Ok, I know we've done this before, but a refresher might be ok...

atlcomedy's Avatar
Some of the tire places (e.g., Tire Kingdom) will check/adjust the pressure in your tires at no charge. I usually tip the guy that actually does it. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I typically do the same.

One that is confusing for me are hand car washes. I tip somebody (usually $5 for a regular wash; $10-20 for detail), but like 3-4 guys are working on the car & I'm not sure the tips are pooled or split but I'm not going to tip or try to track down each of them.
...I'm not sure the tips are pooled or split but I'm not going to tip or try to track down each of them. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I know what you mean.

At the two places where I usually have my cars washed, most of the guys who finish the process by hand-toweling your car usually leave before you reach it, and one guy holds the door for you. I've observed that nearly everyone tips him, and it appears that guys trade places and have some sort of rotation system for this duty.

One place I occasionally use has a big tip box with a slot on top. No uncertainty about what's expected there!
I know what you mean.

At the two places where I usually have my cars washed, most of the guys who finish the process by hand-toweling your car usually leave before you reach it, and one guy holds the door for you. I've observed that nearly everyone tips him, and it appears that guys trade places and have some sort of rotation system for this duty.

One place I occasionally use has a big tip box with a slot on top. No uncertainty about what's expected there! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Places like that almost always pool tips
I typically do the same.

One that is confusing for me are hand car washes. I tip somebody (usually $5 for a regular wash; $10-20 for detail), but like 3-4 guys are working on the car & I'm not sure the tips are pooled or split but I'm not going to tip or try to track down each of them. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I thinlk that it also depends on how messy your car is.My car is usually covered in dog hair, and sand from the beach by the time it goes in for it's bath.I feel so bad for whoever has to clean it that I will always track them down , and tip equal to the price I paid for the wash.Believe me they earn every penny of it.

Like others I have caught friends attempting to stiff a waitress/waiter after eating out together.It is such a low life move, and most of the time done by people who can afford to tip well.
stiff a waitress/waiter after eating out together Originally Posted by Becky
A former roommate was a waiter at a high end restaurant. He said occasionally people who were unhappy with the service would drop a penny in a glass of water, put something plastic on top of the glass (like a small table protector), then turn the whole thing upside down on the table. In order to clear the table and get the "tip" the bus boy (note: not the waiter), had to essentially spill a whole glass of ice water over the table, then clean it up.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Like others I have caught friends attempting to stiff a waitress/waiter after eating out together.It is such a low life move, and most of the time done by people who can afford to tip well. Originally Posted by Becky
There are a whole laundry list of reasons to tip well...many have already been mentioned.

I think there are a lot of people that just don't know better, that in other aspects of their lives are very generous people.

I've gotta say I've been embarrassed before when someone else picks up the check & is light....but the worst part is they don't get the fact that while they may be flying home..... I go to that joint a couple of times a month...the reason we got treated like the most important people in the house (and maybe even comped a round or two) is because when I pick up the bill I treat the staff well...:nopity :
I've been on a few cruises in my day. I'm always amazed how often that the folks that sit there and order 3 meals each night are ones that don't show up to tip on the last night.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I've been on a few cruises in my day. I'm always amazed how often that the folks that sit there and order 3 meals each night are ones that don't show up to tip on the last night. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I'll broaden that to "all inclusive resorts," but you mean like, "Don't worry honey, we're good. I gave Pedro at the poolside bar a fiver on Tuesday when we got here...we're golden.":dunno :
The guys at my tire shop will swap tires or reverse them on the rims (extreme alignment the burns up the tiers, but the car handles like all stink). They'll do it on the side with no paperwork, I'll flip the guy $20 and/or if time permits I'll go to the supermarket or liquor store and get a case of beer for everyone (in a paperbag). I say "you might have left *this* in my car." They look in, smile, and indicate they will "take care of it."

As to maid service at a hotel, I always leave something each morning, as I know the folks who reset the room rotate schedules. This insures that every cleaning person gets a tip.

What does grind me is a place like Atlantis in the Bahamas charges a service fee or tip for the cleaning. I'd wager the people doing the work never see that charge.
What does grind me is a place like Atlantis in the Bahamas charges a service fee or tip for the cleaning. I'd wager the people doing the work never see that charge. Originally Posted by SR Only
+1...and mgmt should spend an eternity in hell for it.
Mgmt should be in hell for the rest of the place, too. We did leave daily tips for housekeeping when there. They seemed to appreciate it.
Good timing. If you answer my question I will answer yours in an hour or so. Do you tip a seamstress? Originally Posted by Ansley
I found out my answer yesterday. I tried to tip her and she wouldn't except.
As it happened today, I was visiting a local notel with a charming lass. As we were leaving she said one of the things she likes about me is that I leave a tip for housekeeping even it was for two or three hours. She said most guys don't. I know, she needs to hang around with a better class of guys. Perhaps hang more with me.
pyramider's Avatar
I used to travel three to four weeks a month. I have never tipped hotel maids. I do not trash the rooms. There is no reason to tip.
Then you have never had to make up or return a hotel room to a "fresh" status. A few years ago, there was a TV show that was just about identical to "Undercover Boss." In it CEOs would do the tasks that their front line or entry level employees would do. One of the bosses was for a major hotel chain. He joined the ranks of the house keeping staff. Number one, he couldn't keep up with the pace that the regular employees moved to ready a room, and two, he could not believe how hard and how much work (physical and mental) that those employees did. It opened my eyes, too. It is thanks-less and low paying. If you saw the segment, you would think twice about not leaving a tip.

And why wouldn't you leave a tip (unless the room was dirty or not made up in time)? Do you tip at a restaurant, bar, taxi, delivery person? Why not the folks who make up your room? I don't trash the rooms, either. But when you need extra towels or you want something out of the ordinary it will make a difference. It's like the tire shop I mentioned. Do I have to tip? No. Do them remember the guy who brought the beer or flipped $20? You bet. I never want to be considered cheap (frugal maybe).