Just saw Sharpton speak at Ferguson...

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-19-2014, 07:08 PM
Typical IB. No intelligent comment to make, just more phlegm and vomit.

You are so predictable.
Typical IB. No intelligent comment to make, just more phlegm and vomit.

You are so predictable. Originally Posted by Old-T

My name is IFFY... Old-Twat
.... One of the reasons I said you would fit right in with IBMassa the slave-lord-wannabe, IIFFy, Gonad, and some of the other lovable racists on here.
... Originally Posted by Old-T
I'm not speaking for the other posters you named but...

You are the racist, Old-racisT. You, President Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and most of the Democratic Party (founders of the KKK) need to keep the racism alive to benefit your party. This incident was propped up by the MSM and fueled when the Administration sent Al Sharpton and other card carrying Democrats down to escalate tensions. Then President Obama spoke sympathetically about a person who had just robbed a store minutes before he assaulted a police officer. President Obama stuck his foot in it again, just like he did with James Crowley and Trayvon Martin and others.

You (and others) disbelieved the police report. Just like in the Trayvon Martin case. Now the forensic evidence is coming out that confirms a lot of the officer's story. Do I think there are bad police officers and good officers who make bad decisions? Definitely. But I got to have more than the word of a thug to convince me.

You need to demand evidence and look to see if the evidence is consistent, not to distrust one side of the story just because it came from a "white cop."

BTW, last night I heard this is the first incident in Ferguson where a cop killed anyone. In listening to some of the townspeople I'm not hearing a "the cops have their foot on our necks for the last ten years" complaints.

Again, the only racists here are associated with the Democratic Party. They have a long history of making money and keeping power with them.

Keep trying though. You race card hasn't reached its limit with some carriers.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
When you associated people on the right with racism OT you implied me among others. You owe an apology to all of us. After all it was the right wing who voted in higher numbers for the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Civil Rights Act. It was the right who pushed to end slavery under Lincoln. It was the right under Eisenhower that got him to use the military to end segregation in the south. It has been the right who has opposed illegal immigration in favor of American citizens (primarily low income American citizens), and it the right who has supported Israel through thick and thin.

No, any structural racism is found in the left wing of politics in the US. From the current anti-semitism to be found in Occupy and the Black Panther Party, to the racism in the southern democrats in the 50s and 60s, to the obvious support of slavery and the Klan in the 19th century. Watch who you pick as your friends OT.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-19-2014, 09:54 PM
Get real people.

I do owe IFFY an apology for confusing him with IB. My error on that one.

But no apology to Gonad. I said early on that IF he was shot in the back, that was a problem. Other than that your supposition about what I think in this case is total B.S.

JD, I tried to clearly state "some" RWWs here are racist. And specifically ID the ones I was thinking about by name. I have no reason to believe that most RW posters are racist. While I obviously disagree with a lot of your posts I don't put you in that category, and don't consider you a RWW. You are just someone I disagree with.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Get real people.

I do owe IFFY an apology for confusing him with IB. My error on that one.

But no apology to Gonad. I said early on that IF he was shot in the back, that was a problem. Other than that your supposition about what I think in this case is total B.S.

JD, I tried to clearly state "some" RWWs here are racist. And specifically ID the ones I was thinking about by name. I have no reason to believe that most RW posters are racist. While I obviously disagree with a lot of your posts I don't put you in that category, and don't consider you a RWW. You are just someone I disagree with. Originally Posted by Old-T
I think that was a pretty reasonable post, Old-T. I wish I could be as benevolent toward your side of the aisle from time to time. I thank you for setting an example in your post. Other than when I'm responding to the spurious attacks of Assup, I'll try to be more civil.
Get real people.
But no apology to Gonad. I said early on that IF he was shot in the back, that was a problem. Other than that your supposition about what I think in this case is total B.S.
... Originally Posted by Old-T
I don't care about your apology. You've pretty much backed Holder's and Obama's racists actions at every turn and have been very suspicious about the police for no reason other than their skin color.

Although you criticized Sharpton, I think it's only because his tricks are being played out. Time to get new blood for the Democratic attack dogs. I thought Don Lemon as going to break the cycle but he must of gotten a memo from the CNN higher ups.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, I'll accept your explanation but my point still stands about the left and racism/anti-semitism.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-20-2014, 05:28 AM
I don't care about your apology. You've pretty much backed Holder's and Obama's racists actions at every turn and have been very suspicious about the police for no reason other than their skin color.

Although you criticized Sharpton, I think it's only because his tricks are being played out. Time to get new blood for the Democratic attack dogs. I thought Don Lemon as going to break the cycle but he must of gotten a memo from the CNN higher ups. Originally Posted by gnadfly
More unsupported comments from you. I have been very critical of Holder on here multiple times, and I have no idea where you think I have been anti-police. Anti-vigilant like Zimmerman, yes, but that is far from anti-police or anti-neighborhood watch. I've been a neighborhood watch member in three different states and a strong supporter of police in most cases.
rioseco's Avatar
Sharpton is not and never has been accused of promoting unity, truth or justice. He is the most prejudiced man in America. Racial divide is his agenda. Without racial division he would not have a job, income or air time. Obama and Holder as well have a chip the size of Texas on their shoulders.
Tell me of just one time that Sharpton had the facts, the evidence in hand before he engaged his mouth in the battle. I have a bucket of hammers that are more useful and make more sense that the Un-Reverent Al Sharpton.
Sharpton, Holder and Obama should each receive their own 'Darwin Award'.
Nick, you will fit in here very well. And you probably won't even be the biggest racist among the RWWs on here. Originally Posted by Old-T
I'll tell ya what's racist, these protest in Ferguson. If Officer Wilson was Black you wouldn't hear shit. If Michael Brown was White, again you wouldn't hear shit. If Michael Brown was white and Officer Wilson was Black, again you wouldn't have all this mayhem in the little town of Ferguson Mo. The fact that Officer Wilson is white and Brown is Afro American is the perfect storm and always is in a police shooting. The Black community right off the top conclude that racism is the reason, and what's even more ridiculous is how stupid whites go along with that notion just so they aren't called racist. The best thing that can happen here is Officer Wilson is exonerated of any wrong doing and returns to work.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Typical IB. No intelligent comment to make, just more phlegm and vomit.

You are so predictable. Originally Posted by Old-T
You really must show more restraint when partaking cocktails in the early afternoon, Old-Twerp.

Oh, I noticed that the first time I saw you post. One of the reasons I said you would fit right in with IBMassa the slave-lord-wannabe, IIFFy, Gonad, and some of the other lovable racists on here.

After all, what's a good anonymous board for if folks like you can't get your hate on. Your a Good Ol' Boy from Texas who thinks his handle is just Soooooooo cool--why would I expect you to be anything other than a NeoNazi in a white sheet? Somehow I feel pretty sure this is not your first handle on here, and I could guess some of the earlier ones.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're just a fuckin' hypocrite who is enormously discomforted by real facts, Old-Twerp. Go screw yourself, Old-Twerp.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I hope I speak for more than myself when I say that that cartoon is highly offensive and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of the attempt.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-20-2014, 06:39 PM
I hope I speak for more than myself when I say that that cartoon is highly offensive and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of the attempt. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, thank you. Posts like that are why I do not categorize you in the same group with the others I mentioned.