I know this will get me some hate -- Rochester "batting average"

LOL - This is FAR from a crybaby post. It's an indictment.

I'm sure there are a handful of guys that are happy to get stood up after driving 3+ hours and having already confirmed; and there are definitely guys that are happy to see others getting screwed over. That's never been me -- from when I first started ... nearly 30 years ago ... I was a client advocate.

Against better judgment I tried more than once -- but again, this whole experience was so completely new to me. In 30 years, I've only had one other person do that (legit cancel as I was en route) -- and that person was completely revealed to be a fraud/non-existent. So, my experience with this type of behavior is limited.

Then again, 99% of my hobbying was pre--Covid ... so perhaps that's the big difference now. But, as I said - I'm not a newbie. I've definitely been around. This is NOT normal behavior.
bobmidnight's Avatar
If you're saying you've only been stood-up a couple of times in 30 years of hobbying then my hats off to you. You must be in the 1/100th of 1% of hobbyists. My advice was simply to stick to ladies that have pages of stellar reviews. Nikki and Valkyra come to mind. Gabby would not be among those...
Plastic Man's Avatar
Yes and her looks are overrated here. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
wouldnts expects anything ...buts ...a catty response ....froms a funnel bouts another funnel
Plastic Man's Avatar
guys ya remembers the good ...ol days whens ifs a funnels woulds ...flake ons yas an ya still wanted sexy time alls ...ya hads ta ...do ...was ta call yer buddy ...ang ...an she dones woulds haves ones a several willin flesh creatures ready ta be violated bys ya ats a moments ...notice?

...how many ...other jimmies dones gots her ...number memorized ta this ...day?
If you're saying you've only been stood-up a couple of times in 30 years of hobbying then my hats off to you. You must be in the 1/100th of 1% of hobbyists. My advice was simply to stick to ladies that have pages of stellar reviews. Nikki and Valkyra come to mind. Gabby would not be among those... Originally Posted by bobmidnight

Yes - *legit* stood up a handful of times in 30 years. Honestly. But again - not in Rochester. Mostly in NYC/Long Island. Could just be different ......

There have been a handful of times where there were cancellations - but even those were few and far between. It just seemed like - pre-Covid - everyone took everyone else's time a bit more seriously
OK so if you're not crying then what is the point of this post?

Perhaps you should send your complaint to the customer service.

For someone who has been hobbying for 30 years, you certainly haven't learned all that much.
Plastic Man's Avatar
For someone who has been hobbying for 30 years, you certainly haven't learned all that much. Originally Posted by TJneedsaBJ40
well it seems ...ya learned ta be angry insteada ...helpful ta yer fellow ...jimmie in need

...an a jimmie in need be ...a jimmie ...in deed
I've learned - in 30 years - that I value fellow clients.

I've learned that when I have a bad experience, I share it. I've learned that when someone plays games, I share it.

I do that to help others not experience the same fate.

To me, that's the absolute purpose of these boards. I'd ever advocate taking advantage of a lady; or treating them as "less than" a client; but nor do I think it's fair when the roles are reversed.

If you're not interested in seeing the good and the bad; that's certainly your prerogative. I've been the same reviewer since the days of ASP (IYKYK); I don't see that changing. When people are awesome; I talk about it. When people suck, I talk about it. :/
ben dover's Avatar
Exactly as it should be.
I think that all of us must remember what this hobby is like. All these thing that happened to Kat, has usually happened to most of us one time or another. And that is exactly why I choose to join this board. To share my experience and run ins with these "providers". And to hear what experience others may have had. Just saying.
Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...be appalled ats the lack a ...respect shown fer this jimmie ans the lack a respect shown ...fer the tragic ...situation overall

does nones a ya seem ta ...remember thats a jimmie penis deferred be a jimmie penis ...denied?
Mornin Wood's Avatar
This post explains why AMPs are popular. No scheduling BS and no ghosting.
I retired to the AMPs years ago. No fuss...no muss....no appointments,no deposits, no screening.....hell most of them dont even speak englih....perfect. Just bring your dick & your money & leave happy!
bobmidnight's Avatar
Yeah I mean other than the fact of the 60 y/o Asian women it's all good.
Worked so well for Robert Kraft.