Instead of, they are getting 145 miles of Trump's wall that we are still waiting for Mehico to pay for

Ellen please do some research. Trump is not the same man he 5, 10 or 20 years ago. 20 years ago he had an impressive vocabulary, talked in complete sentences and could carry o, a conversation. Since 2012 his mental state has deteriorated. Look at old videos and interviews. Something is wrong. I know you worship him but we need to face facts. Is he mentally competent to be the leader of the free world. Before you answer,"they tested him" look up the test. It is useless, for any president to take. Personally I think he should be pityed, he is not well and no one is doing anything.
Thank you for the advice Dr. but I have done my research - it's Trump 2020.

Ellen please do some research. Trump is not the same man he 5, 10 or 20 years ago. 20 years ago he had an impressive vocabulary, talked in complete sentences and could carry o, a conversation. Since 2012 his mental state has deteriorated. Look at old videos and interviews. Something is wrong. I know you worship him but we need to face facts. Is he mentally competent to be the leader of the free world. Before you answer,"they tested him" look up the test. It is useless, for any president to take. Personally I think he should be pityed, he is not well and no one is doing anything. Originally Posted by Dr Hackenbush
Thank you for the advice Dr. but I have done my research - it's Trump 2020. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Well your research is seriously flawed, go back and look at the man's history. He needs help and he is addicted to adderol. Ask yourself. If Obama, Clinton, Bush, Bush, ford, carter did the scrap this lunatic does what would you demand. Obviously you are enamoured with with image. But look beyond that. He is a scared little boy that reads and comprehend at a 4th grade level, has no attention span, is prone to fits of rage, lies, cheats,associates with the mafia does respect the law. I can back my comments up with facts. You back yours up with vapor. Trust me I have study him a,since his book Art of the deal. Previous a financial analyst, I would not loan him a dime
Precious_b's Avatar
No one wishing the 30th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down?

Ellen should take note of that. Seeing how long it was there. Damn sure the cost/benefit ratio would make any Repub spender proud.

And if there is any similarity in consequences between the Berlin Wall and Fearless Leaders, he'll have the same reputation as Erich Honecker. (I might say he is well on the way there already.)
cinderbella's Avatar
I was in the Hofbrauhaus Munchen, a few short weeks
after the wall came down.

I was invited to hang out with some new German friends.
On the other side of the table, I noticed everyone was
sitting very stiff compared to the west Germans I was
hanging with. My friends explained they were east
Germans, visiting for the first time to celebrate.

I was really struck by the difference, that was my
first European vacay. I have since traveled 3 times
extensively throughout Europe.

When I returned to my U.S. military base, our security
officer dragged me into his office and questioned me
extensively about why I went there.

My grown kid just went to Berlin for a vacation and
had a blast. No more suspicion, no more cold war,
all thanks to that horrible wall finally being torn
Precious, please check your history. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in and capitilism out. Not the same thing. You can't compare apples to oranges. It needs to be apples to apples. Try again.

No one wishing the 30th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down?

Ellen should take note of that. Seeing how long it was there. Damn sure the cost/benefit ratio would make any Repub spender proud.

And if there is any similarity in consequences between the Berlin Wall and Fearless Leaders, he'll have the same reputation as Erich Honecker. (I might say he is well on the way there already.) Originally Posted by Precious_b
Dev Null's Avatar
Precious, please check your history. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in and capitilism out. Not the same thing. You can't compare apples to oranges. It needs to be apples to apples. Try again. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
It's true that the Berlin wall was nothing like the border wall concept. Population density, urban vs. rural, the ideology behind it, the history, any number of things.

What I don't understand is the blind loyalty to Trump and his bromance with Putin, a former KGB agent and longest-term Kremlin leader since Joseph Stalin, who famously said that if there was one event in his nation's history he could overturn, it would be the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Not the millions who died during World War II, not the gulags of the Cold War era, not even the purges of the Stalin era. He would bring back the USSR.

From Trump's denial of Russian influence in the 2016 elections, attempts to blame it on Ukraine, removing troops in Syria to the advantage of Russian interests, to his offer of wildfire assistance in Siberia while threatening to deny it in California, this president's actions with regard to Putin come off as distinctly un-American.

