The truth about Herpes

Mavs fan's Avatar
So a couple of months ago Bengay got all butthurt (which apparently he likes) because I said I wouldn't see girls that had been with guys that see Trannies because it is a higher risk group. And now Bengay admits that he has Herpes. Bengay continues to hobby which I find very disrespectful to everyone else on this board. I understand that you are trying to rationalize your behavior with statistics. But if you give a provider Herpes and she infects other hobbyists that is bullshit. You are knowingly fucking providers when you have an incurable disease. What the fuck is wrong with you, man. Because some website told you that the stats are high for people who have multiple partners doesn't make it right for you to spread your malady. In a World of highly irresponsible people you are the most irresponsible. And your affinity for gay sex surely has exacerbated your exposure to diseases especially HIV.
Mavs fan's Avatar
But go ahead and rationalize your behavior.
Huh? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Ahhhh, in comes a very verbose "guidelines" expert from Chicago.

My interpretation is that only speculation directly about an individual is allowed, not general statements as I have made, or for that matter, another one like this:

If it is possible that blow hard with thousands of posts but no reviews could be a virgin, than it is unlikely that he has contracted HSV2.

Although that statement MAY apply to you, it could apply to lots if people. Make sense?
TheEccie214's Avatar
Totally agree with Mavs fan - very selfish behavior Ben Gay. You try to rationalize it all you want but it's total bull shit knowing you have something and continuing to spread it.

You think you're all cool Ben but you're a sexually confused person and history has shown here the mental stability of the trans whatever community. People in the workplace and in public pretend they're accepting of your disgusting life style but reality is most people are disgusted with you. Knowingly spreading things seems typical of your type, you're already confused about who you are that you live an I don't give a fuck life style.
Awww mavsfav...I wasnt buthurt but I think you were when I suggested you didnt make a lot of sense. Are you still freaking out about the fact that I have already seen girls that you reviewed? Almost all of us who see trannies also she women! Stay on topic and save that for another thread.

Are you saying that other than myself, nobody who has hsv2 hobbies or has sex? Think again. We all do, even your beloved providers...get a clue

eccie2014, i am not judging you or speculating about you personally..I am simply saying that the more partners one has had, the greater the chances.

If you are saying the stats are bullshit or the logic in applying it is "bullshit", lets talk... How so?
albundy's Avatar
It's pretty hard to argue against Mavs fan and Eccie214's points, Ben"gay". You admitted to having an STD. You admit to continuing to bang both male and female hookers. Herpes is contagious even when there is no visible signs, but an outbreak is coming.

Also, you seem to like statistics. Well here's one for ya: You are WAY into fucking guys. That is the MOST risky sexual practice when it comes to damn near EVERYTHING, especially the BIG "H."

I have to agree with the other posters. You are just trying to rationalize your reckless, maybe even criminal, behavior. That is, unless you are telling these hookers that you have herpes before fucking them.
bundy, you are off topic, as is Mavzfan and eccie214.

... can anybody find a flaw in my logic?

Seriously, I respect an intelligent debate, which I have yet to see.
albundy's Avatar
bundy, you are off topic, as is Mavzfan and eccie214.

... can anybody find a flaw in my logic?

Seriously, I respect an intelligent debate, which I have yet to see. Originally Posted by bengay
Wow! Seriously?!? THAT is your response to you fucking hookers while KNOWINGLY having an STD?!? Just....Wow!!!


By the way, from your original post:
"The topic of this post is genital herpes." Originally Posted by bengay
We ARE on topic. Admittedly the other diseases discussed are maybe a bit off topic, but directly related.
bundy...this is my thread and I clearly defined the topic in the first post. dont post a piece of it out of context saying that is all there is to it.

oh well....I cant argue with "stupid"
albundy's Avatar
bundy...this is my thread and I clearly defined the topic in the first post. dont post a piece of it out of context saying that is all there is to it.

oh well....I cant argue with "stupid" Originally Posted by bengay
You should be banned for ADMITTING that you are fucking hookers when you know that you have an STD. But, no, they won't do that. They will, however, ban people for "important" stuff like being rude or some shit like that. Pfttt...

But anyway, Back to your response: Clarify the "topic" then.

I just re-read your initial post. In it, YOU ADMIT TO HAVING AN STD!!! It's in your intial post!!! You are still fucking hookers!!! Every single paragraph of your initial post is trying to say that some, or most, of us probably have herpes.

So AGAIN, how exactly am I "off-topic?"

Would you rather a separate thread dedicated JUST to the "topic" of you spreading your disease? Would that be better for you?
I don't know how this 1 in 6 stat can even be known given there is no way to test for it! Like statistically I should have it right? Every clinic I've asked has said I'll have to produce a blister they can biopsy or whatever. Sorry folks, don't know how to produce blisters on demand lol
You can get a blood test from your reg doctor. I don't think clinics do them. Maybe due to cost. Most OB docs oder the blood test when a woman is pregnant with her first child.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Yes Bengay it is true that the more partners you have the greater the chances are of catching something. Thank you for this fact of which we were all happily ignorant before you posted this highly informative thread. However in your initial post you admitted to having herpes and yet you still hobby. This is very selfish and highly irresponsible and yes you should be banned for it because you put other hobbyists at risk. You also just went on a whole bunch of DNS lists. I think you are a dick that likes dick. And the only reason for you to post this is for attention and to cause drama.
chicagoboy's Avatar
The title of this thread should be changed to "The Truth About bengay".
I'm with you all the way Mavs fan!!! What's more concerning is the lack of outcry from the providers!?!?? Very surprised that they are not demanding for this Narcissist to be banned and blacklisted ASAP! Very SELFISH reckless behavior dude...