Good advice for clueless people...

tiggold's Avatar
I have been known to flash boobies while passing other cars....

seriously...i am just trying trying to get from point A to point B ...SAFELY SO i WOULD JUST APPRECIATE people drive correctly or move the hell over and get outta my way!

Originally Posted by berkleigh

Berkliegh Flashing or Mooning would get anyone's attention. and might cause an accident, traffic Jams, and accidents. But it might be worth it to see her T or A...
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I have been known to flash boobies while passing other cars....

seriously...i am just trying trying to get from point A to point B ...SAFELY SO i WOULD JUST APPRECIATE people drive correctly or move the hell over and get outta my way!

Originally Posted by berkleigh
You could just wave your starfish at them!!

PODarkness's Avatar
Quote: "I push and immediately lifts my car up and over the dumbass who drives slow in the passing lane."

Thank you berkleigh for calling it by it's correct name. Part of the problem is most people just think "right lane - left lane".

My advice to the clueless?
It's not the left lane. It's the passing lane. If you are not passing someone, that's not your lane.
We'll never get an Autobahn for Christmas until people stop calling it "the left lane".
RealBeer285's Avatar
On the Autobahn, you will rarely see anyone just cruising in the passing lane. If you are not in the act of passing, you had better be in the far right lane, if not, you can get a ticket.

The only time I saw behavior like that here is when I was driving an unmarked pickup with a rocket launcher proudly mounted in the bed.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 03-05-2010, 04:55 PM
On the Autobahn, you will rarely see anyone just cruising in the passing lane. Originally Posted by RealBeer285
Driving in Germany is a wonderful experience. It could be the same here if there was ticketing of passing lane hogs.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
On the Autobahn, you will rarely see anyone just cruising in the passing lane. If you are not in the act of passing, you had better be in the far right lane, if not, you can get a ticket... Originally Posted by RealBeer285
If you're out there and happen to encounter "some" drivers and their vehicles....They'll let you know you don't belong there in no uncertain terms.

They have rally light packages on their cars. They will roll up in your six, hit the lights, and fry the hair on the back of your neck.
flexywun's Avatar
Berkliegh Flashing or Mooning would get anyone's attention. and might cause an accident, traffic Jams, and accidents. But it might be worth it to see her T or A... Originally Posted by tiggold
i think you are right; we have enough wrecks caused by idiot drivers like it is. i think it was just a Freudian slip on my part.
berkleigh's Avatar
Watch out....I am in town and I might be flashing on highway near you
berkleigh's Avatar
Quote: "I push and immediately lifts my car up and over the dumbass who drives slow in the passing lane."

Thank you berkleigh for calling it by it's correct name. Part of the problem is most people just think "right lane - left lane".

My advice to the clueless?
It's not the left lane. It's the passing lane. If you are not passing someone, that's not your lane.
We'll never get an Autobahn for Christmas until people stop calling it "the left lane". Originally Posted by PODarkness
That means get the fuck outta the passing lane if you are driving under 60 because others need to get to their destination! I can't stand that considering how many hours a week I spend driving.
ocho cinco's Avatar
When you see a cop across the freeway shooting radar on the other side of a 4 foot high concrete wall there is no need to slam on your fucking breaks.... I'm no rocket scientist, but I don't think the local pd's have any patrol cars with the ability to jump over walls in pursuit of you naughty speeders...
RichYoungbuck4u's Avatar
When you see a cop across the freeway shooting radar on the other side of a 4 foot high concrete wall there is no need to slam on your fucking breaks.... I'm no rocket scientist, but I don't think the local pd's have any patrol cars with the ability to jump over walls in pursuit of you naughty speeders... Originally Posted by ocho cinco

Thank you!

Also... be courtious enough to flash your brights during the day once you passed a "revenue gererator" on the opposite side of the highway to let your fellow citizens heading that way to know to slow down. You may be helping out any of our fellow providers on the site by saving the $$+ dollars for them.
When you see a cop across the freeway shooting radar on the other side of a 4 foot high concrete wall there is no need to slam on your fucking breaks.... I'm no rocket scientist, but I don't think the local pd's have any patrol cars with the ability to jump over walls in pursuit of you naughty speeders... Originally Posted by ocho cinco
Unless they radio the waiting cop motorcycle about 500 feet ahead of you.
Thank you!

Also... be courtious enough to flash your brights during the day once you passed a "revenue gererator" on the opposite side of the highway to let your fellow citizens heading that way to know to slow down. You may be helping out any of our fellow providers on the site by saving the $$+ dollars for them. Originally Posted by RichYoungbuck4u
I would never do that. I'm sick and tired of cars with radar detectors passing me at 85 when there's heavy traffic and everyone else is going 60-65. They need to slow their stupid asses down. Save the infantile racer boy fantasy for the open road. SW
PODarkness's Avatar
I would never do that. I'm sick and tired of cars with radar detectors passing me at 85 when there's heavy traffic and everyone else is going 60-65. They need to slow their stupid asses down. Save the infantile racer boy fantasy for the open road. SW Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Just a couple questions.

