Where's Waldo?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am completely amused by how jackwagons like you are suddenly supporters of the French. Fucking hypocrite.

How much support did the French offer us after 3,000 Americans died? They have consistently been the most vocal critic of American policy in the middle-east for the past ten years.

But, then....nothing surpasses your desire to criticize and attempt to belittle our President, right? Shit, you'll even side with the French. Originally Posted by timpage

I'm not sure what you're reading but I don't really see many here supporting France. What I see are people who support the west and have questions (a radical notion) about the competency and judgement of the president and his people. Has it become unpatriotic to question the president now. Hillary Clinton thought just the opposite when Bush was president and even Teddy Roosevelt thought it was patriotic to question the president.

Actually I think I would put Iran at the top of the list. Followed by North Korea, Indonesia, Yeman, Syria, Russia...I don't think France makes the top ten. Your president belittled himself.

As for fear, do you realize that Eisenhower and even Clinton visited the DMZ between North Korea and South Korea? FDR met with Churchill on a ship in the Atlantic with the U-boats sailing around. FDR went to North Africa while there was still fighting in Europe. Sometimes leaders have to take chances.
LexusLover's Avatar
As for fear, do you realize that Eisenhower and even Clinton visited the DMZ between North Korea and South Korea? FDR met with Churchill on a ship in the Atlantic with the U-boats sailing around. FDR went to North Africa while there was still fighting in Europe. Sometimes leaders have to take chances. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obaminable does.

Golf can be dangerous, if other golfers are allowed on the course.

I remember one time accidentally hitting a Mockingbird in the head with a t-shot as he was unfortunately low flying about 100 feet or so in front of the t-box. It apparently didn't kill him, because it was kind of a glancing blow. It wasn't on purpose.

But it does seem that if Hillarious can brave sniper fire deboarding or boarding in Europe, that Obaminable could "man up" and show the world he's not the chicken-shit he really is......at least he could bite his lower lip and pretend.
Obaminable does.

Golf can be dangerous, if other golfers are allowed on the course.

I remember one time accidentally hitting a Mockingbird in the head with a t-shot as he was unfortunately low flying about 100 feet or so in front of the t-box. It apparently didn't kill him, because it was kind of a glancing blow. It wasn't on purpose.

But it does seem that if Hillarious can brave sniper fire deboarding or boarding in Europe, that Obaminable could "man up" and show the world he's not the chicken-shit he really is......at least he could bite his lower lip and pretend. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You probably cheated and carded a birdie for that hole.
LexusLover's Avatar
You probably cheated and carded a birdie for that hole. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No, but it did give my ball a little "lift" as it skipped off the top of his head, even though it undoubtedly slowed it down. Which probably kept it out of the trees at the dog leg ahead. I was worried about the bird and his/her "hang over," but after a tumbling crash landing, he/she scrambled up and hauled ass again at low altitude.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
BO sent 3 high level White House reps to Browns funeral......

Where was Biden?
Where was Kerry?
Where was Sharpton?
LexusLover's Avatar
BO sent 3 high level White House reps to Browns funeral......

Where was Biden?
Where was Kerry?
Where was Sharpton? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Has the Black terrorist had a "service" yet?
lustylad's Avatar
FDR met with Churchill on a ship in the Atlantic with the U-boats sailing around. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Er, U-boats don't sail. Swimming? Churning? Circling? Sliding? Slithering? Slinking? Cruising? Diving? Navigating?

Carry on, admiral....
TheDaliLama's Avatar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In naval parlance, the sail (American usage) or fin (European/Commonwealth usage) of a submarine is the tower-like structure found on the dorsal (topside) surface of submarines. Submarine sails once housed the conning tower (command and communications data center), the periscope(s), radar and communications masts (antenna), though most of these functions have now been relocated to the hull proper (and so the sail is no longer considered a "conning tower").[1]
When above the water's surface, the sail serves as an observation platform.[2] It also provides an entrance and exit point on the submarine that has enough freeboard to prevent the submarine being swamped. Underwater the sail acts as a vertical stabilizer. In some submarines, the sail also supports diving planes which are control surfaces used for underwater stability and steering.[1]
Judy has a WK coming to his rescue.
LexusLover's Avatar
Er, U-boats don't sail. ... Originally Posted by lustylad
Most "boats" can make "headway" with some rudder control applied, if the "breeze' is sufficiently strong to put pressure on the vertical (and even side) shapes extending from the deck and particularly if the prevailing breeze is off the port or starboard stern quarter.

Carry on, Captain.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You really are a completely ignorant jackass, aren't you? Go suck Dick Cheney's cock. Originally Posted by timpage
Why the anger, Timmy Boy?
Tough day?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I am completely amused by how jackwagons like you are suddenly supporters of the French. Fucking hypocrite.

How much support did the French offer us after 3,000 Americans died? They have consistently been the most vocal critic of American policy in the middle-east for the past ten years.

But, then....nothing surpasses your desire to criticize and attempt to belittle our President, right? Shit, you'll even side with the French. Originally Posted by timpage
If you dislike the French, then I say, "Vive la France"
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Judy has a WK coming to his rescue. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
According to WTF, you are a motherfucking racist.
Others call you a butter bar asshat!!

So, which do you prefer?
According to WTF, you are a motherfucking racist.
Others call you a butter bar asshat!!

So, which do you prefer? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Have you gone bat shit crazy? Or just been taking those "smart pills " again?
LexusLover's Avatar
The President's mouth piece said today that security for the President could not be assured under such short notice.

Really? The Prime Minister of Israel was there. Could anybody possibly need more security than that? Originally Posted by Jackie S
If you didn't catch the latest, which is supported by Jimmie "Peanut Gallery" Carter, the President was not aware that the world leaders were going to gather in Paris to stand up against world terrorism with the marchers in Paris, because his "staff" didn't tell him about it (it was reported in the media), and Mr. "Peanut Gallery" chimed in that "the president" had just returned from vacation, and he had a lot going on and he was too busy to go on such short notice. Mr. "Peanut Gallery" said he "understands" that as a former president.

Since Mr. "Peanut Gallery" was on vacation for four years, it's understandable.

Isn't he also in favor of "normalizing" relations with the Russian puppet, Cuba? Is there anything going on down in Cuba that they don't know about it? Or is it only when World Leaders have a meeting that they don't know about?

Hillarious was right on that one, and I really hate to admit it: