my testosterone levels are back baby

SpiceItUp's Avatar
Dhea is snake oil, cite some large randomized placebo controlled studies that show it raises testosterone in men. People have claimed all kinds of crazy uses for DHEA from cancer prevention to anti aging in men and women.

It's been well studied and debunked years ago.

Nice sales pitch though guys, how much kickback do you get?

Oh btw, with decent insurance Androgel costs $30/month. Testosterone Cypionate shots those cost $10 for 2.5 month supply of 200mg per shot which is a high dose for TRT. With ZERO insurance shots would cost $100 for 2.5 months. That's 40/month.

Not exactly super expensive
SpiceItUp's Avatar
So much garbage bodybuilder "bro science" being spouted here it's ridiculous.

Not everyone's estrogen rises to a point where they need an "estrogen blocker"

Again, just cite some studies which prove your claims about DHEA.
As with everything in life, this product MAY NOT be what you are expecting it to be. It did absolutely NOTHING for me. After 2 months of this stuff all I have to show for it is a rash on my shoulders. Buyer beware.

its 100% legit. you will not only feel a difference on this stuff after a week or two but you will also notice fat loss.

unlike androgel it also contains an anti-estrogen and a fat burner. your libido is going to shoot through the roof on this stuff.

give it a shot my friend. Originally Posted by joesmo888
I absolutely love RS transaderm. my sex drive is insane on this stuff!!

to the guys bashing me, bash all you want. I really don't care, don't have time for jealous internet people. my gf is half my age and I've got a 4 pack thanks to this stuff now. when you can claim that as well then you can talk trash to me.

So much garbage bodybuilder "bro science" being spouted here it's ridiculous.

Not everyone's estrogen rises to a point where they need an "estrogen blocker"

Again, just cite some studies which prove your claims about DHEA. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
how come every post you make on here is attacking in nature? you need to get laid more. people like you I feel sorry for bitter, bitter, bitter, jealous, jealous, jealous.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
How come 28 of your 54 posts are related to this same bullshit? Oh wait nevermind that's obvious.

Those of us not getting kickbacks are still waiting for those studies proving your claims.

joesmo888's Avatar
^^^you are confusing DHEA tablets that you buy at the store with this product.

its like argueing that androgel or testim do not work. these are not DHEA tablets you buy from vitamin shoppe, this is an actual gel that you put on your body that absorbs into the body. also no one claimed that DHEA creams help with cancer, you are just trying to troll

Henry post up your bloodwork and I'm sure it will show everyone what this stuff does. if you don't have a scanner just take a pic with your phone and upload it on here. black out your name and personal info!! lol
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Anecdotal accounts mean nothing, cite the large randomized placebo controlled studies that prove your claims regarding DHEA in general regardless of delivery method.

Then, cite the studies showing transdermal delivery efficacy vs tablets as you seem to be making a new claim now

Then we can look at the amounts of DHEA contained in this magic lotion you are selling so we can determine if enough makes it into your system to even do anything, even if both of your previous claims are true, which in think we both know they aren't.

What happened to your own sig line Joe? The one that used to have a kickback program link to some other test booster supplement?

You shills crack me up!

Shill #1: "Hey Shill #2 tell us about that great new magic lotion you are using"

Shill #2: "Oh man yeah this stuff is amazing. I went from a zero to a hero thanks to this! Thanks for asking Shill #1!"

Give me a break
It took me a few days to figure out how to get these pics up on my computer, I ended up just using my digital camera and attaching the files to my desktop. then I had to re-size them because it wouldn't let me attach so I had to figure that all out too.. finally I used tinypic and it worked.

the first results I was at 81-200 area, this was back in July. very low even for a guy like me who is in his 60's. the 2nd result was after 2 months on RS transaderm. my testosterone levels jumped up into the 500's which is very good for someone my age, and the 3rd is after 4 months where my levels are in the 900's which is great even for a horny teen. They are now at 700+ area which is where my doc wants me at. Also notice my other bloods are also in line which means I have become healthier on this stuff as well.

I hope this makes the naysayers happy otherwise I'm not sure what else I can do besides have sex with you to prove this stuff works. (I think spiceitup would like that) Also I am not a shill for anybody, I am retired and have been for 12 years. I worked my ass off in the military for 20+ years so please don't insult my intregrity. if you don't like the product send it back and get your refund, if you never tried the product then give it a shot.. that's all I will tell you

Labcorp July results before using.

Final results from Qwest below in November. I am now using 5 squirts per day maintenance to keep my libido high and I feel 100% better. My doc wanted me to back off so I am only doing 4 squirts per day and maintaining 700 Testosterone levels instead of being over 900 which is too hot for a guy my age.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
No offense but all your pics show is that someone had some tests run and that they are posted in ascending order of testosterone value. For all we know that's 3 different people's results. Or maybe the last one posted (with 971 total T) was the first sample taken like 15 years ago and the first one posted (with 81 total T) was the most recent.

Or, maybe the person whose test results you depict is also injecting Testosterone, or has some medical condition for which they are receiving treatment which has the ancillary effect of raising T.

Hell I could show you pics of my last 3 cholesterol tests and claim that it went down because I've been getting regular blowjobs. Turns out I've also been working out, eating clean, and have lost 30 lbs.

This is why anecdotal "evidence" is worthless, its both a small sample size and uncontrolled. Please cite some large randomized placebo controlled studies proving your claims. DHEA has been around a long time and has been well studied. Here's an example from the New England Journal of Medicine which was a 2 year placebo controlled randomized study the results of which directly contradict your claims. Nair KS, Rizza RA, O'Brien P, et al. DHEA in elderly women and DHEA or testosterone in elderly men. N Engl J Med. 2006;355:1647-59.

Forgive my skepticism, you see I'm a critical thinker by nature. So I'm naturally suspicious when I see two guys going back and forth with each other in multiple threads about supplements with dubious scientific basis. Especially when they both appear to be shills for the supplement company whose products are the only ones they discuss.

A fool and his money are soon parted, I'm sure your not so subtle sales pitch will work on some desperate dullards out there.

I look forward to your upcoming meta-analysis of the scientific literature. I won't hold my breath.
Back when I was in the army we would have our own ways of dealing with bullies. Having said that here ya go spicey. I wrote a little something on the test results, now tell me that they aren't mine. LOL! Are you upset a 60 year old has higher test levels than you? well don't be. they were 81 before I got this stuff..

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-31-2013, 12:13 PM
I have no reason to question (or believe) your test scores. However....

Posting it once or twice as a public service to guys with a similar problem, fine--thank you for your useful info.

Making it the subject of so many posts--and having it in your signature line--makes it seem like an intentional infomercial. It may not be, but you certainly make folks think that. And the more they reply, the longer they keep it at the top of the stack. (I was going to post this a while back, but waited until it was at the top already so as not to bump it). I'm glad it worked for you, but talk about dead horses....
SpiceItUp's Avatar

I must admit that your crude response elicited a chuckle Shill #1
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
It sounds like your game is up, Henry.
I followed a google link to here and I have been having the same exact problems myself with low libido, low testostserone problems. I did my homework on this stuff and I know ruthless is an excellent company, been around for years. plus its a 100% money back guarantee so how the heck can I go wrong? I plan on hobbying next month and travelling the entire New England area for work and the providers up here are HOT HOT HOT so I want to take full advantage.

I'm ordering a couple bottles of this stuff, if I can get my Test levels even close to yours Henry I will be a happy camper! thanks for the recommendation!