Terror attack in London - British soldier hacked to death

[QUOTE=gnadfly;1052924664]Did he infer that England had it coming and apologize for centuries of colonialism? [QUOTE]

And how about reparations to all the former colonies and their descendants?

Old Dingus
The Queen did NOTHING while the UK admitted millions of immigrants who have now transformed that country into tribal zones.......................sh e didn't protect the UK, she couldn't. She didn't have the authority to intervene....

But rest assured, Barry has the authority; but he will use it to grease the wheels of our slide downward, not stop the carnage.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Go fuck yourself WHIRLYHEAVE. This isn't about Obama. It's about the UK.

So please find another condiment on which to comment. Your other drivel will be ignored.
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=Old Dingus;1052924799]The weight and balance of a meat cleaver combined with the quality of steel which allows it to be honed to an extremely sharp edge makes it a lethal weapon. [QUOTE]

It's a tradition that is etched in the Queen's history ....

Social customs and morays are quite difficult to erase.
LexusLover's Avatar
double post??
I B Hankering's Avatar

It's a tradition that is etched in the Queen's history ....

Social customs and morays are quite difficult to erase. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Now you're blaming it on the Frogs! That's a Francisca -- the preferred weapon of the Franks!

Again, you show your stupidity; this is about public policy gone wrong !

But I can understand why you feel compelled to try and switch the topic.

Go fuck yourself WHIRLYHEAVE. This isn't about Obama. It's about the UK.

So please find another condiment on which to comment. Your other drivel will be ignored. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What is happening in the UK; isn't happening in a vacuum. But your too fucking stupid to understand it, so go peddle your fucking rants elsewhere.

What happened in the UK is very much related to the public policies of the liberals in charge.................same trends are happening here.

In fact, it already has; what do you think Ft. Hood was ? And more recently Boston !
Regardless of who has done what to who in the past, what we still have here are Muslims killing in the name of Allah.
"Why can't we be flends?
Why can't we be flends? . . . "

Old Dingus
Putting this thread back on track.

It appears the killer in the video was a convert. The fucking converts are always the worst. They not only change religions, they become fanatics in the new one. Just look at John Walker Lindh.

The British killer apparently was English born, of Nigerian descent, and was raised Christian. He converted in 2003 to Islam.

Can you really convert to another religion and "inherit" the grievances of that religion. Strange that he spoke about "our lands", meaning Muslim lands, considering that they were never really "his".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Nothing worse than a born again fanatic. That is for, the unwashed, a fanatic about anything and not just religion. This guy is just delusional. Remember what he said about the killing in front of women, he said "in our land..." they were born in England of Nigerian parents. "Our land" what the hell is he talking about? Does this mean that they (muslims) think of themselves as all of the same country?
David Cameron blusters; he will do nothing of the sort.........the UK has moved too far left.....................
'We will defeat violent extremism by standing together, by backing our police and security services and above all by challenging the poisonous narrative of extremism on which this violence feeds.
Note the bluster when he says "above all challenge the poisonous narrative".....that won't work; it has to be defeated with real action...kick the bad actors out of the country...shut down Sharia Laws....close down the extreme Mosques. Reverse decades of the demographic time bomb that is going to push Europe (and the UK) into oblivion.
Putting this thread back on track.

It appears the killer in the video was a convert. The fucking converts are always the worst. They not only change religions, they become fanatics in the new one. Just look at John Walker Lindh.

The British killer apparently was English born, of Nigerian descent, and was raised Christian. He converted in 2003 to Islam.

Can you really convert to another religion and "inherit" the grievances of that religion. Strange that he spoke about "our lands", meaning Muslim lands, considering that they were never really "his". Originally Posted by ExNYer
Bla, bla, bla, bla. The ones of Kenyan descent and allegedly raised Christian are even more dangerous (regardless of where actually born). The analogy of Muslim lands being his also fits.

just sayin

Old Dingus
Bla, bla, bla, bla. The ones of Kenyan descent and allegedly raised Christian are even more dangerous (regardless of where actually born). The analogy of Muslim lands being his also fits. Originally Posted by Old Dingus
Wow. You really ARE an idiot. In boldface, no less.

Everything bad in the world is somehow connected to Obama, huh?