Plan B - Does that requirement kill the fun in hobbying for you?

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-07-2011, 03:08 PM
Proper research can steer you to the dependable ladies, but things do come up, and it helps that I'm a patient guy... Originally Posted by ztonk

Patience is very important is this little world of ours.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Like many who posted here, my hobby windows are few and narrow, and I prepare carefully for Plan A. Lots of research, lots of experience, lots of communication, lots of intuition. I don’t prepare a Plan B.

Every once in a while Plan A goes south, for a variety of reasons, and every once in a while it goes south after I have taken my 100 mg blue vitamin. At $19 a pop, those things add up!

I gauge the “success” of the bobbled date by what happens afterwards. Not long ago one ATF who couldn’t play invited me to lunch. Very enjoyable. Another ATF offered me a extended session next time. Very classy. In contrast, yet another, a high visibility provider, hasn’t responded to my what-happened communications at all. Disappointing. In ferdbuf’s words, not “reliable, responsible, or prompt.”

I would be willing to bet the Plan B naysayers are, like me, in the category of mature guys who have come to realize that life is much more tolerable and even enjoyable when you deal with people who are, for the most part, reliable, responsible, and prompt. Originally Posted by ferdburf
Life’s also more enjoyable when we recognize the many grey areas in our doings. At then end of the day, who’s right and who’s not is far less important than we think.

Kenney Rogers' "The Gambler" is playing in my head as I write this. "You've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run."

cckid2006's Avatar
Never had nor needed a plan B. That is just plain rude to the ladies. How would you like it if she scheduled you as plan B?
sixxbach's Avatar
Never had nor needed a plan B. That is just plain rude to the ladies. How would you like it if she scheduled you as plan B? Originally Posted by cckid2006
Come on man. If you don't think a gal will bypass a half hour appointment when an hour comes calling or ditch an hour when a mutli or overnight appointment calls you are kidding yourself...............

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Come on man. If you don't think a gal will bypass a half hour appointment when an hour comes calling or ditch an hour when a mutli or overnight appointment calls you are kidding yourself...............

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
or if a friend wants to go to lunch or get drinks... or a party is going on... or a good show comes on TV.. or there's a sale at Nordstrom, Sak's, Loehman's, Neiman...
Well just Thursday I was someones plan B from Canada. It is sad to say that there are alot of girls that are out there that make guys have a plan B.. but hell thanks to those girls I have alot of repeat clients now. Especially the new ones do not realize the major mark you make on someone when you are not respectful of their time, Hell I know a girl that has been in this business as long as I have and she still stands people up or makes them wait. Some people will never have common curtisy. But where they lack in that department I do my best to throw out the welcome matt, pick up their slack and make friends with the people they missed out in meeting. And that's called fumble recovery, I believe. lol
1kewlkat's Avatar
Also, my schedule hitherto has been filled with frustration, research papers and work responsibilities. So trying to coincide with a provider, my schedule takes planning and I end up scheduling out a week maybe two weeks in advance. After many hit and misses, I've started used e-mails, communicating 7,4,1 days before our rendezvous. I understand unexpected events arise, family, or top-tier client, so I'm patient I just hope providers don't confuse that with being gullible. I tend to try and schedule towards the end of the week late in the evening, after seven. I've also found that this interferes with the gregarious lifestyle of providers. Although I have been offered extended or makeup sessions, those offers have not been to my benefit i.e. my preferred time, late evening. Other times, when I arrived for our rendezvous a provider promptly stated that she needed to be somewhere at a certain time for whatever reason i.e. our session was compressed and our time felt rushed.

Some are great at communicating others not so much.

So I would also quote Ferdguf's words, "not reliable, responsible, or prompt."

Plan "B" Although I have used many AMP's, Asian providers, I prefer the ones in Dallas over Houston or Austin.
Come on man. If you don't think a gal will bypass a half hour appointment when an hour comes calling or ditch an hour when a mutli or overnight appointment calls you are kidding yourself...............

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
And you are a prime example....... A certain someone won a free massage I had made a schelduled appointment with that someone. Ten minutes after that appointment was made someone called and wanted that time slot. It is first call... first reserve....No matter what. I told the guy I am booked for the time you want would you like an hour later. That is not crazy that is only right whether you are paying alot or not. Spending alot or not. If I personally set something up with someone that person is in that time slot and NO OTHER client can boot him out of that slot. Only an emergency and that's just the way I was taught in my work ethics.
ferdburf's Avatar
As I suspected, some hobbyists make firm appointments with Plan B, sometimes even Plan C, knowing that not all of those appointments can happen.

Sounds to me like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg:

As a result of some hobbyists having Plan Bs and Plan Cs, and therefore some providers having a good percentage of their appointments not come to fruition, providers make Plan Bs and Plan Cs to make the best possible use of their time?

- or -

As a result of a high percentage of providers historically not being reliable, responsible and prompt, hobbyists make Plan Bs and Plan Cs to ensure that their benjamins and windows of opportunity are wisely spent to busta nut?

It sounds like some of you hobbyists have the patience and/or devised ways to deal with it, and I salute you for that. Kudos to the ladies who are able to make the best use of their time as well. The responses here help me to understand some of the ladies' posts that are sometimes filled with frustration as a result of what appears to them to be hobbyists abusing their time.

My hobbying requires about a 3-hour drive. Therefore, to make the best use of my time and cash, I think I've found what works best for me, meaning the sugarbaby route and/or one ATF who is, for the most part, reliable, responsible and prompt.
1kewlkat's Avatar
I'm still searching for the one ATF who I can see twice or even three times a month, thus far unsuccessful in finding the one who is reliable, responsible, and prompt.
It's good to hear that you have found what works for you, Mr. Ferdburf.

Then with every new day's sunrise, there is hope that one day I'll find what I'm searching for.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I'm still searching for the one ATF who I can see twice or even three times a month, thus far unsuccessful in finding the one who is reliable, responsible, and prompt.
It's good to hear that you have found what works for you, Mr. Ferdburf.

Then with every new day's sunrise, there is hope that one day I'll find what I'm searching for. Originally Posted by 1kewlkat

I like that idea and have been open to it for awhile..but thats a different thread

I have 2 guys who always let me know I am plan B when they call..its doesnt bother me..I do like to make sure he gets a little bit more attention to make up for the stress plan A has caused..... Now I am plan A all the time for one of them...