I'm interesting in become a sugar daddy, question for providers.

CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
I've already started looking for a SDSB relationship, either with one good provider Daddy or a couple of others to split the way. I nearly killed my last sugar daddy because I had a lot more stamina than he did but he would have died happy. But in my situation most of the men that are truly attracted to me are are a lot younger
No, they're not, at least most of them, and not on a long term basis. Just look at the math:

At $4K/m, ~$50K/yr AFTER tax. At those tax rates, that's about $90K/yr taxable and EXPENDABLE income. That's after he has spent on his home life (or alimony). That probably means $300-400K/yr. Not many guys in THAT pool. At 10K/m its probably $400-500K/yr minimum. At $17K/m its probably $600+K/yr. Even fewer guys in THOSE pools. Of course there are those that inherited money, but again very few at those rates. Retirees, possibly, but that's a pretty big retirement fund with current interest rates.

Are there a few? Sure. And the numbers get exponentially smaller as you go up. The few that you hear about are the vocal tiny minority, and probably quite a few myths in there, too.

I've had 5 over the years that I got to know well enough to trust what they told me (yes, I know!). Of those 4 out of 5 would have been SD-exclusive (meaning they may have a RW bf/SO) for a lot less, probably $1000-1500/m. ALL the SBs I saw had RW jobs, and just wanted a bit of fun (and funds) on the side. And I believe that's the norm for most SBs.

Sure, they/we all WANT that kind of big, exclusive arrangement, but I think you'd find that's an incredibly tiny percentage, even of those that could get an exclusive arrangement. Originally Posted by GoAheadMkMyDay
I thought the same thing and I called bullshit on the 2 ladies I know about. Both of them showed me their deposits on their bank app. One was gone for a year and now she’s back charging ungodly rates. The other is still gone, 2 years and counting. When I see her I sit back amazed at her stories that she can back up with proof.

Just because the very rich don’t have interest of posting on here don’t mean they don’t exist. They’re just a different breed.
Oh and uh....money that is just given is a gift not income so the provider does not pay tax on it. The gift giver is the one to pay tax. When the irs sees the same money withdrawn over here and the same deposited there for the year along with checks written....the money is verified and the provider does not pay taxes, the sugar daddy does. Yea that’s that double whammy
Trespasser's Avatar
Check out the mens forum on SA
My Google search skills are not what they used to be. I cannot find this forum that you speak of. I can only find Let's Talk Sugar that seems to be SB-oriented, not SD. Help, please!
texassapper's Avatar
if you mean 300 per visit, then you don't have a sugar baby, you have an escort. That is not the same thing. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
That is complete Bullshit. A real SB is not an provider. To a shit ton of the girls out there 1000/month is a fourth or more of their income. They are exclusive alright. Your thinking with your provider hat on... that's why so many of the SD's say to avoid providers as SBs because they can't get out of the $/hr thought pattern.
I didn't say didn't exist, I said tiny (really tiny) percentage. And any girl that can get that on a LONG term basis for exclusivity is not going to be found on SA any longer. If its not exclusive, she really isn't an SB.

I thought the same thing and I called bullshit on the 2 ladies I know about. Both of them showed me their deposits on their bank app. One was gone for a year and now she’s back charging ungodly rates. The other is still gone, 2 years and counting. When I see her I sit back amazed at her stories that she can back up with proof.

Just because the very rich don’t have interest of posting on here don’t mean they don’t exist. They’re just a different breed. Originally Posted by Ssjdawg
Again, I didn't say the SB pays tax. All my examples were of the SD paying tax on his income.

I don't see why an SB would have to even declare the arrangement as income. As you say its a gift. And I don't understand why the SD would have a double whammy for tax. She is not an employee.

Oh and uh....money that is just given is a gift not income so the provider does not pay tax on it. The gift giver is the one to pay tax. When the irs sees the same money withdrawn over here and the same deposited there for the year along with checks written....the money is verified and the provider does not pay taxes, the sugar daddy does. Yea that’s that double whammy Originally Posted by Ssjdawg
It’s the gift tax. So the SD pays taxes on his income and then if the irs starts wondering how said SB gets her money and she explains that her “boyfriend “ gives it to her...that’s a gift. And with gifts that are over 15,000 at once or over a year time frame... the gift giver has to pay a gift tax. Once a gift giver has given over 5 million they don’t have to pay anymore gift taxes for their lifetime. So the SD pays taxes on his income then pays taxes for giving it away....I consider that a double whammy.
  • zJS
  • 12-01-2017, 09:49 AM
Don't do it. Plain and simple. It will never end well.
Grace Preston's Avatar
That is complete Bullshit. A real SB is not an provider. To a shit ton of the girls out there 1000/month is a fourth or more of their income. They are exclusive alright. Your thinking with your provider hat on... that's why so many of the SD's say to avoid providers as SBs because they can't get out of the $/hr thought pattern. Originally Posted by texassapper
I'm not thinking with my "provider hat" on at all. I'm saying, if you are paying her 300 per visit, you don't have a SB, you have a glorified escort. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck......Pretty much every successful sugar that I know is paid monthly, if not quarterly or annually. Yes, I've seen a friend get dropped 250k to be exclusive for a year. It happens.

Yes, $1000/month is a lot to some. There are also plenty of ladies out there who charge $1000 or more per hour. There are all kinds of different levels in both the hobby and sugaring side of the sex industry.

There are sugar babies who are given $1000 per month. There are sugar babies who are given $5000 per month.
There are sugar babies who are given a car, apartment, and thousands per month on top of that. The problem is.. too many people have gone towards sugaring as a "cheap way" to get some action and it has muddied the waters. There is nothing "wrong" with that.. but it tends to confuse those who think that paying 300 per meet is a sugar baby arrangement. Its not. She's an escort and doesn't even realize it.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-02-2017, 12:16 PM
He is asking for an exclusive arrangement, meaning-- the lady is not seeing anyone else. At 300/month, I can assure you that you don't have an exclusive arrangement. Of course, if you mean 300 per visit, then you don't have a sugar baby, you have an escort. That is not the same thing.

$4000 is actually on the lower end for this level of relationship. I've seen ladies who have been given 200k for a year long arrangement, no joke. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I've heard from free fuck fest first meetings, 200K would be the highest amount I've read here so far.

I figured you women would find a few 100k+ arrangements and stop working here for peanuts, makes a lot more sense $
Grace Preston's Avatar
Hell, I can't pull at that level. But my friend, at the time, was drop dead gorgeous We're talking, walk the VS Fashion Show level of beauty. She had that arrengement for 3 years. I have no delusions of being able to procure such an offer..lol I am not on that level.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-02-2017, 12:29 PM
Hell, I can't pull at that level. But my friend, at the time, was drop dead gorgeous We're talking, walk the VS Fashion Show level of beauty. She had that arrengement for 3 years. I have no delusions of being able to procure such an offer..lol I am not on that level. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I can't afford a hot model, so we're stuck with each other LOL
I would say for my experience 3500-4000 a month but I see them at least 8-10 times a month.
leslie@nn's Avatar
I had an exclusive SDSB relationship once. It was amazing. He took me places I had never been and showed me things I had never seen. Our relationship benefited me in more ways than just cash st the first on the month. I was on his "payroll" and I got 8k a month. He showed me how to invest that money. He helped me through college. He was a true mentor on every way. Sadly he moved across the country. We still hang out whenever he comes into town!