
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Enderwiggin wrote that......scroll up....
What makes you think I don't, email and text that is....? You know what they say about assumptions...

Don't bring P411 into this, leave in on HD....It's all there well and clear..

It's your money, spend it how you like....

What agenda....I did not even start this thread!!! Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
To start with, I never suggested or implied that you didn't e-mail/text/fax/send smoke signals/etc. I was addressing your original post asking how long is a reasonable amount of time to take for screening. If you thought my comment applied to you, that's your issue. I didn't intend it that way.

I only brought up P411 because this thread was asking about screening. As P411 is a widely used screening tool and the one I use most often, its logical that their service would come up. Also, as many providers are comfortable seeing a hobbyist who has abundant "OKs" from known and reputable providers without calling each of them up to double-check, its possible to get screened through P411 in minutes. I can personally testify to that fact. That seems to me to be applicable to the original topic of this thread.

You, sofia, were the one who brought up a single instance of fake pics being used by a single provider on P411. What that has to do with the topic, I'll never know, but you brought it up. I don't know (and don't want to know) what your beef is with P411, but whenever they are mentioned in a thread, you immediately begin injecting negative commentary. That's the personal agenda I was referring to...

Am I wasting my time explaining this?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Paul will be managing the co-op, unless he hires someone (not I). I'm sure you will get along with him fine
boardman's Avatar
At some point it would be nice if the provider/agency at least acknowledged the request to get screened. I've had a request outstanding for a week now with no response and no idea why.

It has been a tough transition from the old days but I am getting to a point where I have provider references. It would be great if I can put them to use.

How long is too much for screening. Is an 8 hour verification too long, seeing as how we contact other ladies for a reference? We can not control how long ittakes others to reply, just keep at it.

Did you do this on P411 as well? Contact the ladies that OK's the guest if you did not know the provider first hand?

Do you think hobbyist understand of we have a mitigating circumstance and can not get back as soon as you like. Mitigating circumstances that take place yearly or so....Like an accident....Not the proverbial last minute car accident on the way to hid place but on the screening process?

Has this ever happened to you.....What do you do to pacify them...We can't exactly show our police reports online without "outing" ourselves....

What would your solution be to this matter? Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

Are you serious? You run an agency and do not have your screening and client response policies down already?

dearhunter's Avatar
Paul will be managing the co-op, unless he hires someone (not I). I'm sure you will get along with him fine Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
So, what is Paul's hobby handle on this board?

We know he has one...........zebra's don't change their stripes.
and how many handles does he have access to?
notanewbie's Avatar
"Hello sofieofhouston, how may we help you?"

allofamber's Avatar
That's why new cleints should book 24 hours in advance..that have a full day to contact his referecnes...

While regualrs only have to give a 2 hr notice for appointments...they already went through the hard stuff...
dearhunter's Avatar
and how many handles does he have access to? Originally Posted by cpi3000
How could you even thinck such a thought?
I'd never give any personal information to you for screening, screening is a matter of trust and I don't believe you can be trusted from the drama, alerts and your rants
on the board.
notanewbie's Avatar
there you go again, another logically thinking hater.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I'd never give any personal information to you for screening, screening is a matter of trust and I don't believe you can be trusted from the drama, alerts and your rants
on the board.
mike Originally Posted by maybedick
No one asked you for anything. You see YOU have to inquire first...Then if you feel your last 2 providers are "personal information" by all means keep that info to yourself.............
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Are you serious? You run an agency and do not have your screening and client response policies down already?

Wow.... Originally Posted by cpi3000
Are you serious? You don't understand that businesses evolve and change tempered by the many variables that arise?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Oh, no! Those two are falling in love! Originally Posted by The One and Only
I did a search on your posts and they all seem antagonizing. You went all the way up to Diamonds and Tuxedos to try to start a nasty thread but they laughed you off...I Wonder who gets off on antagonizing other people to argue and is Well knoWn for it?

Here's the deal.
Everyone is screened differently, almost all providers have their own methods. If we met you at a social event or party and got to know you, you may have a much easier time. If you email or pm and use vulgar language you won't get a response. No one wants to play the dirty email game with you. If your an average Joe and you have a reference who is well known you will have an easier time based on what the lady says about you. There are many variables that dictate how your screening goes. There's no "one size fits all" formula. There are some basics we stick to but as things evolve, we change, we adapt. Just like any successful business we have to grow and change with the tide. How can YOU be successful in your business and not know this? No matter what you do, change is the one thing you must adapt to. Unless your part is just to take orders from the decision makers and thinkers.