Damn business must just be fantastic for all you ladies.

A lot of ladies have the BCD skills and desire to be a provider, but don't have the organizational/time management skills to be independent contractors.

In four years, there has only been one time a gentleman might have considered me a NCNS. He showed up a day early! Our date was for Wednesday. He was at the right hotel at the right time on Tuesday.

He kept calling my cell phone (which was turned off). When he emailed me about an hour later I was able to forward our email exchange to him showing we'd scheduled for Wednesday.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
call me guys ill never do that to you, nothing but pleasure here
Okay, I get canceled on and NCNS just as much as the guys. When do I get to bitch about it?? Never o'clock. NCNS I can understand writing a review about. Cancellations? Hell, at least you got some kind of notice. It could be worse. Shit happens.

I have a real live medical issue (submucous myomas) that causes me to have crazy fucked up cycles and multiple 'visits' each month, so I am more than certain I am on several shit lists. Not a whole lot I can do about it. Maybe I should start advertising red wing specials, I could make a killing. Or maybe I should start trying to fake it and use sponges like some ladies do? Oh, but then I would get bad reviews for that too...

Oh well, life's a bitch.
It's just a matter of enough notice. My get pissed off mark is one hour before scheduled insertion. It's not just the drive time involved it's taking the performance enhancer one hour before needing to perform that is critical. Cancel after I have taken my little helper and I have headaches and stuffy nose the rest of the day. Stuff happens but it's no biggie unless it happens again and again with the same gal.
Dudes, she does want to make money, but she sees you as a bad risk, or her time is full. Writing paragraphs of whining stories will not help you.

ECCIE should create a whining or complaining section. This could be the corner stone.

Waaa, nobody loves me and I am a great person.... Now you want a provider’s pity to get you in to see her? I do not get it... No man is that desperate. This alone reeks of a game being played.

I have no dime in this, but it is just common sense. Why not hook him up with Kayla, is she not enough? Originally Posted by RoundPound
It's not whining, it is a valid discussion. Perhaps the cornflakes are lurking and might learn how much inconvenience they are causing. Sometimes we don't know we are doing something wrong unless you tell us! Just like the guys, we too need feedback.

If her time is full she shouldn't book you or even give you the impression she has time. This is a very personal service we provide, why overbook? Ladies, don't string the guys along, if you are too busy just say so.

I am a firm believer that all e-mails, PMs, etc which do not contain rude or graphic ("I really want to see you, do you BBBJTCNQNS") content should get some sort of reply, even a one liner saying you are overbooked for the next month would suffice. Guys, if you are including acronyms in your e-mails don't expect a reply. And of course, there are those rare mystery e-mails that we find on page two of our inbox and we are like, "why didn't I open that one?!" Sometimes I think they must get hung up on the server or something and then when they populate you can't see them because your inbox automatically puts them in date/time order. I have had that problem with the PM system here.

Voicemail is tricky. Some of us have voicemail only numbers (like google voice) so if you keep calling and hanging up and calling and hanging up you will never get us. Also many of the ladies, myself included, will not return day old voicemails because we are concerned for your privacy. So guys, don't get too tore up about your voicemails not being returned!

If all else fails, there are plenty of us willing to be your plan B
Well do ya? Ahhhh, now you started it!

I am a firm believer that all e-mails, PMs, etc which do not contain rude or graphic ("I really want to see you, do you BBBJTCNQNS") content should get some sort of reply, Originally Posted by Marla
Okay, I get canceled on and NCNS just as much as the guys. When do I get to bitch about it?? Never o'clock. NCNS I can understand writing a review about. Cancellations? Hell, at least you got some kind of notice. It could be worse. Shit happens.

I have a real live medical issue (submucous myomas) that causes me to have crazy fucked up cycles and multiple 'visits' each month, so I am more than certain I am on several shit lists. Not a whole lot I can do about it. Maybe I should start advertising red wing specials, I could make a killing. Or maybe I should start trying to fake it and use sponges like some ladies do? Oh, but then I would get bad reviews for that too...

Oh well, life's a bitch. Originally Posted by Dannie
I know what you mean. I have a real live medical issue (golden dick erectionitis) that causes me to have crazy fucked up urges and multiple provider 'visits' each month.
Do you realy think they care what we think? It is about making money, not getting hurt, not paying a pimp that will cost money and scare off business.

If you have more than 20% NC/NS you should reconsider your game plan, it is not realistic for you........

It's not whining, it is a valid discussion. Perhaps the cornflakes are lurking and might learn how much inconvenience they are causing. Sometimes we don't know we are doing something wrong unless you tell us! Just like the guys, we too need feedback.

If her time is full she shouldn't book you or even give you the impression she has time. This is a very personal service we provide, why overbook? Ladies, don't string the guys along, if you are too busy just say so.

