Worth a read, folks. Maybe it isn't your fault, but it's your responsibility to fix this!

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  • Old-T
  • 05-23-2016, 05:12 AM
LL, you have convinced yourself you know all about what teachers do so there is no use arguing with you.

You are convinced there are only 1 or 2 good teachers per school-- maybe that is the case in Texas, I don't know (but I have my doubts)

Prep and grading is work, and does take time no matter what you believe. And most typical work years are about are about 250 days, not 360--so quit your 50% BS.

I don't know your career field, but a $30K salary with a 4 yr degree is far from "extravigant". Video game designers are getting double that to start, and advertising artist are makin 90K working not full time.

Yes, BvBE was not the dept of Ed, but it was representative of a lot of "locally controlled" schools. That was my point.
How is it "raising taxes"? Your "MAN" in the White House is doing that!!!!



A "non issue"?

....2017 ....."the (Obaminable proposed (added by LL)) Budget provides $69.4 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Education in 2017, an increase of $1.3 billion, or 2 percent, over the 2016 enacted level, adjusted for comparability. The Budget also proposes $139.7 billion in new mandatory spending and reforms over the next decade. While investing in all areas of education, the Budget emphasizes three in particular: (1) increasing equity and excellence; (2) providing support for teachers and school leaders; and (3) promoting access, affordability, and completion in higher education.


http://fastexas.org/about/spending.php Originally Posted by LexusLover
There is that pitiful "your man in the white house" ploy. FYI Gary was not elected.
Brownback is cutting education funding in K-!2 and to colleges. He wants more supporters like you.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL, you have convinced yourself you know all about what teachers do so there is no use arguing with you.

I don't know your career field, but a $30K salary with a 4 yr degree .... Originally Posted by Old-T
... I have never implied I knew "all about what teachers do" .....

.... but your bullshit about them ... and starting them at $30K .... reveals you have never worked within a public school district in Texas ... nor had any more than anecdotal information from the whining of "underpaid" and "overworked" teachers in Texas .....

.... $30K is the LOW END of the first year pay scale ... why do you mention that?

Last year the Dallas morning news was reporting starts at $50,000 + ....

.. and as for "software designers" ... I hope you are not comparing them to an "education degree" .... Have you EVER taken a college level "education course"? And do you know a lot of "software engineers" who punch in at 8 a.m. and punch out at 4 p.m. ... Monday through Friday, unless there is a "holiday BREAK" or "spring BREAK" or "summer" arrives? Please~!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
There is that pitiful "your man in the white house" ploy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Talking about "pitiful" ... you are the poster child for failed public education.
Talking about "pitiful" ... you are the poster child for failed public education. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Anyone not being able to understand a one line statement has no room to talk,lexie lacking.
LexusLover's Avatar
Anyone not being able to understand a one line statement has no room to talk,lexie lacking. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Anyone who can't write an intelligible "one line statement" is merely confirming they are the poster child for the failure of our public educational system .... like you!

Now, if this thread were about the restroom conditions in public schools ...

your intimate knowledge of bathroom stalls might ... I say might .... be helpful.
Anyone who can't write an intelligible "one line statement" is merely confirming they are the poster child for the failure of our public educational system .... like you!

Now, if this thread were about the restroom conditions in public schools ...

your intimate knowledge of bathroom stalls might ... I say might .... be helpful. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LMAO, anyone could see that coming, if you are too fucking stupid to understand something blame it on how it was written.

Then post something gay, lexie you are a loser.
  • DSK
  • 05-23-2016, 09:40 AM
I do not have great faith in the Feds fixing education, but neither do I have any faith in some of our truly open minded local rednecks fixing it. Get the fed gov't out of education and it won't be a decade before we have "separate but equal" back in place under some creative wording. And the local Thumpers will make it illegal to teach evolution, adopt the bible as a text book, and who knows what else.

Do I have a good answer? No, not really. But as with a lot of things I tend to believe we have gotten to a point where no solution to a problem decades in the making will be easy. And I question our country's fortitude to work through the rough spots to make it work.

I do believe vouchers/competition in some form is needed, but right now too many (not all by any means) people screaming for vouchers don't think through the bigger picture.

Education needs a major renaissance, but there is going to be a lot of pain along the way.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Are you more concerned about the poor education, or the local indoctrination?

Maybe the redneck districts should just teach practical farming, repairs, plumbing, and carpentry. We have a shortage of skilled tradesmen and an annoying surplus of uselessly educated idiots wandering about the landscape searching for a cause....

If you take out the part about religious proselytizing and racism, is the actual education under local control that bad? Even rednecks are human beings that usually love their children.

How about a compromise - state control?
  • DSK
  • 05-23-2016, 09:42 AM
Anyone who can't write an intelligible "one line statement" is merely confirming they are the poster child for the failure of our public educational system .... like you!

Now, if this thread were about the restroom conditions in public schools ...

your intimate knowledge of bathroom stalls might ... I say might .... be helpful. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think he (the failed sugar daddy formerly known as Ekim008) suffered too many blows to the head, got confused, and started giving blow jobs in the head.

(That's the latrine, Ekim008)
LexusLover's Avatar
I think he (the failed sugar daddy formerly known as Ekim008) suffered too many blows to the head, got confused, and started giving blow jobs in the head.

(That's the latrine, Ekim008) Originally Posted by DSK
Turds belong in the latrine.
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe the redneck districts should just teach practical farming, repairs, plumbing, and carpentry. We have a shortage of skilled tradesmen and an annoying surplus of uselessly educated idiots wandering about the landscape searching for a cause....

How about a compromise - state control? Originally Posted by DSK
When he said "redneck" districts I was thinking he meant the students were "rednecks"!

Can you imagine some little 22-year-old co-ed from Mary's Academy in her first year at Redneck Middle School trying to show a farmer's son how to plant feed seed and manage the application of "natural fertilizer" with the irrigation system on her $30,000 a year first year teacher's salary?

What is wrong with the U.S. educational system that needs fixing?

Better buildings?
Softer chairs?
More computers?
Healthier meals?

Oh, wait! I know! .....

MORE interaction between members of the opposite sex in the restrooms!
Turds belong in the latrine. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You two need flushing.
LexusLover's Avatar
You two need flushing. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Since you don't understand the concept, it won't be you!
Since you don't understand the concept, it won't be you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You may be to large to flush...

This thread is a WIN!