No One?

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  • 09-04-2010, 04:20 PM
. Why is it ok for you to call them idiots, but when they do it, it's name calling? Originally Posted by Ansley
Why is it ok? Cause he ain't smart enough to be an Idiot!

Are you done frothing at the mouth yet or shall a grab a sponge? BTW Quinn received an award from Ted Turner, who has publically said that we need population control and believes in china's one child only policy. As long as you appear to be defend this type of behavior from the left, you will never be taken seriously.
. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Every link you provided says the exact same thing ''According to a police source or According to Fox News''. Now if you had any sense , you would have been skeptical of the Al Gore claim. Why? Because if you were also well read you would know that Quinn's 1997 novel, My Ishmael, was the basis of his over population and filthy human children claim***. Not Al Gore. Now many including myself think that there is a point where the earth can not sustain beyond a certain amount of people. If you had any land/herd management under your belt , you'd fucking know this to be true.

***Topping an 11-item Internet manifesto posted by Lee was a demand that the cable channel air programs based on a six-page passage in Quinn's 1997 novel, My Ishmael.</SPAN>
The manifesto, as reported by the Washington Post and online sources, insisted the programs focus on "solutions to save the planet ... done in the same way as the industrial revolution was done, by people building on each other's inventive ideas. Focus must be given on how people can live WITHOUT giving birth to more filthy human children since those new additions continue pollution and are pollution."

Here is your speculative laced sources. They know about as much of reporting as you do politics.

According to a police source, Lee was influenced by radical environmentalist and author Daniel Allen and former Vice President Al Gore.
According to Fox News, Lee wrote on his blog:
“All programs on Discovery Health-TLC must stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants and the false heroics behind those actions. In those programs’ places, programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility must be pushed. All former pro-birth programs must now push in the direction of stopping human birth, not encouraging it.”
“It’s interesting that most of the news coverage omits the influence of Al Gore on this gunman. Had he been affiliated with the Tea Party movement or was influenced by Sarah Palin, that tidbit would have resulted in a feeding frenzy. But here’s a madman with a gun and explosives who was influenced by Al Gore and the environmental movement, and the silence is deafening,” said former police detective Sid Franes.

Good post DFW. Don't sweat the liberal useful idiots on this board. Present a well constructed argument complete with appropriate references, like you did, and they resort to name calling and whining. Typical. Originally Posted by gnadfly

If he presented a well constructed argument with anything other than Globe like references he would be taken serious. This nuanced argument is over both of you little boys head. Which is to be expected from someone who's paychecks were signed by Uncle Sam. Probably to quit that job and then work for some Defense contractor whose gets 100% of their business from government contracts and then thinks he ain't part of the problem. Think again DFW, and that’s giving you credit for even once thinking. A very generous assumption on my part.
John Bull's Avatar
Boys! Boys! Let's tone down the name calling and get back to the argument. No more "Idiots" in this thread.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Boys! Boys! Let's tone down the name calling and get back to the argument. No more "Idiots" in this thread. Originally Posted by John Bull
Sorry JB, just need to clarify:

Can we still make fun of the way crazy extremists think, act, and dress, or is it just out-right name calling that we need to avoid?


