Still Looking for an actual ALERT pt 1 of 12

guest031812's Avatar -- Followup to this thread of marco throwing more drama my way to take the flame off himself.. (please read #6 on his responses)

Nobody is being harassed by me this is another one of your way to take the flame off of you. If everyone goes back and reads all the threads they will see their is proof your the one sending recruiting with discounts & luring in ladies to come work for you since you seem to be the escorting god.

I have never tried to take anyone from you and never would. I WOULDN'T STOOP THAT LOW LIKE YOU. (I have had many clients PM me asking me "Hey will you get Selena to come work for you & I reply those are not my business practices and I would never do such a thing, MODS can check my inbox"

And really?? 100 per call? I do not and have not ever charged that much, & We just recently got a new Incall location so funny as how you think I do not provide a safe place to work.. Anything you can throw my way again to take the attention off OF YOU!

You say that I don't screen? Thats such baloney. If I am the one who does not screen please tell me why I have never been busted. Guess Neko aka your girlfriend forgets about getting "Abby aka Paige" arrested by sending to her one of her backpage clients who was a undercover COP. She took all the blame for it and got charges on her record because of Neko. You obviously trained her so well...

I am so sick and tired of you bringing me into this to take the blame away from yourself.. You're the liar, you're the manipulator. You still have all these girls paying to use your Incall yet your business is no more? CROCK OF SHIT. You have dug yourself into a whole so deep, All your sob story's from fake accounts just created over the last few days are not going to help you.. Marco saved my life HAH RIGHT marco.. Your living in fantasy land

I really wish you could learn to leave my name and my business out of your mouth. I still have the text where you threatened me. Just leave me alone.. This is your problem NOT MINE.
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 12:42 PM

1. You place ads in the Welcome Wagon and neglect to mention these providers are part of your agency! -Still Looking

YES, I have helped several providers place their intro in the Welcome Wagon section of ECCIE, Are the part of the MINT agency absolutely NOT! -M

2. Neko, Neko, come out where ever you are? Some one is texting hobbyist as if they are the providers. That most certainly is deceitful and a misrepresentation. -Still Looking

No, Neko has no affiliation with me except for the fact that we were fucking for the past 4 years which I am sure ruffled EastBayRay (exBF) feathers. -M

3. You have posted members avatar and a description of the member without there permission. -Still Looking

Gentlemen, let's be fair, like ECCIE and other boards that collect information and make available for research. They too (providers) have a right and now a resource to help them make educated decisions on who to see or not see. It is less intrusive than the descriptions left in ROS portion of most reviews and is NOT a security concern.

"Okay, I can understand why some may have their feathers ruffled by seeing their "handles" populate on a board without their consent - in fact, I can relate. That is how I wound up on ECCIE. A hobbyist wrote a review on me and essentially created an online personality of my actions as a provider. My physical description, demeanor and preferred sexual activities were detailed in said post; all were done without my consent. So again, I can relate" -k lovve

My profile for example: ltn, 36ish, 5ft 7in, 165lbs .. FUCK! .. I just outed myself, MODS can you help edit this? It's not letting me for some reason WTF!

4. Your company offers shitty service! For weeks I tried to see the provider Pearis who is still up on your site. Bait and switch! Don’t bother telling me she exists. I know she does. But are you telling us she is unavailable for weeks at a time! If that’s the case then why the WW ad? Give me a break! -Still Looking

What company? If you are experiencing shitty service take it up with the independents directly. -M

5. You lie to your clients! Your company has represented certain providers know each other when in fact they do not! -Still Looking

Again, what company? If you are experiencing shitty service take it up with the independents directly. -M

6. Your right about the hard working young ladies you have working for you deserving respect! They should go Indy or move to an agency where such poor business practices are not be facilitated! -Still Looking

Your suggestion is send them to AustinGirls? An agency that does not screen, does not provide a safe incall, condones clients requesting unsafe activities and still wants $100 per call WOW! are girls in this biz really this stupid?

