Ben Carson needs to learn to lie.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Can you please quote the verse(Sura) from the Koran that states what you have stated above?
Islam or the Koran doesn't say any of what you stated- you are like most people here are ignorant to Islam- mainly falsifies by the Zionist own media. Actually Shariah law isn't mentioned in the Koran- they all come from the Hadiths- which are "supposed" to be the spoken words of Muhammad and like all things that man get their hands- words and meanings get twisted to fit someone's beliefs- just like I stated earlier that most people think that Islam requires women to cover their faces- in fact it doesn't- that was a man made custom belief that many arabs followed- but no where is it mentioned or required by the Koran.
I wonder how Dr.Carson feels about muslims who serve in the military and who have died defending this nation?
Also, if Dr.Carson or any of you republicans want to play the religious card- compare how Jews view Christianity/Jesus versus how muslims view Christianity/Jesus.
Jews regard Jesus as a false prophet and a blasphemer- Islam regard Jesus as a great prophet and even support the virgin birth. In fact, you can research if you like Jesus name is mentioned in the Koran more times than Muhammad and Islam regard Virgin Mary as the most blessed woman that has ever lived- ask DSK his thoughts on Jesus/Virgin Mary. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
fuck you lair. you aren't religious because you are a liar. even if you really are a "born again christian" what you really are is a hypocrite liar whore monger.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Apparently you care if you keep commenting on my posts you stupid old fuck. You ever heard the expression- who is the bigger fool? the fool or the one who follows the fool? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I called you on your game months ago, asshole. You're a tiny dicked prick, who needs to find a new home. Go away.
you couldn't win a game of checkers against a low grade moron. no one's going to believe you. no one's going to come forward claiming they were in on it either. now of course you are a complete liar. but we knew that already.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So I guess WE got rejected by his "LIE-yer" about getting his money back and now WE has to spew some BS about how it was all a game that he was playing on everyone here. Typical lying lib. When caught, deny, deny, deny ! ( I did NOT .....) He must be a relative of Shrillary or Slick Willy or odummer. He lies and crawfishes so easily .