Recline or not?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Harebrain! Originally Posted by bigtex
FTFY - no charge.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
why would I need a stump Slobbrin?
One time I sat next to Carolyn Farb on a flight from Houston to Phoenix. She had got bumped off first class and was not happy. My 16 month old son was on my lap and she was miserable because of this... fuck her... LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Oh, you were the guy she said fuck that idiot and his brat as she got off the plane. Wondered who she meant.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see there have been at least two physical altercations on airliners in the past week relating to a passenger's use of the seat recline feature. Good.

I am 6'2", 195 lbs. and have to suppress a nearly irresistible urge to bash anybody who is sitting in front of me on an airplane who reclines their seat into my lap. It is absolutely beyond me why airlines still allow this feature on their airplanes. We are crammed into tiny little seats with inadequate leg and arm room anyway and then the person in front of us can recline their seat until it is almost touching the tip of my nose? It is bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage

Does this really have to be explained? Money! The more people you can get on a plane without being charged with crimes against humanity, the more money you make.
Oh, you were the guy she said fuck that idiot and his brat as she got off the plane. Wondered who she meant. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Yea, that was me... ur'a carolyn