Pearis claims to be being harassed by her recruitment tactics. Krissy, she has been MINT Conditioned, soon all of your girls will too. Agency's are no longer required around here. The party is over love. -M

7. You have collected data on your providers. You have turned on utilities in providers names and NOT paid the bill! -Still Looking

TRUE, but complicated, ask Marley Monroe to chime in on this for discussion so we can clear it up. -M

8. Representatives linked to you have solicited providers working for illegitimate agencies, promising the world! Many of these providers have come forward publicly. -Still Looking

You hit the nail on the head there. BeautifulBailey14 did come from an illegitimate agency, and she did come public to say she is now independent. She too, has been MINT Conditioned .. You can reach her direct at 512.586.5700 -M

9. You're piss poor ethics have given reputable agencies a bad rap by association. -Still Looking

reputable agencies? You have my attention ... I'm going to write these down, let's hear it. -M

10. If I wanted to out you, you would be outed! That’s NOT my style! Hard to believe you want people to play by the rules yet you do nothing of the sort! You have a lot of nerve quoting ECCIE rules and policies! Speaking of OUTING, where did you get the information you have published on your site? And how did you get it? -Still Looking

Not your style?...

"I've never dealt with Marco, or any of the ladies in his employ, so I have no idea if he is a douchebag or a prince. But am I the only one perturbed by the fact that multiple people have now posted what is apparently his REAL first name on this board? What, you don't like his business practices so his security is no longer important? Seems to me that this is as bad as anything he is alleged to have done." -Fratelli

After Fratelli points this out, the MODS have since edited title and the numerous other postings SL has made and restored security for now. I appreciate that we are now in agreement that SL is the one outing members. Thank you MODS for your assistance with this security matter.

WTF are you talking about? Marco is NOT your first name. It’s an alias ass hole! Still Looking isn't my name either, it is also an alias! Do you think anyone is buying this bull shit? Nobody gives a shit what your relationship with Neko is! The mods haven't changed a thing in the Alert. -Still Looking

MODS, was the title and many postings edited? I saw it, Fratelli saw it, we all saw it. Members are seeking the truth, they deserve at least that much. -M

11. Your accessing and monitoring the ROS section of the reviews. After sharing this information with the providers you pressure the hobbyist in order to delete or edit the review! Your staff has posted BS reviews!
-Still Looking

I don't have access to ROS directly, several of my loyal clients do. If they notice anything that might jeopardise a girls safety or security then they email me the entire review ROS included. Do you want their names? I aint no snitch ... bitch! -M

12. Lets say, you know nothing about what’s going on. Let’s say you’re removed from the business practices being used by your company! Wouldn't you want to know what other ECCIE members are experiencing while dealing with your organization? Save face, no apology needed, do the right thing. Clean it up and move on! -Still Looking

huh? -M
  • Vyt
  • 10-25-2011, 12:43 PM
MODS can check my inbox Originally Posted by AustinsGurlz
Actually, we can't. The only way mods can read PMs is if they are reported.
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 12:44 PM
MODS, was Still Looking's original title and many postings edited?

Your information is being collected by Marco / (alleged first name)

10. If I wanted to out you, you would be outed! That’s NOT my style! Hard to believe you want people to play by the rules yet you do nothing of the sort! You have a lot of nerve quoting ECCIE rules and policies! Speaking of OUTING, where did you get the information you have published on your site? And how did you get it?
-Still Looking

Not your style?...

"I've never dealt with Marco, or any of the ladies in his employ, so I have no idea if he is a douchebag or a prince. But am I the only one perturbed by the fact that multiple people have now posted what is apparently his REAL first name on this board? What, you don't like his business practices so his security is no longer important? Seems to me that this is as bad as anything he is alleged to have done." -Fratelli

After Fratelli points this out, the MODS have since edited title and the numerous other postings SL has made and restored security for now. I appreciate that we are now in agreement that SL is the one outing members. Thank you MODS for your assistance with this security matter.