(Sorry. In a mood tonight. Couldn't resist.)
Sa_artman's Avatar
I didn't make this a personal attack against you and if your personal attack on me is your way of coping with sarcasm or facts, I feel sorry for you. BTW, blogs are not imperical data.
So go cry. And if you were smart enough to read s l o w l y you would notice the blog references news sources. Where was your desk stationed btw?
Why is it ok? Cause he ain't smart enough tbe an Idiot!
Every link you provided says the exact same thing ''According to a police source or According to Fox News''. Now if you had any sense , you would have been skeptical of the Al Gore claim. Why? Because if you were also well read you would know that Quinn's 1997 novel, My Ishmael, was the basis of his over population and filthy human children claim***. Not Al Gore. Now many including myself think that there is a point where the earth can not sustain beyond a certain amount of people. If you had any land/herd management under your belt , you'd fucking know this to be true.
***Topping an 11-item Internet manifesto posted by Lee was a demand that the cable channel air programs based on a six-page passage in Quinn's 1997 novel, My Ishmael.</SPAN>
The manifesto, as reported by the Washington Post and online sources, insisted the programs focus on "solutions to save the planet ... done in the same way as the industrial revolution was done, by people building on each other's inventive ideas. Focus must be given on how people can live WITHOUT giving birth to more filthy human children since those new additions continue pollution and are pollution."
Here is your speculative laced sources. They know about as much of reporting as you do politics.
According to a police source, Lee was influenced by radical environmentalist and author Daniel Allen and former Vice President Al Gore.
According to Fox News, Lee wrote on his blog:
“All programs on Discovery Health-TLC must stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants and the false heroics behind those actions. In those programs’ places, programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility must be pushed. All former pro-birth programs must now push in the direction of stopping human birth, not encouraging it.”
“It’s interesting that most of the news coverage omits the influence of Al Gore on this gunman. Had he been affiliated with the Tea Party movement or was influenced by Sarah Palin, that tidbit would have resulted in a feeding frenzy. But here’s a madman with a gun and explosives who was influenced by Al Gore and the environmental movement, and the silence is deafening,” said former police detective Sid Franes.

If he presented a well constructed argument with anything other than Globe like references he would be taken serious. This nuanced argument is over both of you little boys head. Which is to be expected from someone who's paychecks were signed by Uncle Sam. Probably to quit that job and then work for some Defense contractor whose gets 100% of their business from government contracts and then thinks he ain't part of the problem. Think again DFW, and that’s giving you credit for even once thinking. A very generous assumption on my part.
Originally Posted by WTF

regain your style. consider, if you will, your impact on your follower in this room who redoubles your zealous obstinancy that reflects so poorly on anything you may say. in truth, there is a vast ideological, political, atheistic, fascist and selfish swath to the more vociferous adherents to the god of climate change. the fact we all care for the planet gets lost in the fray as others react to those elements and say , no!

perhaps it will ever be so, this great divide due to world views with zealousness falling off the edges at each extreme. past alarms of ruin have proved mere incorrect bookselling hype, remember the coming ice age of the 70's?

one thing that shows glaringly through the chaff is the continued hypocrisy (nay selfishness) of the people who will lead us to the pristine gardens and clear flowing streams only they get to partake of as they fly their private jets hither and yon. al gore eating his way to oblivion with each bite aiding to global warming not only from his ever increasing flatulence but also the increased demand on manufacturing from his craving for processed food stuffs and cheese whiz, his stomach (lusts) being his only true god.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
So go cry. And if you were smart enough to read s l o w l y you would notice the blog references news sources. Where was your desk stationed btw? Originally Posted by Sa_artman
I wasn't a desk jockey and that's all you need to know.
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  • 09-05-2010, 10:39 AM
regain your style. consider, if you will, your impact on your follower in this room who redoubles your zealous obstinancy that reflects so poorly on anything you may say. in truth, there is a vast ideological, political, atheistic, fascist and selfish swath to the more vociferous adherents to the god of climate change. the fact we all care for the planet gets lost in the fray as others react to those elements and say , no!

perhaps it will ever be so, this great divide due to world views with zealousness falling off the edges at each extreme. past alarms of ruin have proved mere incorrect bookselling hype, remember the coming ice age of the 70's?

one thing that shows glaringly through the chaff is the continued hypocrisy (nay selfishness) of the people who will lead us to the pristine gardens and clear flowing streams only they get to partake of as they fly their private jets hither and yon. al gore eating his way to oblivion with each bite aiding to global warming not only from his ever increasing flatulence but also the increased demand on manufacturing from his craving for processed food stuffs and cheese whiz. his stomach (lusts) being his only god. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You have not followed me very well, I'm just as skeptical about man made climate change (or at least the effect) as I was about WMD's. Get with the program never!

Ike's vast military complex is just as bad about sucking from the welfare tit of society as the Al Gore's.

The problem with the folks on the right is for some strange reason they despise the very government they leach off of while the left loves government. I'm not sure which is more dangerous but I sure as hell know which one is easier to make fun of.

