The *short & tall* issues we encounter

Guest062512's Avatar
Somebody already say this?

Nose to nose, your toes is in it. Toes to toes, your nose is in it.
Tall women are awesome.
(but I like'em all)
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-22-2009, 06:04 PM
hey xperiment, atta boy, I like your analysis! Some of my best times in the hobby a few years ago was with a 6'1" all legs, skinny gal (me at 5'9"). Nothing quite like having those long gams wrapped around your neck! lol Originally Posted by injectorman
Wow, the power of a positive attuide...what a wonderful out
M_Star's Avatar
I am short (5'7) and thin (130 lbs). I have been with very tall ladies (wow!) and one's shorter than me (wow! there too). If we connect, height or weight isn't even a topic of conversation.

Well, if he's that tall, I have a table extension I have always just liked men. Short, tall, fat, fit whatever, it all suits me just fine.
Dittychaser's Avatar
Short man was thrown out of the nudist camp because he kept sticking his nose in everyone's business.

Tall man was thrown out because he kept sticking his business in everyone's nose.
TallTexan2009's Avatar
I am 6'3" and linebacker sized at 260#'s. I love tall ladies, short ladies, just about any kind of lady! LOL

I am still looking for that 6'4" gal tho! Would like to look up just once in my life.
  • npita
  • 12-29-2009, 10:48 AM
And is there a reason why some short men don't like tall women? Or why some tall men don't like short women?[/B] Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
For me, height is irrelevant. I'm not very tall (5'9"), but I've dated women who are taller than me. There are probably some men for whom a taller woman is an issue, but for the most part, I think short men do not attempt to date taller women because the vast majority of women will not date men who are not significantly taller than they are. I've been turned down for a date for reasons of height by women who were at least 3-4 inches shorter than I am, being told that they won't date a man under 6'. I think a lot of guys just figure, ``why bother?" especially if they have no difficulty finding a supply of shorter women.
groggy2's Avatar
5'9", 270. Built for power. I am a giant among lesser men....
Hey, tall,'s ALL good!

5'8" here...average, I think.
gatewayloco's Avatar
I want to experiment with a tall provider........yummy.
Sasquatch's Avatar
At 6'3", 299lbs and somewhat furry, I've been called a teddy bear many times. I find that most of the ladies I see are 5'5" to 5'7". If they are too small, I'm afraid I'd ram them through the headboard!

I'd love a 6' lady to play with.

At 6’2” and 218lbs, I have had only one hobby experience where the provider was within 1” of my height and time with her was absolutely the best I have ever had. Yet, that was just one time and it has been disappointing in not finding others like her when I was hobbying since most providers are not close to my height. Plus I have always had a thing for the more petite(short) women who have the curvy body which may have had an great influence on my selections. Still, the thought of being with a tall girl for dinner and fun… sounds like a ton of fun to me.
  • 14me
  • 01-04-2010, 11:12 AM
I am only 5'8" and love being with tall women. If my nose ain't in it, my toes are in it. Where did Zen go?

Are there any ladies who prefer short chubby fellers?
6-2, 205, so I'm taller than most women (though apparently not the ones in this thread!). I have a preference for petite women usually, but I do think it would be interesting and fun to be with a woman taller than I am....and now I have a handy little list... Thanks!
I'm 5'8" and work out so I look a little like a little tea pot, short and stout. (I'll be glad to show you my handle and spout)

My experience is women don't like short men. I've even had women that are much shorter than me tell me I'm too short. WTF? But don't worry, I promise not to start a long drawn-out thread complaining about how short men are discriminated against. . .lol

I like tall women and short women. It always depends on the women. The only drawback with tall women is it is hard for me to give them a proper rodgering while in Doggie. The long legs frequently put the punani too high for Mr. Happy. Other than that, it's all good because I can always come up with a workaround. I'm eventive that way.