WTF are you talking about? Marco is NOT your first name. It’s an alias ass hole! Still Looking isn't my name either, it is also an alias! Do you think anyone is buying this bull shit? Nobody gives a shit what your relationship with Neko is! The mods haven't changed a thing in the Alert. -Still Looking

I saw it, Fratelli saw it, we all saw it. Members are seeking the truth, they deserve at least that much. -M
  • Vyt
  • 10-25-2011, 12:50 PM
MODS, was the title and many postings edited? I saw it, Fratelli saw it, we all saw it. Members are seeking the truth, they deserve at least that much. -M Originally Posted by M!NT
We do not discuss actions taken regarding moderation, but given the fact that members cannot edit their own posts after a given period of time passes, I think people are capable of drawing their own conclusions.

I don't have access to ROS directly, several of my loyal clients do. If they notice anything that might jeopardise a girls safety or security then they email me the entire review ROS included. Do you want their names? I aint no snitch ... bitch! -M Originally Posted by M!NT
You are treading on very dangerous territory here. To quote forum guidelines, which I realize you are aware of since you quoted another earlier:

#20 - The men and women of our board each have their respective private areas in which secure content is posted and a greater freedom of expression allowed. Each member is responsible for keeping the information in any of the private secure areas (Men's Lounge, Provider Powder Room, The Rest of the Story, posts which have been tagged as private) 100% restricted to the members who are intended to have access to that material. Revealing ANY content which was posted in one of the men's or women's private sections of the board will result in penalty, up to and including loss of your access to these areas. Full cooperation may result in a less severe penalty, and each violation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Repeated infractions will impact the severity of punishment.
Are you, in fact, saying you have coerced other members to violate these guidelines and thus the security of this board?
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 12:54 PM
Thank you, and I agree it's pretty clear that SL is reckless with regard to peoples privacy.

We all agree that a general description does not OUT anyone. I have not coerced anyone, some members are just fair like that and feel like everyones secuirity should be respected and protected.

So, what I am asking is it OK to out people in private areas? If not, when it happens what can be done about it if not allowed to discuss in the open with everyone else.
  • Vyt
  • 10-25-2011, 12:58 PM
What I am asking is it OK to out people in private areas? If not, and when it happens what can be done about it? I am not asking for myself but for the girls. Originally Posted by M!NT
It is not. When that happens, it is handled on a case by case basis. While women themselves cannot read the ROS portion of reviews, every review is checked before being approved for credit and if some outing/violation of privacy makes it past that point it is usually reported by other members, most of whom take security very seriously for obvious reasons, quite quickly.

I find it odd that you think members should report security violations to an outside party such as yourself (thus causing another security violation) instead of the moderation team who can actually do something about it.
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 01:14 PM
I would like to surrender my board name M!NT or update it to Marco as a regular member. I will then send these violations to you myself. Fair enough?

Or are you saying that the girls will have to relay on honest members such as "Still Looking" to look out for their best interest and assume because he claims he was given permission it must be true? Because of course, everyone knows he got my permission before posting my real name.

I don't want to jump into the discussion of risque tracking people or still looking outing Marco. Seems like there is enough drama there already. And to be honest, i like Marco and Mint in most of my dealings with him.

But the one issue that seems to be going by without much comment is the pretending to be the provider while texting, it seems needlessly controlling and kind of a crappy thing to do. It's something that some of the lower class "management" of traveling girls seem to do, and usually something that makes me start avoiding a particular person when confirmed, not something i expected out of Marco/Mint.

Recently i texted a provider i thought was independent asking for an appointment. Despite already having exchanged a few PM's here, she asked me to post on the bottom of one of her reviews to prove i was me. I did that thinking, okay, fine she's a new girl, she'll be on p411 soon and get the hang of the screening thing. After seeing the provider, it became obvious that the person texting me was "marco" and that it would have been simpler to screen had i know i was talking to him. And if he had knew it was me earlier, it felt like i was used to bump a particular girls review up that weekend. Also at one point the "provider" also texted me recommending her friend instead, similar to what seemed to happen to "Still Looking"

I'd love to continue using Mint, but if i'm seeing someone from an agency and setting up with a booker, i'd really like that to be clearly defined. I don't really seem the harm in that.

*okay, i'm going back to just lurking and chewing on some popcorn*
harkontume's Avatar
whew... its hard for even a college "edumacated" person to follow.

