Political Discussions?

Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
Just one other thought and I will move away from the keyboard:

If you decide to have a separate place for political, economic and social condition discussions (regardless of whether these are banished from D&T or not) I think Chica is very astute in suggesting: "you go in there, you fend for yourself."

If you step on your dick or your labia, you better exit or deal with the backlash.

Also, if you decide to make a place like that, could you perhaps consider not calling it a SANDBOX?

Sorry, maybe that is just me. We just had an issue here in my hometown about feral cats shitting and pissing in all the public park sandboxes and beach volleyball courts. I am afraid that mental picture is a bit too ironic and indelible.

Okay, moving away from the computer now as promised. I don't want the very elegant, beautiful, and sophisticated Ansley to click the switch on me during the postal pre-screening process.

Think of it this way...

Remember the movie Escape From New York? Where the island of Manhattan is completely sealed off and all of the criminals are contained within and left on their own? Well I believe a Political Forum would be pretty much the same thing. Let's face it, threads about political topics almost always turn into, as one rather unique individual of the old ASPD days would say, monkey shit fights. We have all seen such results especially in the Houston and Austin forums. I would prefer that the political threads be isolated in one place. That way the monkey shit is contained and and it stains only those who willingly want to wear it. Originally Posted by Mokoa
If you want to see what a "political" forum can become, go to Amazon (yes, the dot com), find the political forum. You'd swear that Karl Marx himself had declared Adam Smith an enemy of "the People". But you'll find out who the true nutjobs are quickly enough.
Black Sedan's Avatar
So, is that a majority request to withdraw the request for a new political forum? Perhaps we should start a poll! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
As if it would be up for a vote.

I think there was some strong consensus to separate it off, and let the monkey shit tossing get its own sandbox. Except from CT, but hey, he's always throwing the monkey shit anyway. *(but we love him for fighting the fight)*

No harm in trying, and seeing if it sticks.

I'd volunteer to moderate it under relaxed rules (no personal attacks), but 1 isn't enough for proper coverage.
i think thay should ad a politic forum right?
I think there was some strong consensus to separate it off, and let the monkey shit tossing get its own sandbox. Except from CT, but hey, he's always throwing the monkey shit anyway. *(but we love him for fighting the fight)* Originally Posted by Black Sedan
Let me chime in here for a second, as I have some first-hand experience with this topic. As everyone knows, political discussions quickly get out of hand, because 99% of people who are involved are simply not capable of discussing these things like adults. Because of this fact, I belong to another forum where we decided to have a 'fenced in' area just for the monkey shit throwing for all the apes to play in, as you guys are talking about. And do you know what? Nobody posted there, and let me tell you why...

Those who like to throw monkey shit don't like to throw it at each other. After all, what fun is that? They'd rather throw it at people who wish to not be involved in a fecal dart-throwing contest. In other words, for people who like to shove their political views down other people's throats, it's not enough to have a place where they can chat (or rather shout) with others as closed-minded as they are; they'd rather do it out in the open, as to make the rest of us miserable. Eventually, the apes will get tired of their little fenced in area, and these discussions will eventually start to spill over into the regular forums again.

So, what did we do about this situation? We pretty much banned all political/religious topics, as I believe happened on ASPD as well. It's the only way to keep the peace. Trying to find a place to put these topics is like trying to decide in what area of a pond you want to keep some piranhas, so to try and keep the other fish from being eaten. It just doesn't work.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
D&T forum has always done politics and most likely always will.

Shit throwers get scolded by the other monkeys and if that doesn't work we administer points.