I try to be succinct

With apologies to the original poster for hijacking the thread:

While all the "cons" sound REALLY scary to the average person looking for a website, they are not absolutes, but "could happens" and similar bullet points could be assigned to ANY product or service offered.

WP code gets better and better all the time. I've been working with Wordpress since it's inception (2003) and except for a few isolated incidents, haven't had any hacker issues or ANY issues for that matter.

Why? Because a good designer educates themselves so that their clients can feel safe and educate their clients on how they can keep their sites running safely and correctly.

Much like a car mechanic or a hair-dresser or many other service providers.
For the web designers and developers on here: Yes, Flash is dead. It has been replaced with HTML5, CSS3, and javascript libraries like jQuery.

Even Adobe is abandoning Flash. Time for you to do the same. Originally Posted by The Dark Passenger

Very true, there has never really been enough justification to take the time to learn flash, when many if not all aspects can be created in jquery css or html natively. Nothing wrong with flash if thats what a person chooses to use, but like all technology eventually, its sun-setting has already began. It definately lacks any future scalability.

To the flash website developer.

Not knocking your business, but I would wager that a larger audience of cliente could be.reached if you based your design solutions on a more robust and flexiable programming language.good luck in your business venture.
Arandomniceguy's Avatar
The major WP con is the extra maintenance you need to do to keep it up to date. Considering all the pros, these cons are acceptable. WP does keep getting better. Im sure many if not most WP sites never have serious problems with attackers, but just know its possible - maybe a little extra possible when using WP - and just have a plan in mind in case it does happen. 1. try to have a web host that will backup your WP database on a regular basis. 2. keep a copy of your theme 3. keep a record of what plugins you use (try not to use any plugins that store cc numbers) 4. have someone (a geek) that can get you back if worst thing happens and someone decides to f with your site. 5. do have a copy of your FTP and database logins (but keep that safe!!) or ensure that your host can provide these to your geek if necessary.
The major WP con is the extra maintenance you need to do to keep it up to date. [ ... ] . Originally Posted by Arandomniceguy
Kinda like a car
The Dark Passenger's Avatar

While all the "cons" sound REALLY scary to the average person looking for a website, they are not absolutes, but "could happens" and similar bullet points could be assigned to ANY product or service offered.

Why? Because a good designer educates themselves so that their clients can feel safe and educate their clients on how they can keep their sites running safely and correctly. Originally Posted by Bella_HHD
I'd hire this one ^^^

It's all about educating the client. No hype, no scare tactics.
I do responsive web design if anyone is interested in having their website work across multiple devices. It really is the smart way to future proof your site.