Penis Plugs

shorty's Avatar
You have to be fucking kidding me.... damn Originally Posted by seedman55
you think those are intense?
years ago, i saw a video of a woman inserting a very thin but long [6-12"] rod into a sub's cock. he was blindfolded and maybe restrained. she would insert it, remove most of it, reinsert it, over and over until he came. it looked very intense!!! you could see his body twitching. he apparently enjoyed it.

as elisabeth said, it better be w/ someone who really knows how to use it!!!!

and while comments like "I simply can not imagine putting a foreign object in my penis for pleasure. No way!" reflect a personal experience,
dont knock it if you havent tried it. Originally Posted by pmdelites
yes you are describing sounds, there very intense but in a good way. im seeking those that offer it. hottest vid i saw near this type of play was a woman was inserting her finger and thrusting it hard and deep in the guys ureathra. it was hott!!!!!!
pmdelites's Avatar
i dont think it was sounds. there wasnt anything attached to the rod.
sounds are 1 piece
not me
Arverni's Avatar
I had a friend who spent two years in a Japanese POW camp.

His captors tortured him by doing this ... and quite often. Till the day he died, he possessed an unmitigated and scathing rage against Japan and it's people.

No thanks.
houston_switch's Avatar
Had a cath once... the pain of removal will always be a bad memory... could not do this kind of play...
i dont think it was sounds. there wasnt anything attached to the rod. Originally Posted by pmdelites
The sounds I've seen don't have anything at the end. They are just one quit long piece.

sounds are 1 piece Originally Posted by maxemus48
They are, but a set has multiple different guages / sizes.
Averni: Don't blame your friend one bit. Sorry he has passed before you could tell him for me how much I appreciate his valor and sacrifice for all of us.

Sounds do intrigue me. I would NEVER try it alone or with someone who wasnt an expert on it. But... Something draws me to that flame...
Just added the Urethral Sound kit to my wishlist.
I have done this with Mistress Strictland. I must tell you,it can be very mentally intense. But, I did not find it painful. The physical sensations seemed rather limited. Ms. Strictland combined it with electro torture and it was truly a mind f---.

Now, I believe that Mistress Strictland really knows what she is doing. Also, there were a ton of other sensations going on. She knew I was not really into pain; more of a sensation junkie. I am certain she played accordingly. If I had not trusted her completely, I probably would have declined this activity. I still cringe thinking about it. I guess that is part of the mind f---.

Now, one time she had the electro torture going on and my whole body started vibrating. That was a trip; physically and mentally intense. Upon watching me "vibrate" she decided to "turn it down." Of course I was already in sub-space.

Damn. I have not seen her in several years. I may need a visit.

does it delay ejaculating? I don't have a penis, but I'm assuming it would be painful.
i guess this falls under s & m.
that's staying in, even if you could put in . it would have to have barbs like a fish hook!!
ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
No, more like:

I did not cum with the sound inserted. Not sure how that would work.