Please tell me the difference between the folks that scare up money with cries of WMD's (before that it was Vietnam and Commies) and those that cry for money with climate change? I don't see a lick of difference. Except for what I stated earlier.

I wasn't a desk jockey and that's all you need to know. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
So you worked for Uncle Sam? Intresting. My taxes paid for your education and salary. Funny how that dreaded government works.

Sisyphus's Avatar
Since no one else will say it...

The nutbag hostage taker was a LEFTIST NUTCASE.

If you want to ever be taken seriosly libs, clean up your own ranks. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Physician, heal thyself....


Nidal Malik Hasan Ft Hood shooter = leftist Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I've yet to see a source from anywhere on the political spectrum that makes him out to be anything other than

- afraid to be deployed in a combat zone...OR,
- a religious fundamentalist still fighting the crusades

The former makes him a coward, not a leftist. The latter makes him a...what's that word again?...oh, yeah....a reactionary. If that word is too confusing, it means - in the political sense - one to the r-i-g-h-t of the r-i-g-h-t.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Physician, heal thyself.... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
I'm not a doctor, but I did read the DSM IV for fun. Are you suggesting I'm somehow crazy because of a libertarian ideaology?

I've yet to see a source from anywhere on the political spectrum that makes him out to be anything other than

- afraid to be deployed in a combat zone...OR,
- a religious fundamentalist still fighting the crusades

The former makes him a coward, not a leftist. The latter makes him a...what's that word again?...oh, yeah....a reactionary. If that word is too confusing, it means - in the political sense - one to the r-i-g-h-t of the r-i-g-h-t. Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Have you ever met a shrink that didn't lean to the left? Have you ever met an anti-war person who leaned right? EVERY CO(consciencious objector) I knew was a leftist or, one case, a JW(johova's witness).

So you worked for Uncle Sam? Intresting. My taxes paid for your education and salary. Funny how that dreaded government works.
Are you suggesting you are better than anyone who went into the military becuase YOUR tax money paid their salary? How does it feel to know that those people you just trashed VOLUNTEERED to protect the very free speech you just enjoyed? Do you feel better about yourself now? How does it feel to be an elitist?
Mazomaniac's Avatar
I'm not a doctor, but I did read the DSM IV for fun. Are you suggesting I'm somehow crazy because of a libertarian ideaology? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
No. We're suggesting you're crazy because you do things like reading the DSM IV for fun.

Have you ever met a shrink that didn't lean to the left? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Now on this one I have to agree with you. Mental health and libertarian ideology rarely go hand-in-hand.

Have you ever met an anti-war person who leaned right? EVERY CO(consciencious objector) I knew was a leftist or, one case, a JW(johova's witness). Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Yeah! What are we going to do about all those crazy, dope-smokin, protest-makin, anti-violence Amish folks? Heaven help the conservatives if those god-less SOB's ever show up to vote.

Do you feel better about yourself now? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I always feel better on days when I can make an Amish joke.

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
No. We're suggesting you're crazy because you do things like reading the DSM IV for fun... Originally Posted by Mazomaniac

I dated a shrink for 2 years and read her DSM IV while on the crapper, so I guess that would qualify.
Have you ever met a shrink that didn't lean to the left? Have you ever met an anti-war person who leaned right? EVERY CO(consciencious objector) I knew was a leftist or, one case, a JW(johova's witness). Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Just goes to prove how limited you are. Most of the COs I know (and there are quite a few) are COs for religious reasons. Most are Christian. Some branches are lean more to COism than others. But such Christians tend to be conservative politically. They just take Jesus' teaching concerning turning the other cheek seriously.

And BTW, the only valid CO position recognized by the gov't is on religious grounds. I don't know about now, but during WWII the gov't only recognized a certain few denominations, so if you didn't belong to one of those denominations, you had to get sponsorship from one of them to successfully plead you CO case.

Now, I intellectually understand that most marines classify COs as cowards. That is a mistake. It takes much more courage to take and keep that position in the face of almost daily and continual universal peer pressure than it does to charge a hill when all the soldiers around you are retreating.

