WWII vs healthcare.gov

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-10-2013, 10:12 AM
Interesting. Could you provide a link to the war that killed 50 million people?

And do you really think that if one President squanders a lot of money, others must be allowed to squander as much or more? Is there a base amount of squandering we should allow each President before we begin questioning what the bloody hell s/he is doing!?! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

are you really that stupid ? you aren't aware of the death toll for WWII ... some estimates go as high as 80 million.. You're an idiot. Look it up for yourself.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-10-2013, 10:14 AM
Because he's a troll and a dumbass... Originally Posted by gnadfly
nice example of trolling, dumbass
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-10-2013, 11:14 AM
Soooo ... one small piece of Google doesn't work and you think that negates the rest of the website?

The biggest search engine in the world has a compatibility problem with a competitor's (Microsoft's) browser - not even Goggle's product! - and you think this means Google couldn't have done a better job than the feds have done? Originally Posted by ExNYer

Guest123018-4's Avatar
If you do not know, look it up but I will give you a hint, one was in the Pacific against the Japaneses and the other was in Europe against the Germans.

Allow me to dumb it down for you.
In almost four years this administration could not produce a working website
They have had longer than it took to fight WWII to do this and could not.
The level of achievement in WWII was much more difficult and so enormous in scale that creating a simple website pales in comparison yet this administration failed miserably. Failed in what is one of the most important aspect of our lives, our health care.

The path those of you on the left choose for our government is one of miserable failure. It seems as failure is what you understand the best.
The greatest generation just rolled up their sleeves and got to work no whining or outsourcing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You folks are right, I was thinking in terms of American casualties. But what my other question about money squandering?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nobody gives a fuck about your questions, Whiny. Dint you understand that?

it took breast cancer 3 years to kill my Buds mother too ... Dr.s gouged the shit out of her insurance company until the policy hit its cap, and she DIED.

problems like that are being addressed right now .... so compare timeframes all you want Originally Posted by CJ7
Touching story, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the ability of the government to build a website to enroll people.

You can bet your ass the NSA and the IRS have computer systems that do a MUCH better job processing the information of tens of millions of people.
It's been a notable year for Web outages. From Netflix going down at extremely inopportune times, to Amazon Web Services' multi-day breakdown in the spring, Internet services are still seemingly as unreliable as ever. SmartBear Software just published its list of the top Web Outages of 2011, and there are some memorable ones on there. It should be noted, though, that only outages that weren't caused by a third party made the list — hacks like the one that took out Sony's PlayStation Network weren't included.
Good news for the Net in general, though: SmartBear reports that the number of significant outages is actually lower than in 2010. No need to go ballistic Originally Posted by CJ7
http://blog.smartbear.com/software-q...tages-of-2011/ Originally Posted by CJ7
Web outages? Seriously?

I don't know where you get your internet service, but both my work and my home internet services hardly ever go down. And when they do, they are back running in less than an hour usually.

The Obamacare website doesn't have "web outage" problem. It has a "does not work" problem.

Those web outages you cite all lasted a few hours. Obamacare is limping along after a month and a half.

And no one has been fired.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So, I wonder how many have died waiting for their insurance since Obamacare has been shoved up our ass.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-11-2013, 07:44 AM

Allow me to dumb it down for you.
In almost four years this administration could not produce a working website
. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Let me dumb it down for you. Had we drafted all the computer geeks and paid them a Private's salary, we would have never had this problem. Are you smart enough to understand the difference between a whole country getting behind something and a political Civil War?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All I did was offer a comparison of what could be done in a similar amount of time.
Per your own party, it is the law and if it is the law what stopped them for taking care of business. Could it be that they really are not interested in people getting private insurance and it was designed to fail? To further the extension of your sort of thinking, I am surprised that you have not called for a government take over of web design since it seems that we cannot get good web design that will serve all of the people. I mean if we cant get a healthcare system that serves everybody and it required a government take over why not a take over of web design too.

I suppose we could compare the web design to the Manhattan project and see how that compares. I mean it is not like we had to invent the computer or the world wide web, thank you Al Gore, in order to make this healthcare.gov work now did we.

You know, I suppose I gave the left way too much credit toward their abilities. The carnage and waste of leftist programs litter the government like malt liquor cans in the hood.
All I did was offer a comparison of what could be done in a similar amount of time.
Per your own party, it is the law and if it is the law what stopped them for taking care of business. Could it be that they really are not interested in people getting private insurance and it was designed to fail? To further the extension of your sort of thinking, I am surprised that you have not called for a government take over of web design since it seems that we cannot get good web design that will serve all of the people. I mean if we cant get a healthcare system that serves everybody and it required a government take over why not a take over of web design too.

I suppose we could compare the web design to the Manhattan project and see how that compares. I mean it is not like we had to invent the computer or the world wide web, thank you Al Gore, in order to make this healthcare.gov work now did we.

You know, I suppose I gave the left way too much credit toward their abilities. The carnage and waste of leftist programs litter the government like malt liquor cans in the hood. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The Empire State building was done in 15 months. The Suez and Panama canals took 10 years so Oblomecare has them beat. Lets see if he can do it in the next 7 years...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
All I did was offer a comparison of what could be done in a similar amount of time. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You'd think that if god created heaven and earth in just seven days that the government could create a website...,

Black Bart and the people of Rock Ridge totally duplicated their city in 24 hours in Blazing Saddles. You'd think God could have created a website in that time.

Naw, 2dorks, the only person who needs more time to accomplish less is your pal IBIDiot, who's needed more than four weeks so far to STFU about Missouri's role I. The .civil war (though he never posted the proper link to my poll after six months of encouragement...)

That said, wake the fuck up.