~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-16-2013, 02:07 PM
How in the fuck did you get chat PMs between Shep and Nova? And don't you know it is against the rules to post such on boards?

Wow! See... Shep "faux" Tran at it with another provider trying to take her down! Proof is in the pudding!!

What are you going to say now Shep "faux" Tran?? This provider has 37 yes reviews and zero "no" reviews! Yet you feel like you need to start something when there is no need? The pictures show it all man! You're a loser! And your credibility of any other post just got flushed in the toilet! No wonder you got outed previously for doing the same shit! The behavior in the pictures above show you're a pimp and you don't want any girl moving in on "your" turf! So you make up shit and have your sheep follow you. It's old man. Either take a break or retire from hobbying. You're in to deep man!
Shep3.0's Avatar
Well its looks like he is after somebody else. Is he keeping count of how many girls he can bring down for the year.

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

Originally Posted by sugar_daddy1

Very nice....hacking job.
fletch's Avatar
you seriously can't make this shit up.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-16-2013, 02:19 PM
"Hacking" My ass.

Seems like the backchannels are just sharing information. Nothing against the rules to share PMs privately. Also seems like no one told this idiot to not post them publicly. *sigh*

BTW - who the fuck uses IE anymore. ...
bored@home's Avatar
Ditto on ~Ze~'s post... very uncool to share in open public or at all.
I imagine they will be gone soon enough but still.
Legal or not, I give it up to sugar daddy to post what he posted to expose the truth about someone ruining business opportunities for providers. You can polish a turd and guess what, it's still a turd. Shep "faux" Tran is busted and the proof is in front of us. Whether it should've been posted or not, the mods will handle BUT it exposed a snake. Providers needed to know this about this individual.

Shep "faux" Tran.. You saying it was a hack job is stupid. You're busted!
Cars8600 = Shep "faux" Tran 3.0
Chung Tran = Shep "faux" Tran 3.0 = Cars8600

Enough is enough. Stop with the IP address blocker bro. Those can be hacked as well...
daty/o's Avatar
Are we there yet?
Sleepy363's Avatar
private chat or not, looks like Shep is trying to control people, telling them what to do, and what not to do... an escort board puppeteer. That must be a real accomplishment in life.
Boltfan's Avatar
Ok, so let's get this straight. Nova took the screen shots, then shared them with x, y and z. Y creates a brand new handle to publicly post them.

This mystery novel is fucking hilarious. Shep, man, I don't know what to say. Yes, I have critiqued how you have handled things, but dude, this new thread to revive a locked one, then you "move on"? Not sure how you come out unscathed on this one, and not sure how Lola could possibly not be propped up here.
Wow... So those of us that actually saw Shep "faux" Tran's communication to Novocain learned something today. Shep "faux" Tran is a fraud. If you didn't see it and would like to, PM me and I'll be happy to share the screen shots i saw in this thread before it was removed.
bored@home's Avatar
Can't believe I am even posting this... reminder I have no alliance / allegiance to either side of this fight... but just as a hypothetical...
If I were the creative sort with enough time and drive; could I screen capture a chat session with private IM and modify the markers to make it to look bad.
Two people were shown in the private dialog and the photos were not posted by either one...get Nova to confirm and maybe I will listen closer other wise I have my (reasonable) doubts.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 09-16-2013, 03:03 PM
Can't believe I am even posting this... reminder I have no alliance / allegiance to either side of this fight... but just as a hypothetical...
If I were the creative sort with enough time and drive; could I screen capture a chat session with private IM and modify the markers to make it to look bad.
Two people were shown in the private dialog and the photos were not posted by either one...get Nova to confirm and maybe I will listen closer other wise I have my (reasonable) doubts. Originally Posted by bored@home
I was wondering why anyone would send PM's to sugar_daddy1, he signed up in Sept. and until the post today, has not made ONE post before todays post. Just wondering.
I'm really doubting the value of any new information....

This whole thing has reached the pathetic whiney/obsessed level and is just weird.

Isn't it time to move on?

Originally Posted by SD2011
There most certainly is new information. In the last thread, there was a clear division, with some people in the OP's corner, other thinking he was the actual scumbag and potential pimp. I think in this thread he's confirmed at least one of those theories about him, and one could further hypothesize that because Lola did not go into the fold, he is still trying to hurt her business, or squash the competition (the second thought about him). Surely Shep's WKs cannot defend these latest actions by the puppeteer, but I'm sure they're going to try.

Namssa / Torito,

If the last thread was ruled that it had run it's course, them why is this one still allowed? It's clear what his agenda is, and he just re-opened his attempts to hurt her under a separate thread. I don't understand how you guys are doing nothing about it.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 09-16-2013, 03:46 PM
I was wondering why anyone would send PM's to sugar_daddy1, he signed up in Sept. and until the post today, has not made ONE post before todays post. Just wondering. Originally Posted by motor
Well, looks like this month IS September.....thought it was later than that......LOL

When you PM someone, who else can see the conversation? I would guess that it would only be the two involved....right? So, then either Shep or Nova had to have sent the PM's right? So my question is why would Shep send PM's condemning his self or why would Nova send PM's condemning his self? Why would either of them send them to someone who registered Sept. 13 2013? Just wondering.