
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Well, if she wants to be successful and not get burnt out.... be like me... slow down.. talk.. take your time.. and dont have them back to back.

I just had this convo with one of my gent's who I think stayed over two hours just chit chatting with me after our ONE hour session. I like making friends... NOT clients.
Originally Posted by Amber Rain

I feel the same, as Amber. I am not a clock watcher. My friends have me for the length of time scheduled, I give the full time, whatever that may be. Sometimes it goes over cuz of convo or other fun activities which I enjoy.
Guest113018-1's Avatar
Well, if she wants to be successful and not get burnt out.... be like me... slow down.. talk.. take your time.. and dont have them back to back.

I just had this convo with one of my gent's who I think stayed over two hours just chit chatting with me after our ONE hour session. I like making friends... NOT clients.

These new girls have to understand... the money is great... but if you wanna keep getting it... make every single person that comes in your home... feel like you care about them... and are not just there to do what providers do... and get them OUT. That's ridiculous. I love convo. I'm 32 years old, single, and that to me.. fills the need for a man in my life... and gives me the BFE time for a quick fix. As long as you can stay, let's do dinner right after session, lunch, drinks, or just lay there and talk. Originally Posted by Amber Rain
BRAVO! Well said.
On that note, do any of you ladies get offended if a guy hauls ass out the door as soon as he pops? There are times when I just don't have it in me to pretend I'm there for anything other than the obvious. Not having to pretend is half of what I'm paying for.
On that note, do any of you ladies get offended if a guy hauls ass out the door as soon as he pops? There are times when I just don't have it in me to pretend I'm there for anything other than the obvious. Not having to pretend is half of what I'm paying for. Originally Posted by TheBizz

It makes me feel like a dirty slut.....but hey, sometimes, that is a good thing.
something about Reese being a dirty slut ...
Sometimes its exactly an hour sometimes its more since I always unplug the clock and my sessions are always MSOG.
Should a one hour date be 60 minutes? Originally Posted by Bestman200600
guest061212's Avatar
It makes me feel like a dirty slut.....but hey, sometimes, that is a good thing. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
I have never met Ms. Foster, but it is so HOT when you say things like this.

I recently saw a woman who was stellar BCD but terrible any other time. We spent some time together...had a couple of drinks and talked on her couch 2.5 hrs of the 3 hours we were together. I informed her at the end that I had stayed way to long and would make it up to her (as I have any other time I was with her). She was really cool and fun to talk to. The next AM I get a text "you owe me money, can you bring it right now?" She was right, I did owe her money. I did bring it as requested. She never even looked up from her phone when I handed the envelope through the window. I think she muttered a thanks, but I can't be sure since she drove off right away. Business is business.
As much as I would love to keep him there and keep on going (DJM I am an energizer bunny LOL) I respect that he has to leave earlier than planned. BTW your avatar is hilarious..
On that note, do any of you ladies get offended if a guy hauls ass out the door as soon as he pops? There are times when I just don't have it in me to pretend I'm there for anything other than the obvious. Not having to pretend is half of what I'm paying for. Originally Posted by TheBizz
  • game1
  • 02-04-2012, 10:45 PM
LOL...of course no provider is going to say what you said....however you did say "according to most providers"...so there is my confusion.

How about this? Most providers wish you would pay double their rate. Most providers wish you would leave the donation at the door and get back in your car. Most car salesmen wish you'd pay sticker price.
I think it's probably safe to say anybody in the service industry wishes they could get paid more for doing less. I know I would.

I personally don't really worry about the time. Only rarely has it been an issue. I just go with the flow. But my expectation is that if I paid for a 60 minute session then I should get 60 minutes even if the other 30 minutes are walking her dogs or cleaning her car. I can effectively shower in about 3 minutes so that's never been a problem either.

I think what I'm trying to say is that an hour should be an hour and that is my expectation. And I will say the providers that I see who advertise on here seem to share that same expectation.

So I don't know if I'm agreeing or disagreeing anymore...I've confused myself. Originally Posted by L.A.
Ifeel as long as you both know uo front if she is msog or noy, its all good, the only thing i dont like, if she say its msog, and i finish in 20 to 25 minutes she puts on her cloths, and act like you been there the whole hour.
  • thx
  • 02-05-2012, 03:59 PM
My ATF would tell me that if I was in the bedroom OR not fully clothed then it was on my dime. However, I know she expected for me to pick up any expenses when it was off the clock. (like she would call me at work to ask how I was doing but also to ask me to pick up wine for my next visit)

She was semi-retired due to her age (physical, not looks) and after making an insane amount of money. Luckily, she listened to her husband or else she would have wasted it all away. (her words, not his)
On that note, do any of you ladies get offended if a guy hauls ass out the door as soon as he pops? There are times when I just don't have it in me to pretend I'm there for anything other than the obvious. Not having to pretend is half of what I'm paying for. Originally Posted by TheBizz
I think it's nice to know up front that you've got to be cautious of the time so that I'm not running over as I have done from time to time. I would hate to know I took too long and made you late. Knowing up front that I need to pace the session according to your schedule in this circumstance is helpful.

Granted, there are times (because I don't have my own incall) that even if I would like to stay longer, an hour session is an hour session. It's not right to try and get me to get you a second pop with ten minutes left in the session. I have someone else's schedule to consider as well.

Plus, guys shouldn't assume that if I have had sessions run long with other gentlemen, that I'm going to do it with everyone that sees me.
Sometimes circumstances allow it. That's basically what it boils down to.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Chemistry matters. Sometimes dates last a long time. wow, wow, wow.
Chemistry matters. Sometimes dates last a long time. wow, wow, wow. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Yes, that does happen.

But it's also not very nice to rub it in when it does...there's not always that extreme chemistry (nor is there always that time factor available) that allows for those wow, wow, wow moments.

I have one right now, that has just blown me away like no other ever has.
Even our first encounter. I think we easily went over 3 hours. Possibly 4. I didn't have a clock out, nor did I watch the time. It was really late. See, there I go rubbing it in. It just doesn't seem right to brag about that type of a session when they are so few and far between. I guess all the stars aligned or something?

There's not always the circumstances lined up for me to be able to stay where I'm at for that long either. A while over, yes. But hours over...well, not so much. At this point and time, just being on here right now seems like a miraculous appearance (although some others would surely disagree).
Bestman200600's Avatar
It helps when you have dated a provider for three years and she knows you from head to toe.
In MY experience, I have found that it is up to the client. Some want to hang out and talk, some need to leave asap. Depends on the person/day/circumstance.
A full 60 mins should be OFFERED by the Companion, but it is up to the client to take advantage of it, or not.
I fully understand a busy life, and needing to make the most of every minute, so I am never offended if he needs to leave sooner.
I do not understand those that stay LONG after their time is up, disregarding the fact that we sell TIME and do have a schedule to keep. It is totally unfair to another client if someone previous takes up part of their assigned time, due to hanging out too long. Those that need/want additional "talk time", should know who they are, and schedule accordingly.
I always schedule appts with plenty of time in between; learned long ago I HAD to. When dealing with so many people, it is important to remember that everyone is different, and has different needs/wants.
In a perfect world, everyone would respect our schedules.
But, in reality, WE have to prepare for any circumstance possible.