Know-It-All's of Eccie

Monica13's Avatar
I know everything!! Unfortunately, I have forgotten most of it. Originally Posted by biggeorge565
Me too!
pyramider's Avatar
I know everything!! Unfortunately, I have forgotten most of it. Originally Posted by biggeorge565
Better ask her SO. I am sure she knows everything you need to know.
This thread was drama from the the whore or whores...or fucktard you speak of or just shut up because if you don't have the guts to name someone what's the fucking point of this .......drama...attention....ju st need to be heard and seen....i don't get it
Who is "Mister Know It All"? Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged

Why does it have to be a mister??
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 06:31 AM
This thread was drama from the the whore or whores...or fucktard you speak of or just shut up because if you don't have the guts to name someone what's the fucking point of this .......drama...attention....ju st need to be heard and seen....i don't get it Originally Posted by Analeese

How about I name you then. That's better?
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 06:32 AM
Why does it have to be a mister?? Originally Posted by Donnerrudolph
It dont have to be a mister. The pic just so happen to have mister in it...dont focus on the word mister focus on the point
bigwill832's Avatar
I know of one on here I enjoy watching because everything he posts has to be tied to racism somehow. He claims all sorts of wonderful things about himself: how much money he has, how much he takes part in the community, his world travels, etc. Yet he finds time to be on here constantly and rack up more average posts per day than a mod. Yes, yes I did look up his stats. I want him to keep going, I find him entertaining.
How about I name you then. That's better? Originally Posted by Lia88
You are unbelievably ghetto....
I really didnt care who you named but to try and act like this ain't about anyone must think we are all stupid enough to fall for that right?

Keep quoting ghetto tv personalities too.....bahahaha...lame ass

Ho I'm here because I can be...and you posted this bullshit thread in the main discussion...lets see what ghetto comment you come up with now lmao
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 12:34 PM
You are unbelievably ghetto....
I really didnt care who you named but to try and act like this ain't about anyone must think we are all stupid enough to fall for that right?

Keep quoting ghetto tv personalities too.....bahahaha...lame ass

Ho I'm here because I can be...and you posted this bullshit thread in the main discussion...lets see what ghetto comment you come up with now lmao Originally Posted by Analeese
Bitch your face is Ghetto. Dont get put in your place now Mam whoever you are. I'm not going to do That though bc that's senior citizen abuse. But I certainly dont know you and you dont know me. I'm trying to be nice lol

If you dont like what topics I post dont comment. Simple. I practice that All the time. Seems to work for me. You should try it.

Of all the posts to say something on you pick this one. Bitches never have anything positive to say. Just as Miserable as their face...but it's okay bc I'm still pretty and Still happy ...oh and unbothered Also... How about you?

Oh and I'll still be unbothered if you post another comment.. I will show you just how unbothered I am..I'm not even responding to you after this comment...

And Moving Right on...
JohnnyYanks's Avatar

If you dont like what topics I post dont comment. Simple.last time I checked this was a Open speech board. Originally Posted by Lia88
Why contradict yourself?
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 12:58 PM
Why contradict yourself? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Look I already noticed I did that Damn...on me heavy arent you?
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-09-2018, 01:14 PM
I know of one on here I enjoy watching because everything he posts has to be tied to racism somehow. He claims all sorts of wonderful things about himself: how much money he has, how much he takes part in the community, his world travels, etc. Yet he finds time to be on here constantly and rack up more average posts per day than a mod. Yes, yes I did look up his stats. I want him to keep going, I find him entertaining. Originally Posted by bigwill832

He should be interesting to watch in action lol

But Thank you sir for staying on Topic ..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You are unbelievably... Originally Posted by Analeese
Bitch .... Originally Posted by Lia88
rate for a duo please?
not for me but askin
some sick fucker will want ta know
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... on me heavy arent you? Originally Posted by Lia88

I just call 'em like I see 'em. But I do have a soft spot for loud & foolish.
DallasRain's Avatar
ok my SO says I know too much useless I am a trivia know-it-all! lol

I kept telling him "My legs have atrophied"...he made me prove it was a word! it means..
gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect.

sorry I got off track Miss sexy OP....back to biz