Why is it that Republicans, who once so proudly opposed Russian hostility to the West, now embrace it?

It would be easy to blame it on Facebook, InfoWars, right-wing propagandists, etc. But what ever happened to the good old-fashioned bullshit meter?
sportfisherman's Avatar
Big T promoter ; it was to keep people on one side in And to keep people on the other side out. Try to think in an abstract manner and not so concretely. It is the idea of a wall that is a joke. It is also based on the demonization of Mexican people and other people of color.
I too am confounded by the apparent hoodwinking of ordinarily conservative people by an entitled,privileged,huckster,s huckster,con-man.
Illegitimate,inappropriate,out of his depth,Whining Donnie,blustering spin-meister,embarrassing,Pseudo-pres Chump.
Ummmmmm, you forgot to add in the word ILLEGAL. I know,I know, you want open borders. You might want to ask some European countries how that's working out for them. I wish people would do their research. Le sigh.
Dr. can you provide a link please showing that President Trump is addicted to Adderol. I haven't heard that one before.

Well your research is seriously flawed, go back and look at the man's history. He needs help and he is addicted to adderol. Ask yourself. If Obama, Clinton, Bush, Bush, ford, carter did the scrap this lunatic does what would you demand. Obviously you are enamoured with with image. But look beyond that. He is a scared little boy that reads and comprehend at a 4th grade level, has no attention span, is prone to fits of rage, lies, cheats,associates with the mafia does respect the law. I can back my comments up with facts. You back yours up with vapor. Trust me I have study him a,since his book Art of the deal. Previous a financial analyst, I would not loan him a dime Originally Posted by Dr Hackenbush
sportfisherman's Avatar
You mean Illegal as to the conduct of our Fake President ?
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
The majority of illegal immigrants are visa overstays.
Dev Null's Avatar
Ummmmmm, you forgot to add in the word ILLEGAL. I know,I know, you want open borders. You might want to ask some European countries how that's working out for them. I wish people would do their research. Le sigh. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
"Open borders" is a red herring created by the anti-immigrant far right, not an actual proposal that has any traction. Some Democrats want to decriminalize illegal border crossing and make it a civil offense, which would still have consequences, and would not eliminate border security altogether.

Others want comprehensive immigration reform, but few agree on the details. Legal immigration actually helps the economy by bringing in a predominately younger tax-paying work force whose contribution to the economy far outpaces their cost. Europe is famously battling the problem of a rapidly aging population, and the U.S. is actually in better shape thanks to immigration.

The myth of open borders was created by the same people who want to traumatize children by locking them up indefinitely to discourage immigration. This from Fox News of all places:

Republicans have forgotten the pro-immigration policies of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, to their detriment. This from Reason Magazine, a libertarian monthly whose past contributors include Milton Friedman and Thomas Szasz. One of the arguments is that pro-capitalist economists like Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes were pro-immigration, while Karl Marx saw immigration as a ploy by capitalists to lower wages and exploit the working class:

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
I'm sorry I was not aware that he had been prosecuted for illegal activity. Oh that's right - they are all guilty until proven innocent. **smirk**

You mean Illegal as to the conduct of our Fake President ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
You forgot to mention the fabulous immigration reform under Obama. Opps, didn't he do those cages?

"Open borders" is a red herring created by the anti-immigrant far right, not an actual proposal that has any traction. Some Democrats want to decriminalize illegal border crossing and make it a civil offense, which would still have consequences, and would not eliminate border security altogether.

Others want comprehensive immigration reform, but few agree on the details. Legal immigration actually helps the economy by bringing in a predominately younger tax-paying work force whose contribution to the economy far outpaces their cost. Europe is famously battling the problem of a rapidly aging population, and the U.S. is actually in better shape thanks to immigration.

The myth of open borders was created by the same people who want to traumatize children by locking them up indefinitely to discourage immigration. This from Fox News of all places:

Republicans have forgotten the pro-immigration policies of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, to their detriment. This from Reason Magazine, a libertarian monthly whose past contributors include Milton Friedman and Thomas Szasz. One of the arguments is that pro-capitalist economists like Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes were pro-immigration, while Karl Marx saw immigration as a ploy by capitalists to lower wages and exploit the working class:

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Originally Posted by Dev Null