Mr. Mint
quick questions for the readers clarity.
1. How can you not be in business and yet have Clients who are loyal?
Would some of those "loyal clients" (who really are not clients) stand up?

2. Did you get permission from Baily to post her number?
It is not in her showcase. And per the lady herself she didn't want it published.
If she gave you permission then I offer my apologies.
If not then your concern over the security of "the girls" seems out of place.

These are just two simple questions. Not a Rant!

I so look forward to the Big Nekked Group Hug when all this is resolved.
Still Looking's Avatar
Sarcasm.. ? Originally Posted by zoeyology
Absolutely not, totally sincere.
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 02:14 PM
YES, called bailey, she said that he had been trying to reach me about that. I posted it for her immediately.
Still Looking's Avatar
Marco, by your own admission you have access to the ROS of reviews. I assume you are only concerned about the providers you represent. But regardless, feel free to review every single one of my reviews and PM me a list of what items are violating any provider’s privacy. I will do the very best to have the mods remove it, once I verify the provider objects to the disclosure. I have went back and checked with 14 providers in regard to tattoos and piercings. They had no issues what so ever. The providers once again in several cases thanked me for my review and the business it generated.

I know how busy you must me, but go back and count how many times I have asked you to remove my ECCIE handle and description from your site. If you don't have the time, perhaps your staff can do that for you. This is VERY simple. I contacted four different providers that I deemed as INDY. They in fact were not. They work for your agency. The communication was by text and I was not talking to the provider. Once I established this was the case and I was dealing with an agency, I called you on it. But I still followed through and kept my word and had the Mods delete the items you requested. To date my information is still up on your site. Your agency secured my business under false pretences by posting INDY ads on this site for providers that work for you. Had I knowing done business with you or your agency then that would be my bad. I'm very certain that many members here will think twice before contacting your providers knowing the possibility is there that their ECCIE handle, Avatar and a description of them will be posted on your site. Once again Marco, PLEASE remove my information from your site. Stop placing ads as INDY providers on this site, And you might consider letting clients know you are a handler or booker for the provider. Do the right thing!
Still Looking's Avatar
MODS, was Still Looking's original title and many postings edited?

Your information is being collected by Marco / (alleged first name)

10. If I wanted to out you, you would be outed! That’s NOT my style! Hard to believe you want people to play by the rules yet you do nothing of the sort! You have a lot of nerve quoting ECCIE rules and policies! Speaking of OUTING, where did you get the information you have published on your site? And how did you get it? -Still Looking

Not your style?...

"I've never dealt with Marco, or any of the ladies in his employ, so I have no idea if he is a douchebag or a prince. But am I the only one perturbed by the fact that multiple people have now posted what is apparently his REAL first name on this board? What, you don't like his business practices so his security is no longer important? Seems to me that this is as bad as anything he is alleged to have done." -Fratelli

After Fratelli points this out, the MODS have since edited title and the numerous other postings SL has made and restored security for now. I appreciate that we are now in agreement that SL is the one outing members. Thank you MODS for your assistance with this security matter.

WTF are you talking about? Marco is NOT your first name. It’s an alias ass hole! Still Looking isn't my name either, it is also an alias! Do you think anyone is buying this bull shit? Nobody gives a shit what your relationship with Neko is! The mods haven't changed a thing in the Alert. -Still Looking

I saw it, Fratelli saw it, we all saw it. Members are seeking the truth, they deserve at least that much. -M Originally Posted by M!NT
Can anyone tell me what the hell he is talking about here? Your sig line has Marco! You sign using M- But I'm outing you by titling a thread using the name "Marco"?
Still Looking's Avatar
I would like to surrender my board name M!NT or update it to Marco as a regular member. I will then send these violations to you myself. Fair enough?

Or are you saying that the girls will have to relay on honest members such as "Still Looking" to look out for their best interest and assume because he claims he was given permission it must be true? Because of course, everyone knows he got my permission before posting my real name.

-M Originally Posted by M!NT
This is all about you isn't it? You just continue to ignore the many concerns and issues brought forth by members here and just want mods and members to listen to your rant.