- If everyone is doing 60-65, but there is enough room for racer boys with radar detectors to do 85, I assume you are doing the speed you are comfortable with, and the racer boys are not effecting your speed, so why do you care?

- I don't see flow of traffic in DFW slowing to 60 - 65 except at rush hour, when 85 is is not possible. My observation is that 70-80 is more realistic. Where are you driving?

- Quote "Save the infantile racer boy fantasy for the open road."
Any place that allows me to do 85 seems pretty open to me. What do you consider to be an open road, and where can I find one?

- Quote "I like to get in the far left hand lane and set the cruise on a nice, safe, relaxing 45mph.

After all, evceryone knows that you shouln't drive fast when steering with your knees, as I usually am.

How else can I properly apply mascara, lipstick, comb my hair, text, and check my emails???

Silly people-often they flash their lights at me and give me the finger as they pass-I just smile and wave or blow them a kiss."

I thought this earlier post was humor, but now I'm not so sure.
I drive fast.
I have been driving this way since the year you were born, and I've never hit anything bigger than a curb.
I have never understood why this bothers people. I do not slalom through traffic. I do not cut people off. I am more likely than the average driver to let someone go in front of me. When I see an accident, I stop to see if anyone needs help. I carry a fire extinguisher in my car for such occasions. When there is nobody in front of me, 85 - 90 mph is common, and 100 isn't surprising.

Seriously, what is it that you have a problem with?

On the other hand, thank you for the "infantile racer boy" comment. It takes 20 years off my image.
hwygnome's Avatar
Do not make me slow from 70 down to 30 its ridiculous and not safe.

By the way...this is all in fun. Please don't get hateful or make it personal against anyone in particular..thanks Originally Posted by reese foster
Somebody did that to me and a few others today while trying to go from the left lane to the exit ramp three lanes over.

I tried to not make it hateful just like Ms Foster asked. If you take it personal than maybe thats your sign to get a clue.

Any place that allows me to do 85 seems pretty open to me. What do you consider to be an open road, and where can I find one?

I have never understood why this bothers people. I do not slalom through traffic. I do not cut people off. I am more likely than the average driver to let someone go in front of me. When I see an accident, I stop to see if anyone needs help. I carry a fire extinguisher in my car for such occasions. When there is nobody in front of me, 85 - 90 mph is common, and 100 isn't surprising. Originally Posted by PODarkness
I see people doing 85 going past me on a number of DFW roads when they probably should not. If you do that kind of stuff responsibly than nobody should have a problem. I don't care if somebody does 100 out in the middle of nowhere like I have done in the past but have slowed down when coming upon traffic so as to not have any surprises. Once there is a speed difference of 15mph or more the chances of having a demo derby go up. We all know a bunch of race cars can go around a race track at 200mph but if just one slows down 5mph in a pack of cars it wrecks havoc on everybody behind him. Its when people do it while trying to pass me from a lane that, oops, just disappeared even though you had a least 15 seconds of warning that right lane was going to go bye bye. The last two people trying the slide by almost ended up with a skinny car. People who use the other vehicles on the road as cones for the slalom course as they race past. I have a number of times almost turned some import street racers into a pile of junk because I could not keep up with all of the lane changes while trying to get the hell out of the way of one only to almost flatten another.

Two weeks ago I almost had a suburban PIT(think cop car spining a car out) itself on me and then I would have sent it rolling over down the tollway if I had not jinked and jabbed the brakes so it could get by because it suddenly did not want to be in the left lane where it should have stayed. But no it wanted to be in the center lane with me before it had gone past me.

And when I am in the left lane going slower than you does not mean I am holding you back on purpose, it means some dipwad is slowing me down. And of course your in too much of a hurry to let me move over into a slower lane so you can see it for yourself and for me to get out of your way. BUT NO, you just have to go around honking and flipping me off and you almost run into the cars in front of us. And I can't help it that for some reason cars I try to pass just like to sit in my shadow or maybe they like the movie I am watching and want to watch it as we go down the road so I can't change lanes unless I shove them over a lane.

For those who type by wondering all over the road put the phone down, aim your eyes out, make sure the brain is in drive, and at least put one hand on the wheel so that I at least think that you are in control of your vehicle.

To all the clueless and selfless people driving beware. I won't get out of your way only to cause another accident. I will just let your dumb ass buy another car and pay to repaint the clown car. Why? Because I will let you hit me.

PS: you can ask the guy in Austin that was doing 75 while the rest of us were doing 60 all about it. He was able to drive away but he lost that encounter hands down. And pissed off his insurance company to boot.

YES I need to get laid. The last three attempts did not happen.