Please Don’t Thank Me for My Service

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  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 02:06 AM

I will thank servicemembers whenever I please, and if they take exception to it, then I will apologize and tell them I'm sorry they feel that way. . Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why the fuck would you patronize them by tell them you feel sorry for the way they feel? Hopefully one will slap you upside your head and tell you he is sorry for the way your condescending head feels.

. Originally Posted by WTF
I don't. Why the fuck didn't you learn to read?

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes, when you do something someone does not care for and then instead of just saying you are sorry, you add that bs about I'm sorry they feel that way. Why the fuck are you being sorry about the way another feels? Especially a Combat Vet. They are allowed to feel any way they want. They damn sure don't need you telling them that you are sorry they feel that they do not care for your so called thanks.
  • DSK
  • 02-23-2015, 05:16 AM
Yes, when you do something someone does not care for and then instead of just saying you are sorry, you add that bs about I'm sorry they feel that way. Why the fuck are you being sorry about the way another feels? Especially a Combat Vet. They are allowed to feel any way they want. They damn sure don't need you telling them that you are sorry they feel that they do not care for your so called thanks. Originally Posted by WTF
You would think after surviving combat they wouldn't be so thin skinned!!
LexusLover's Avatar
You would think after surviving combat they wouldn't be so thin skinned!! Originally Posted by DSK
Especially those who left some "skin" behind. Then, again, some of my close friends still have some loose screws upstairs .... and relate the warning freely.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 08:18 AM
You would think after surviving combat they wouldn't be so thin skinned!! Originally Posted by DSK
Not wanting some chicken hawk who has no skin in the game coming up and bothering them with some faux "Thank you for your service" bullshit is thin skinned? How about signing their kid up to go fight in the war and then actually being able to relate to a combat vet.

Every politician that has a military age kid should have them enrolled in the military and sent to the front to show their support for the troops...then they could thank their own kid for his service.

We should also levy a huge tax on those that call for all these war's to cover the long term cost of those that return home broken.

Yea I can see why Vet's do not want the LexusLover type coming up to them.
  • DSK
  • 02-23-2015, 08:29 AM
Not wanting some chicken hawk who has no skin in the game coming up and bothering them with some faux "Thank you for your service" bullshit is thin skinned? How about signing their kid up to go fight in the war and then actually being able to relate to a combat vet.

Every politician that has a military age kid should have them enrolled in the military and sent to the front to show their support for the troops...then they could thank their own kid for his service.

We should also levy a huge tax on those that call for all these war's to cover the long term cost of those that return home broken.

Yea I can see why Vet's do not want the LexusLover type coming up to them. Originally Posted by WTF
Maybe a huge tax on those who benefit from the wars - like all Americans? Better yet, why not tax the losers of the war?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 09:19 AM
Maybe a huge tax on those who benefit from the wars - like all Americans? Originally Posted by DSK
Those that benefit the most are war related industry...Yes they should pay a huge war tax, imho.

Better yet, why not tax the losers of the war? Originally Posted by DSK
That worked out so well with Germany after WWI
That worked out so well with Germany after WWI[/QUOTE]

At least we learned from the mistakes after WW-1. We turned both Gemany and Japan into a pile of rubble, and then help them rebuild to the point that in a few decades, they were two of the most powerful economic powers on the Planet.

It worked with the old Axis Powers, because the people abandoned their arcane fanatisism. Today, we go in, rid a Country of repression, only to have it replaced by a far greater evil, Islamic Theocracy, where religious zealots call for the subjugation of woman and severe punishment, including death, to all who oppose their particular brand of belief.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A day late and a dollar short WTF. I have posted here, mailed my representatives, talked to my senator, and presented in class my prescription for the military; no federal taxes for any active duty military at any time, full rights of a citizen regardless of age, and limit the right to vote (because it is not really a right in the constitutional sense of the word) to only those who have served.

I also favor a universal draft (a small contingent of our collective armed forces) for both men and women, the rich and the poor, the connected and those totally alone, and even the sons and daughters of those in power be they Barack Obama or Bill Gates. I would draft 50,000 people a year for a two year enlistment. That would do more to create a common experience than anything else being proposed by the social experimenters.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 09:52 AM
That worked out so well with Germany after WWI Originally Posted by Jackie S
At least we learned from the mistakes after WW-1. We turned both Gemany and Japan into a pile of rubble, and then help them rebuild to the point that in a few decades, they were two of the most powerful economic powers on the Planet.

It worked with the old Axis Powers, because the people abandoned their arcane fanatisism. Today, we go in, rid a Country of repression, only to have it replaced by a far greater evil, Islamic Theocracy, where religious zealots call for the subjugation of woman and severe punishment, including death, to all who oppose their particular brand of belief.[/QUOTE]

A huge part of their subjection to us was their fear of the Soviets!

Seems the rise of Putin has given the Saudis pause and they seem to be trying to pump him into submission...but I'm getting off base a bit.
That's true for the most part. Unless you are related to my uncle Joe, lol. I come from an Italian family Joe will tell ya how it is. I saw him one day at the market. I said hey uncle Joe, he looks at me and says hey jimmie. I asked him how he's been doing. He says My wife, your Aunt is bustin my fucking Cogliones, my daughter your stupid cousin is marrying a friggin looser and I've got a rash so bad on my ass I can't even sit down, but you know me Jimmie, I can't complain, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Frankly, I think our country could use a few more Uncle Joes and a lot fewer kumbaya pu$$ys! I bet Uncle Joe had a - gasp - job too!
boardman's Avatar
This is way too PC.

WTF, are you really trying to lecture us on what we should say or not say to a soldier? Isn't that approaching an infringement on our individual freedom?

Thank them if you feel grateful. Ignore them if you feel apathetic.

Whichever you you do, do it with sincerity in your heart and don't judge what is in other people's motives for doing or not doing the same thing.

If you don't agree with what they are doing or have done, don't blame them, blame the ones who sent them to do it.

Just don't spit on soldiers for signing a blank check including the possibility of giving up their lives to protect you.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just don't spit on soldiers for signing a blank check including the possibility of giving up their lives to protect you. Originally Posted by boardman
After Desert Storm I thought this country had moved beyond that attitude ... spitting on the servicemembers .... that flourished in the late 60's and early 70's.

Perhaps to some it was "socially correct" for public consumption ....

......... and not from the heart. Like the man said; obligatory and meaningless to some.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not wanting some chicken hawk who has no skin in the game coming up and bothering them with some faux "Thank you for your service" bullshit is thin skinned?

Yea I can see why Vet's do not want the LexusLover type coming up to them. Originally Posted by WTF
Sometimes the rules of posting on here should be relaxed to discuss "unmentionables" .....

.. have you ever met a servicemember who doesn't want me to talk to them?

Or are you blowing shit out of your ass again just to see what kind of response you get?
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes, when you do something someone does not care for and then instead of just saying you are sorry, you add that bs about I'm sorry they feel that way. Why the fuck are you being sorry about the way another feels? Especially a Combat Vet. They are allowed to feel any way they want. They damn sure don't need you telling them that you are sorry they feel that they do not care for your so called thanks. Originally Posted by WTF
Reading comprehension is a challenge for you. Anger is easier for you. Indicates a problem.
Reading comprehension is a challenge for you. Anger is easier for you. Indicates a problem. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Couldn't possibly be that you have a problem... no way.