I am a firm believer that all e-mails, PMs, etc which do not contain rude or graphic ("I really want to see you, do you BBBJTCNQNS") content should get some sort of reply, even a one liner saying you are overbooked for the next month would suffice. Guys, if you are including acronyms in your e-mails don't expect a reply. And of course, there are those rare mystery e-mails that we find on page two of our inbox and we are like, "why didn't I open that one?!" Sometimes I think they must get hung up on the server or something and then when they populate you can't see them because your inbox automatically puts them in date/time order. I have had that problem with the PM system here.

Voicemail is tricky. Some of us have voicemail only numbers (like google voice) so if you keep calling and hanging up and calling and hanging up you will never get us. Also many of the ladies, myself included, will not return day old voicemails because we are concerned for your privacy. So guys, don't get too tore up about your voicemails not being returned!

If all else fails, there are plenty of us willing to be your plan B Originally Posted by Marla
pyramider's Avatar
As a fucktard, NCNS seems to be cyclical.
I love being Plan B as well because after that, I am 1ST CHOICE!!! LOL!

Seriously, it amazes me the stories I hear about what some of you gentlemen have to go through.

I have not ever NC/NS'd anyone and don't plan on EVER doing it either! This is my LIVING and I don't think my business would be very good if I didn't treat it as such.

Hmm...sorry guys but if you want dependability, give ME a call! Well, me and a few others here!
Marla - LONG TIME NO SEE beautiful girl!! Wow. You seem just as sweet (and sexy) as ever!
Dannie - sorry to hear about that. I give you props for being so honest girlee.

Yeah, Kayla I hear ya. My little 0.02cents is that alot of these newbies should do their homework before joining these boards and advertising services/booking appts. If they are a hot mess in real life - more than likely, no matter how sweet that aZZ looks- or how good they may be at sucking a c*ck- their lack of organizational skills & inability to balance time schedules will show its face before long.
There should be some sort of class for the poor girls...
If the same girl is repeatedly known for NCNS (and does not attempt to do "make-up" sessions) then she MUST BE the *STAR* of her own reality show (LOL, aka have no concept of the reality of the normal working world around her) or just flat out not giva crap about the men who make her source of income possible. = uh, Retarded!

Guys, if you're eyeing that cute newbie and feel you might be in that "I HAVE to see her" stage (of Plan A) and you've seen red flags (hell, even a pink flag) ...Please think with your NORTHERN head and save yourself some time, heartache, and blue balls of a possible NCNS.

The problem is...there are too many "girls" on here and not enough "women" dammit!!!

If there was a Whining/Complaining Section...Oh lord, we could all gather at my place on Friday nights and watch the ranting, rebuttals, and name calling until the cows come home. I'll provide the popcorn!! LOL


pmdelites's Avatar

Yeah, Kayla I hear ya. My little 0.02cents is that alot of these newbies should do their homework before joining these boards and advertising services/booking appts. If they are a mess in real life - more than likely, no matter how good they may be at sucking a c*ck- their lack of organizational skills and ability to balance time schedules will show its face before long.
There should be some sort of class for the poor girls... Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
and i have just the curriculum for that!! :^)

Guys, if you're eyeing that cute newbie and feel you might be in that "I HAVE to see her" stage (of Plan A) and you've seen red flags (hell, even a pink flag) ...think with your NORTHERN head and save yourself some time, heartache, and blue balls of a NCNS. The cure for that: GO SEE YOUR RELIABLE REPUTABLE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY!!

LOL. The problem is...there are too many "girls" on here and not enough "women"!!! Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
to "go see your reliable provider.." and "girls" vs "women"
amen Amen AMEN!!! and i'm not an organized religion kind of person.
that's one of the reasons i explicitly use one or the other of those nouns depending on the female in question. there's a BIG difference.

If there was a Whining/Complaining Section...Oh lord, we could all gather at my place on Friday nights and watch the ranting and rebuttals, and name calling until the cows come home. I'll provide the popcorn!! LOL


Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
the friday nites would be a hoot but probably not all that interesting after a while. guess we'd go take matters into hand, or breast, or crotch, etc.

Support your RELIABLE REPUTABLE PROVIDERS near you!! - this is beginning to sound like a commercial, in a good way, and for which i'm a willing consumer 100%
PMDelites....taking matters into our own hands, breasts, crotch-ular areas
...that would mean my secret plan is working!! ha ha ha (evil laugh) wink!!

he he he

Italiana Princess

now cum put your c*ck in my face!
tazman68's Avatar
I contacted 5 providers last Friday and Saturday. All had posted ads either Thursday / friday or Saturday last week. One yes one has contacted me as of this morning!!!

Ladies why post if you're not going to take the business??

Purple Haze's Avatar
Normally, I have a good track record, but the last four weeks three out of four providers I had confirmed appointments with either cancelled or no-showed. One was an ATF and two were newbies (flavor of the month) Its almost not worth trying to meet someone new. Too much aggravation.