Just sayin'....
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  • 09-06-2010, 10:37 AM
Are you suggesting you are better than anyone who went into the military becuase YOUR tax money paid their salary? ? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
No, but since you asked I am stating unequivocally that you are no better than anyone else just because you went in the military. You in fact are biased about that enormously expensive branch of GOVERNMENT. You did learn that tax payers pay your salary didn't you? I sure the fuc do not need defending. So from my POV , that is a huge waste of money.

How does it feel to know that those people you just trashed VOLUNTEERED to protect the very free speech you just enjoyed?[quote]

I trashed no one. I stated a fact. You don't like facts , tough shit. Next a volunteer job is one in which you do not get paid. From your convoluted definition every person in America volunteers to WORK. You applied for a job in a branch of the government and were accepted much like workers in the Parks Department or FBI or TEACHERS UNION. Do you need a pat on the back for being part of a team? Without people back home working and paying taxes you would have a hard time playing GI Joe. So let's cut out the poor pitiful me BS.

How does it feel to be an elitist? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Well if an elitist means one that is better educated than another on a certain subject than I feel just like any other person feels. Everyone is smarter than another on varying subjects. Just because I am better versed on just who pays your salary does not make me an elitist. But I do understand how we are all bonded together in this country with the trash man being just as equal as some General
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
[quote=WTF;565081]No, but since you asked I am stating unequivocally that you are no better than anyone else just because you went in the military. You in fact are biased about that enormously expensive branch of GOVERNMENT. You did learn that tax payers pay your salary didn't you? I sure the fuc do not need defending. So from my POV , that is a huge waste of money.

How does it feel to know that those people you just trashed VOLUNTEERED to protect the very free speech you just enjoyed?

I trashed no one. I stated a fact. You don't like facts , tough shit. Next a volunteer job is one in which you do not get paid. From your convoluted definition every person in America volunteers to WORK. You applied for a job in a branch of the government and were accepted much like workers in the Parks Department or FBI or TEACHERS UNION. Do you need a pat on the back for being part of a team? Without people back home working and paying taxes you would have a hard time playing GI Joe. So let's cut out the poor pitiful me BS.

Well if an elitist means one that is better educated than another on a certain subject than I feel just like any other person feels. Everyone is smarter than another on varying subjects. Just because I am better versed on just who pays your salary does not make me an elitist. But I do understand how we are all bonded together in this country with the trash man being just as equal as some General
What makes you think I don't know where the military gets it's funding? Thank you for putting words in my mouth. I actually find it ironic that the military pays taxes on their incomes, considering most live below the poverty level. You assume way to much. To a lib you may sound well versed, but to me... well lets just say I wouldn't trust your opinion in a life or death situation. How's that hope an change for you? Just keep your change, you may need it one day.

BTW, when your daddy bought your education, did you spend all the money at the local tavern chasing unsuspecting college coeds or did you actually go to the indoctrination classes. I would suspect that either way you didn't get a very good education. Have a nice day.
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  • 09-06-2010, 11:17 AM
What makes you think I don't know where the military gets it's funding? . Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Oh I don't know, maybe because you trash all government spending except the vast military industrial complexs'. Maybe your just a guy that thinks the military ought to run the country.

I actually find it ironic that the military pays taxes on their incomes, considering most live below the poverty level. . Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Do you find it ironic that people pay taxes on SS benifits, even the ones that live below the poverty line? Are you saying the government needs to SPEND MORE? I thought you were for less spending?

To a lib you may sound well versed, but to me... well lets just say I wouldn't trust your opinion in a life or death situation. . Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Now you are the one sounding like some military elitist. How does it feel to be an elitist? See how stupid question/assumptions like that are. Yes you might be better versed than me in a firefight but we are talking politics. A subject you are not better versed than me. So you've proven we are both elitist, Big deal.

BTW, when your daddy bought your education, . Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
My Daddy did not buy my education nor did my Uncle Sam. Can you state that? And to be clear, I have no problem that your education was paid for by people like me. People that do not work for the government. I do find it a bit ironic with people griping about the very government that they draw their salary from. They expect everyone else in that government to take a pay cut and for them to be paid more. You should go into politics with that view.