An insult to woman everywhere

berryberry's Avatar
The picture on the left is photo of William Thomas after he "won" his race, this is what it looked like when NBC reported it….they’re gaslighting people

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-20-2022, 06:22 PM
This picture puts things in perspective.

Look at the size difference, and seriously, tell me its fair.

All I'm gonna say is, if you truly are Male or Female once you get reassigned, then a DNA test should prove it.
berryberry's Avatar
Virginia Tech swimmer Reka Gyorgy says her finals spot was stolen from her by Lia Thomas because of "the NCAA's decision to let someone who is not a biological female to compete."

... The "she" swimmer is NOW starting to tank some meets (matches).
Wouldn't want to be TOO DOMINANT and then have the NCAA or the
Olympics officials begin to re-think things.

The Olympics! - the true women swimmers are FINISHED.
If this "she" swimmer bloke is permitted to compete,
Russia and China will also have male swimmers there
- good ones - who will surely SHATTER ALL the records.

### Salty
I heard that Lia Thomas’ grandmother was Australian…
... Must o' heard wrong... er, .. wrongly.

### Salty
... Hmmmm... 'course he/she IS WINNING a lot o' races...
... We Australians are WINNERS...

I can see where you mighta been confused there, mate.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
This is a very divisive issue, but I think the governor of Utah did the right analysis when confronted with whether to sign or veto the transgender sports ban that came to his desk.

1. He looked at what was proposed and noted that the language called for a complete ban. He also looked at the fact that the final legislation that hit his desk was not in line with the debate that had occurred and that a complete ban really didn't arise during the legislative session until the 11th hour and recieved little, if any, public input or floor debate.

2. He looked at the potential impact to the state athletic associations and school districts, and whether they were suitably protected financially.

3. He sized the scope of the issue in current terms so as to not just react in a knee-jerk fashion or to act as a rubber stamp. And in his case, there were 4 total transgender adolescent athletes in his state, only 1 of which was playing in a girl's sport.

4. He focused on humanity, with appropriate compassion.

Four kids and only one of them playing girls sports. That's what all of this is about. Four kids who aren't dominating or winning trophies or taking scholarships.
Four kids who are just trying to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something. Four kids trying to get through each day.
Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few. I don't understand what they are going through or why they feel the way they do. But I want them to live.
And all the research shows that even a little acceptanceand connection can reduce suicidality significantly.
And, while expecting his veto decision to be overridden, he called for people to focus on the humanity of those 4 rather than demonize them.

5. He was looking for and expecting a commission that would have reviewed the athletes on a case-by-case basis rather than a blanket ban or approval.
I totally disagree. I feel like his decision was solely based on appeasing some of his campaign contributors, which were “pharmaceuticals and health products” . This is just my opinion based mainly off hunch so take it as you will. However if you do research on it, it could add up. I strongly believe that pharmaceuticals are massively persuasive in pushing the transgender agenda because it’s extremely profitable for them and his 2020 campaign was funded by pharmaceuticals and health products adding up to almost 200k. That’s all the info I could find on that though.
berryberry's Avatar
This is what it has come to:

Senator Blackburn: "Can you provide a definition for the word woman?"

Judge Jackson: "No. I can't"

Fucking libtards trying to push their fucked up ideas on everyone
berryberry's Avatar
And Big Tech is in on the scam

After Tucker Carlson pointed out that the Babylon Bee & Charlie Kirk tweets containing basic facts about human biology were accurate, Twitter decided to censor Tucker too.

And this:

Twitter Bans Reporter Who Interviewed NCAA Swimmers Speaking Out About William "Lia" Thomas. She Believes She Was Targeted. | The Daily Wire
HDGristle's Avatar
I totally disagree. I feel like his decision was solely based on appeasing some of his campaign contributors, which were “pharmaceuticals and health products” . This is just my opinion based mainly off hunch so take it as you will. However if you do research on it, it could add up. I strongly believe that pharmaceuticals are massively persuasive in pushing the transgender agenda because it’s extremely profitable for them and his 2020 campaign was funded by pharmaceuticals and health products adding up to almost 200k. That’s all the info I could find on that though. Originally Posted by Loretta77
I hear you, but I'd be more inclined to listen if there was legitimate proof rather than gut reaction and a nebulous tie to pharma donors and lobbying.

To that end, I'm content to read his position as an example of compassionate conservatism.