Bernie is in the race!

Yeppers, no chance.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’s time America had a Jewish president.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
She’s dumb enough to try. She has no chance. Originally Posted by bambino
At this point in 2015 people were probably saying Trump had no chance.
  • oeb11
  • 02-19-2019, 05:02 PM
YR/TM - given your anti-Semitic posts

What changed your mind - or is it changed?
I care not how a person honors God - as long as they respect their fellow person's way of honoring God.

Exception - Islamists dedicated to Sharia rule and taqiya
Perhaps it is time for a female POTUS, or a Black Potus, or a Hispanic POYUS, and the Plantation list goes on.
Bet Tlaib, and Omar would disagree with your statement!!!
Anyone they nominate will beat Trump.

Let AE dream. Originally Posted by WTF
Please show us these polls...any link would be fine
If not...must be your crystal ball...a screen shot will be fine...mine is in the shop!!
bambino's Avatar
At this point in 2015 people were probably saying Trump had no chance. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Trump had more name recognition and money.
Maybe you can throw in Ross Perot and all his national debt charts! Originally Posted by WTF
And this is a Republican created issue...only from a LIBERALtarian!!GOTCHA:nono_h4h :
Interesting. Since he was the #2 choice in 2016 for Democrats will he be #1 in 2020? I hope not but he has a strong support group. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Not enough to win the office!!
Ellen seems to like them all.

Bernie can win. BIGLY. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Only from you...
At this point in 2015 people were probably saying Trump had no chance. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The big advantage he had...he wasn't a politician!!
Little Monster's Avatar
Doubt he will get the nomination, but if he does he would blow Trumps ass out of the water. Lest we forget during the 2016 primaries Every poll had him much further ahead of Dumbass than Hillary was. Had Bernie won the nomination the Hillary supporters would have still showed up to the polls and voted for him, unlike his supporters who just acted like a bunch of crybaby bitches.

Doesn't matter who we nominate, Asshole will lose period!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
well bernie is a democratic socialist.

I see that a number of recent articles indicate that he'll run as a democrat.
  • oeb11
  • 02-20-2019, 07:48 AM
Bernie is a Socialist - and wants and end to Dmocracy and a two-party system
He intends a One party DPST government to control the populace.
Just a Socialist - not a Democrat in any form or fashion - other than as he can use the vehicle for his socialist ends.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bernie is a Socialist - and wants and end to Dmocracy and a two-party system
He intends a One party DPST government to control the populace.
Just a Socialist - not a Democrat in any form or fashion - other than as he can use the vehicle for his socialist ends. Originally Posted by oeb11
Where has ephe ever said he wants to end Democracy?

Your incessant name calling and lies knock you ever deeper into the mosh pit of the Trump rally mob.
Yea,but she ain't no Trump.

At this point in 2015 people were probably saying Trump had no chance. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX