Obama’s policy strategy: Ignore laws

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  • WTF
  • 06-18-2012, 08:25 PM
Congress has the authority to write law; the president does not. Obama is operating outside the law. He should be impeached and removed from office. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Get the Tea Nuts to try and impeach him. See how that works out in the political arena.

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  • WTF
  • 06-18-2012, 08:26 PM
WTF, the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government is not a "political animal". It exist for only one reason -- to enforce U.S. laws and regulations.

No one has mentioned Odumbo's "choosing" not to enforce DOMA.

And no one has mentioned Odumbo's "choosing" not to enforce extant gun control laws as the DOJ promulgated "Fast and Furious". Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B, I know you are not naive, so I am not sure where you are going with this?

What Obama did was pure politics.

I think he was already going to get the 270 delegates he needed but after outflanking Mitt on this issue, I think he just clinched it. Gas would have to shoot up to 5 dollars, I do not see that happening.

Argue all you want about the right or wrong of it.My point is that from a political standpoint, it was brilliant. Bush understood that you need the Hispanic vote win. So Mitt has two choices. Piss off the Tea Nuts and lose or stick with the Tea Nuts and lose. Newt and Perry were the only one's that could have peeled off some Mexician Americans voters.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, Congress has the authority, but who is really helping Congress writing the laws.. Originally Posted by SITTINGONSTAR
What ARE you talking about?
What ARE you talking about? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The lobbyist
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-18-2012, 09:16 PM
Get the Tea Nuts to try and impeach him. See how that works out in the political arena.

Originally Posted by WTF
IMPEACH, and IMPRISON, the WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING group of COCKSUCKERS. I don't give a flying fuck what party they are with... GOD DAMMIT I'm FUCKING PISSED OFF...

I B, I know you are not naive, so I am not sure where you are going with this?

What Obama did was pure politics.

I think he was already going to get the 270 delegates he needed but after outflanking Mitt on this issue, I think he just clinched it. Gas would have to shoot up to 5 dollars, I do not see that happening.

Argue all you want about the right or wrong of it.My point is that from a political standpoint, it was brilliant. Bush understood that you need the Hispanic vote win. So Mitt has two choices. Piss off the Tea Nuts and lose or stick with the Tea Nuts and lose. Newt and Perry were the only one's that could have peeled off some Mexician Americans voters. Originally Posted by WTF
Yea but WTF, he just pissed off a good portion of the black vote, and a bigger portion of the white voters that did vote for him before...!!!!! Don't think so this is another fantastic idea just like the war on women and the gay marriage deal, he just shot himself in his limp impotent dick...fuck him and all his minions...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There's a lot of time left. The loser will be whoever shoots himself in the foot last.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-18-2012, 09:41 PM
Absolutley correct COG. And with oscuminables track record, I think he's FUCKED...LMFAO
I B Hankering's Avatar
I B, I know you are not naive, so I am not sure where you are going with this? Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo is governing by fiat. It's not within Odumbo's prerogative to 'announce' he is not going to enforce laws legitimately passed into law by Congress and previous presidents. Constitutionally, only new legislation or judicial rulings can effect such a change.

What Obama did was pure politics. Originally Posted by WTF
Alot of my installers got in on the Reagan amnesty. They have nephews that were 3 or 5 years old back then. Their parents did not get the amnesty. For what ever reason. Those kids today are 20 years old or so. They get a DWI, go to jail for a couple of months, get deported on Friday. Their uncle has them back to work by the next Wednesday. Everytime. These boys are like our sons. They speak perfect English and they know the system. The kids in his amnesty do not have a criminal record, he says. I do not know what the answer is but Mooches Husband did it for VOTES and he's a pc of shit...
Illegals have more rights than we do. It's a travesty.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-18-2012, 10:09 PM
Illegals have more rights than we do. It's a travesty. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Yep, and we are all footing the bills
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  • WTF
  • 06-19-2012, 07:58 AM
Odumbo is governing by fiat. It's not within Odumbo's prerogative to 'announce' he is not going to enforce laws legitimately passed into law by Congress and previous presidents. Constitutionally, only new legislation or judicial rulings can effect such a change.

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Two choices:

1) Impeach him.
2) Vote him out.

I doubt they do number one and I have already stated that I think this will win him the election. Mitt will not get enough of the Latino vote to get to 270.

What do you think Jeb Bush and Karl Rove have been trying to tell these Tea Nuts?
wow ... ignore immigration laws

since when is this anything new ??

hahahahahahaha Originally Posted by CJ7
Um, ya no. Not enforcing because of social, fiscal and resource pressures is significantly different than the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GETTING UP IN FRONT OF THE WHOL NATION – NO WORLD – AND SAYING HE KNOWS HE’S BREAKING THE LAW; HE JUST DOESN’T CARE. Big, big difference. HE’S TRYING TO BUY HISPANIC VOTES. If he wasn’t, like any sensible criminal, he’s have broken the law quietly and hoped no one noticed. Duh!

boy, thats a stretch of your senile imagination

I didnt say I supported anything Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes you did. You implied that since everyone has been “breaking” immigration laws – specifically the illegal immigrants – that everyone should go about publicly stating - and then doing it - that they intend to break the law. Not even George - fucking - Bush had that much audacity, but then I don't guess George II ever had the Audacity to Hope or wrote several books while he was being paid to be a senator and vote "present".

I will take a stand. I don't think the President should break the law for political gain. Call me an extremist, but that is what I think. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And you’re so sexy when you’re taking a stand! I guess we’re both extremists. I also guess that Obama is just a dumb criminal. Like who announces – “Listen up, I’m fixing to break the law. Thank you for your vote and benefiting the Democratic Party.”
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  • WTF
  • 06-19-2012, 09:07 AM
WE are all political animials...we pick and choose what laws we obey and break.

For instance...

Last I check fucking for money was aganist the law...but we all do it.

So a big fuck you to all you titty babies that are just not realizing that politics is in fact political. Originally Posted by WTF
Worth repeating.

WE all pick and choose just what laws we want to see the government enforce.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-19-2012, 09:43 AM
Emporer oscuminable.. what an obnoxious cocksucker. He's trying his best to fuck all us hard working folks in the ass... well this november HE'S getting a freshly creosoted railroad tie jammed up his ass. He should then be brought up on treason and imprisoned, for his crimes against american citizens. He and his whole fucking group of fellow cocksuckers.. Originally Posted by seedman55
You get 'em Seedman! Loved your post. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Got steroids feeding your Hillary bitterness i see.

Um, ya no. Not enforcing because of social, fiscal and resource pressures is significantly different than the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GETTING UP IN FRONT OF THE WHOL NATION – NO WORLD – AND SAYING HE KNOWS HE’S BREAKING THE LAW; HE JUST DOESN’T CARE. Big, big difference. HE’S TRYING TO BUY HISPANIC VOTES. If he wasn’t, like any sensible criminal, he’s have broken the law quietly and hoped no one noticed. Duh!

Yes you did. You implied that since everyone has been “breaking” immigration laws – specifically the illegal immigrants – that everyone should go about publicly stating - and then doing it - that they intend to break the law. Not even George - fucking - Bush had that much audacity, but then I don't guess George II ever had the Audacity to Hope or wrote several books while he was being paid to be a senator and vote "present".

And you’re so sexy when you’re taking a stand! I guess we’re both extremists. I also guess that Obama is just a dumb criminal. Like who announces – “Listen up, I’m fixing to break the law. Thank you for your vote and benefiting the Democratic Party.” Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.