Noah's Ark

pyramider's Avatar
when the going gets tough, the tough go fucking.

the Church of Hooktardology is looking for misguided souls just like you!

come, brother, the Church of Hooktardology will make a real man outta you or you'll die trying. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Poor misguided soul ... You still have not grasped the concept that taint is the key to the universe and understanding. Accept the taint.

Ladies please post taint photos, besides freeing your soul of guilt ... posting taint will help the nontainted is come closer to the true understanding.
bojulay's Avatar
Waco on the cartoon network, or is it ExNYer?

You make the call.
ha ha ha ha

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Poor misguided soul ... You still have not grasped the concept that taint is the key to the universe and understanding. Accept the taint.

Ladies please post taint photos, besides freeing your soul of guilt ... posting taint will help the nontainted is come closer to the true understanding. Originally Posted by pyramider
Get some new material ... Shyster John
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Waco on the cartoon network, or is it ExNYer?

You make the call.
ha ha ha ha

Originally Posted by bojulay
idiot. figures you'd find some yet again factually incorrect cartoon in a vain attempt to prove your points ..

current science does not content the Universe is constant, rather that it is very dynamic, and constantly expanding.

and current theory contents the Big Bang was the result of a singularity, that inflated into the expanding Universe we see today.

keep posting cartoons, i'll keep posting Science
bojulay's Avatar
idiot. figures you'd find some yet again factually incorrect cartoon in a vain attempt to prove your points ..

current science does not content the Universe is constant, rather that it is very dynamic, and constantly expanding.

and current theory contents the Big Bang was the result of a singularity, that inflated into the expanding Universe we see today.

keep posting cartoons, i'll keep posting Science Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Those are some pretty big words for you Waco.

Try and make sure your head doesn't explode.

ha ha ha ha

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
admit it hooktard, you are a hypocrite. you "preach" all your so-called overwhelming "evidence" of creationist bullshit and then as long as you say a few Hail Mary's your sinner ass gets to go to Heaven? Please.
bojulay's Avatar
admit it hooktard, you are a hypocrite. you "preach" all your so-called overwhelming "evidence" of creationist bullshit and then as long as you say a few Hail Mary's your sinner ass gets to go to Heaven? Please. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Not a Catholic.

Your getting closer to detonation, Should we clear the hall.

ha ha ha ha

JCM800's Avatar
Not a Catholic Originally Posted by bojulay
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Amish? Originally Posted by JCM800

so "faith based hooktard", what is your faith? surely you have no .. religious reasons not to state it do ya?


bojulay's Avatar
Amish? Originally Posted by JCM800
There's an idea, I hate most electronic crap.

But then there's that barn raising and making furniture crap.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There's an idea, I hate most electronic crap.

But then there's that barn raising and making furniture crap. Originally Posted by bojulay
except for the Internet which lets you hook up, "faith based hooktard"

ah, no sacrifices for your faith? shocking!

in fact, i find your lack of faith .. disturbing

i get it! you are a Dark Lord of the Sith !!
Well well well, is name calling the best you can do? Name calling really doesn't become you. Personal attacks, surely you can do better than that. Since you want to challenge some ones faith please share with us your defination of faith.

If you look at your life what do you see? You have a source of income, what ever it may be. You have bills, what ever they are. You eat, you drink, you are governed by laws, you enjoy your life in the best way you can. MOST all people, reguardless of their beliefs live the life they choose and they die, period. While we are alive whether we believe in God or whether we think we came from apes are we really so different, I mean really......are we all that different? If we are cut we bleed, if we are sick we go to the doctor, if a loved one dies we are sad. So while we are alive what is the advantage a believer has over a non-believer or what is the advantage a non-believer has over a believer? None.......neither group is any better off than the other while we are alive.

Suppose the non-believers are correct......we live, we die, and that's it.....we're just dead.....the end. While we are alive we are all the same and now that we are dead we are all the same......if the non-believers are correct. BUT suppose the believers are correct.......while we are alive we are all the same, but when we die........then what? The saved go to heaven and the unsaved go to hell, no middle ground.

God gave you the right to choose one way or the other. We will all be accountable for our actions what ever they are, good or bad, but it will be individually. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the non-believers are correct.......but just remember YOU are betting all of eternity on your choice......choose wisely.
JCM800's Avatar
There's an idea, I hate most electronic crap.

But then there's that barn raising and making furniture crap. Originally Posted by bojulay
but you do get to carry around a cool ass beard.....

bojulay's Avatar
but you do get to carry around a cool ass beard.....

Originally Posted by JCM800
I hate beards too, being amash way sucks already.

A little gas and some matches, wheres that freakin barn?
oooooo men with beards...can be very hott..ijs...