Biggest Loser 2010

ONE WORD P90X!!! Unreal program that will burn fat and tone muscle like you never believed. Each workout is hell - but worth it when you see the results!
I wish I had started this contest when it began. I started doing Hcg Injections on December 18th and I have gone from 305 pounds down to 226 pounds as of today. It has been amazing watching the transformation my body has gone thru the past 2 1/2 months.
I wish I had started this contest when it began. I started doing Hcg Injections on December 18th and I have gone from 305 pounds down to 226 pounds as of today. It has been amazing watching the transformation my body has gone thru the past 2 1/2 months. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
on your huge weigh loss, that is remarkable.
I know you feel, just as good as you look.
Enjoy the feeling, every bit of it.
I can't wait to see what happens this week! Its starting to really get interesting! Keep it up boys I'm getting excited!
This weeks Winner: Chris1107!
I'm pacing myself for a big finish.
Everyone has their own way of losing the weight! I'm just wondering how it will end! I was Suprised last round, let's suprise me again this round!
This weeks winner: CheaterCheater!

Way to go!
Congrats man!

Was NOT my week... Sigh...

But watch out next week!

Come on boys Kick it up! PPE I know you can do better than you have been! And I'm sure the rest could do better as well! Show me what Ya'll got!
Come on boys. Kick it up! PPE I know you can do better than you have been! And I'm sure the rest could do better as well! Show me what ya'll got!
This DOES go till August, right? I'm taking it slow and steady - I've done this before and I know what my bottom weight is probably going to be, and I'll get there well before August.

The bitch is keeping it off. And, of course, figuring out a way to sabotage the other contestants. Key lime pie anyone?
Ok we have 1 lovely lady offering prizes to the Top 3 BL Boys! Ms Dharma is offering 90 min to 1st place! 60 min to 2nd place! 30 min to 3rd place! But you need to collect your prize from her by Sept 1st! Come on Boys who wants a Great Massage?
Still, I know I am not in the contest but today I officially have lost 91 lbs since December 18th. I feel and look great. 305 lbs down to 214 lbs.

I went in for a physical last week and my Dr. did not recognize me until I spoke. The last time he saw me was a year ago when I was at 310 lbs. He looked at my chart and told me that when I started going to him in Feb. 1998 I was at 240.

No more cholesterol medicine, no more borderline diabetes or pancreatitis or fatty/marbled liver. My goal is 200 lbs. Which will mean 105 lbs. lost.

To quote Austin Powers "I am a sexy Bitch"
Great to hear your doing good Von S! The rest of you Boys you know your bodies better than I do! Do this how ever you need to! When I said Kick it up it was not in a bad way! Last round everyone chatted via post during the contest, ya'll are toooooooo quiet for me this round! Kick It Up Boys!
This weeks Winner: PPE! BoltFan!

Sorry life is hectic. I did not mean to slack!