Stupidity and Dishonesty at its worst: AOC

Yeah. All the lies from my side haven't damaged his approval numbers

I still think he’s the worst president in history.

Yeah, make it about AOC!

LOL! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Way to try to derail a thread about AOC and her stupidity by lying about President Trump again. She has made enemies of the mayor of her city and the governor of her state and you think she's a shoo-in? Once Cuomo endorses her opponent she's done.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Who knows, if the corrupt democratic machine is forced to run her again a republican might win the election.
bambino's Avatar
Way to try to derail a thread about AOC and her stupidity by lying about President Trump again. She has made enemies of the mayor of her city and the governor of her state and you think she's a shoo-in? Once Cuomo endorses her opponent she's done. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
This thread is about stupidity. YRs knows no bounds.
AOC accused several of the men working the border of wanting to molest her.

These men should be hiring the highest priced civil lawyer available they could afford and sue the shit out of her.
bambino's Avatar
AOC accused several of the men working the border of wanting to molest her.

These men should be hiring the highest priced civil lawyer available they could afford and sue the shit out of her. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yep, although I don’t think she mentioned any names. She’s sneaky that way. She was prepped what to say.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who knows, if the corrupt democratic machine is forced to run her again a republican might win the election. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Wanna bet?
Who knows, if the corrupt democratic machine is forced to run her again a republican might win the election. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Sadly in that district, I wouldn't guess a Republican would be elected for many years out. That's why dear old AOC managed to sneak in to Congress with basically a 4k primary win over someone who didn't think she was on the radar. If she's not primaried, she's a lock.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Wanna bet? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
you always wanting to bet so take mine you lose and you leave the forum and never return and take "lil Munster" with you
Sadly in that district, I wouldn't guess a Republican would be elected for many years out. That's why dear old AOC managed to sneak in to Congress with basically a 4k primary win over someone who didn't think she was on the radar. If she's not primaried, she's a lock. Originally Posted by eccielover
I agree.

The Democrats just might get tired of her crap.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
AOC = a load of combustible hot air.

courtesy of the Moo Force! bahahahaha!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
you always wanting to bet so take mine you lose and you leave the forum and never return and take "lil Munster" with you
Originally Posted by Hotrod511
I not always wanting to bet. I not bet you.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Classic progressive word use , How about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATES IN HOLDING JAIL . Which if they don't want that stay go back maybe,,,LSM cool aide