fathers day

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
my dad passed away 2yrs ago but im glad i got the chance to get to know him beforehand he was a cool dude, and brooke u were outed on fb too? smh so was i but lucky me all of my friends know what i do and the ones who had a problem were kicked to the curb ima love it or leave it type of person.
happy fathers day to everyone hope yall enjoy it
im thinking about taking a dip in the pool
gtcruiser's Avatar
Great post Brooke! I have to say my dad was just the silent type and I learned how to hunt and fish from him along with obtaining my work ethic and sense of values. I would say that we were lower middle income growing up, but a lot of support from dear old mom and somewhat from dad. As for myself, I have always tried to be there for my sons whether it be sports or other such activities. That is still true today. Some of things I have tried to instill in them are:
  1. Common sense and common courtesy will carry you a long way in life
  2. Stand up for yourself when wronged
  3. Keep close to each other as it will only be you 2 some day
  4. Be a better father than me (not that I am a bad father in any way)

And so far I count myself very lucky with the way they have both grown up. To all of you that have had less than desirable fathers and to add to how Reese put it, pass it on to your children and grand children to be good parents. and nothing beats you being a good parent as an example of it.

gtcruiser's Avatar
Sorry had to comment on Jules post and on taking a dip in the pool. Now what I want for father's day is for Jules, Brooke, Dannie, Reese, Hotlips and Lisa to be in the pool playing volleyball. That is 4 in pool, jumping around and watching the tits go up and come down. Except for the lovely Reese and I want be looking at her backside. UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Then 2 in the shade with me enjoying the scenery with a cold drink of choice and of course the close up view and attention! :

Sorry to hijack the thread, but the thought sounded so great I could not keep it to myself.
I was 6yr old when my daddy passed away so I dont know what its like to enjoy a fathersday.
I know we all have issue's but if your dad is still around enjoy every bit of the time you have with him.
I wish everyone a happy fathersday!

To all the dads here,take the time to love them baby's!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-20-2010, 08:03 PM
Happy Fathers Day to all you good looking Daddies.......
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Never-mind, it's not worth it...
Lots of kisses for you dfk!
pmdelites's Avatar
My father doesn't know if I am alive or dead...and I am more than sure that he doesn't care one way or the other. My stepdad was abusive to me growing up so.....well you can imagine. I guess that is why I do everything I can to make sure that my children are happy and safe. I will never abandon them.

To all of you fathers that work extra hard to be a good dad and protect your children and care for them...it will never be forgotten. Even though sometimes it may seem unappreciated, in the long run, they will thank you for it.

Have a wonderful Fathers day!

ps...to all of the ladies that do both jobs...Happy Fathers Day to you too! Originally Posted by reese foster
to all the women who have posted "thanks to dad", thank you!!

all of us have something in our lives that is missing or just not the way we wished it could have been. adapting to it and growing in spite of it is one way to deal with it; shrinking back or getting down about it is another.
looks to me that you and brookie have been able to deal with and make the best out of the situations you grew up with.
my hat's off to you and all the others who've gone thru such experiences.

in my case, i never knew my father - he died three months before i was born. my mom raised three kids on her own, all on a secretary's salary, social security dependent's benefits, and some small investments he had. we werent poor but we didnt have lots of luxuries. but we had lots of great times, great family gatherings [most of my aunts/uncles lived w/in 15 miles], and great memories.

she imparted a lot to us, mostly in a subtle and indirect manner, hardly ever coming straight out and saying "this is what you need to do in order to..." and tho, i turned out pretty well, one brother died in early 90's and the other brother died in early 00's.

growing up, we always remembered mom on mother's day and father's day cos she was both to us [never remarried].

now that she's gone as well [cancer a few yrs ago], i'm glad that they're all buried in the same cemetery in her hometown. i send them my love often.

so, talk w/your parents or kids, learn about their ups & downs, their favorite & not so favorite things, etc. cos once they're gone, the odds are pretty low that you'll be able to find out about things you might want to know about them and their lives.
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-21-2010, 09:22 AM
Great and thoughtful post, pmdelights.