
Fancyinheels's Avatar
As comical as it may be, bashing women on these boards is irrational. At the end of the day vaginas rule. Even during the great depression when guys could barely feed their families guys were drinking alcohol, albeit illegally and having sex. A drunk or horny guy does not care. I remember all too well broke ass college days when i would wake up and say what the fuck. We all have been there. I for one am no calvi klein model. I am a fan of allison of houston. Bbw but has the most sense of any provider ever. I mean there are girls who charge 400 an hour and don't provide common sense shit like listerine and body wash. I would take her any day over an anorexic spinner who is afraid to eat a mint. We can be so cruel, why nobody benefits. I fo one plan to see mikki fine and fancy . . Mikki fines reviews are great and it sounds like her service is also great.. Ok don't knock on her door, hello this shit is illegal and some times dangerous. I rarely come to these girls aid because they make great money when they work. I mean 1000 for overnight and they want to sleep. Who sleeps and makes money except firefighters, obama and business owners but they are given the cards. We give them to them, as much as people bitch about jemma and mikki they still keep their place, feed their pets and eat. So who is the joke on, us horny guys and i mean us who either can't or don't want to or are so eccentric, arrogant that no woman would put up with us pay money for something that was meant to be given out of love. Who is laughing now. Mikki and i hate to say jemma, big tits, however you get them and blond hair go a long way. Thank goodness you will not see blk guys or i would be knocking at your door to be confronted by a wanna be paris hilton, oh no paris fucked like a real freak in the video i saw and the dude was seriously grabbing her tits. Touch breasts in sex, heathens who would think. Mikki I'm on my way. For all you fucking english teachers i typed this ob a galaxy so if i made a mistake go jack off go to michaels int or go see mikki fine. Texan fan trey u guys are comical so please no war of words because i have no time for verbal sparring on a board bo offense meant and you guys are too good for a war of words. Mikk fine fine allison and whoever calls themselve bbw you girls rock!! Originally Posted by snowballpeter

Who's bashing me? Let them step up, say it to my face, and take me like a man.

Unless it's happening in the Men's Lounge where I can't see it, I really don't feel like I get bashed much. I do debate and disagree with a few fellows on here, quite vehemently, but I don't feel particularly picked upon. There's always going to be back and forth, disparaging and complimentary comments. Yes, some Hobbyists have a problem with BBW's and are pretty vocal about it. They're entitled to their opinions, however asinine they may be. If we professional girls didn't develop thick skins (just stop right now, those of you who will make that into a whale allusion) and confidence in ourselves, we wouldn't last long. There is someone for everyone, so if the ladies being "bashed" are still in business, whether they be BBW's or spinners, whether they're exercising their freedom of choice to see only white guys, skinny guys, tall guys, short guys, guys over or under 35, whatever, the stats are on their side that they have a loyal clientele, and like you said, can "feed their pets and eat." (Five chihuahuas don't eat much, so I don't have to see as many gentlemen as, say, the ladies with the pit bulls.) Therefore, the negative comments must not have all that much of an effect. Now, negative REVIEWS will have a huge impact on a provider's business.

Would be nice, however, if ECCIE members of both sexes were more respectful of everyone here just out of human decency, but that isn't going to happen. Ugly drama, alas, entertains the masses.

Fancyinheels's Avatar
That is because she knew that once she got it all into her mouth, you were going to say "never mind. You keep it" Originally Posted by dearhunter
That is very nicely said.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm absolutely devestated...