
Welcome to the big leagues Jayhawker.
Seriously consider comments from the folks on this thread as I believe this is first time some have met you. Perhaps the concept of 1st impressions being valid is applicable.
SAangel27 is being very nice, but blunt, and I agree with her take. Others are also blunt.
As you're aware of which board I normally frequent, you're also aware that I've seen all the posts on that thread, and I've seen other threads. Please take my following comment as constructive, as that's the sole intent.
You are simply doing yourself a disservice with your choice of verbiage, and your presentation mechanics. This is why some of the folks on that local board go after you (and there's a bit in this thread ftom folks that just met you). I assume that some of the verbiage and presentation is what got a mod involved, whether it was open board or a PM.
I have no idea why I'm presenting a bit of advice to someone that went to that school, and, btw, I took the entire pot on the Tues eve game, from 5 guys I work with, that went to that same school, but perhaps you will just accept this as non-inflammatory advisory comment to think about. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I actually have no idea who you are or which board you frequent. Not saying that to be smart I just don't but you said it as if I should.

I do take the information they are providing. My issue is just she said she wasted her life so I was not gonna let that slide. She could have offered the advice without that bit and all would have been well.
inspector farquar's Avatar

And this is a DISCUSSION FORUM on said hooker board. So what's your point- rules of discourse don't apply? Is that because you don't know them, or find them unmanageable?

IT is not some nice fine everyday gentlemans club. This is a board in which people are in fear the feds may shut it down like redbook.

I am not in fear of that. Why are you?

Why pretend as if we have to play nice.

We don't have to play nice. Just within The Guidelines. It's really not that hard of a concept, is it?

You say the post smell of juvenile insecurity but give nothing to back up your point.

Fair point. I did not. But I'll make an admission - I was writing that comment not for you but for the audience. They've seen the evidence. I didn't expect any criticism would resonate with you. And to that point, there is ample evidence just in this thread alone.

But, congratulations on the baby step. You actually argued content.

Wait never mind I just have 1 review and joined last month. Carry on Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Ah, shucks. One step forward and two steps back.

Whether I joined today or four years ago neither empowers, nor invalidates, my position. If you really believe that, are you ready to accept that your argument is automatically invalidated by those with more than your 4 reviews, or longer tenure, no matter what they say? That's a non-starter then. Do you see ( I can always call in my big brother to converse with you - he's been on this board much longer, and has an impressive amount of reviews - especially compared to your four, but wouldn't that be silly)?

What else you got?
Wakeup's Avatar
Now I cannot say if they got an infraction but I am willing to bet they did not. Now just because I responded tougher than they did doesn't mean I should have gotten an infraction because after all they brought it on themselves. The mods should have warned those guys for going off topic but they did not instead they waited and let it get out of hand and then I was given an infraction. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
So many things wrong with this paragraph.

1. You don't know if they got infractions or not. Your anger makes you guess they didn't. Your entire argument collapses if they did.

2. You responding "tougher" guarantees you an infraction, even if they didn't get one. The guidelines about intentional rudeness are subjective, and open to interpretation. The degree to which you respond is taken into account when deciding to issue an infraction.

3. Good mods rarely warn anyone about thread drift except in the most extreme circumstances. It's healthy.

4. The really dangerous posters know how to hit back without breaking the rules...the rest of you are just amateurs...suck it up and deal...

P.S.-It's the interwebs...why do you care if you look like a pussy in the interwebs???
Pistolero's Avatar
And, the guidelines do not say that you can be rude and disrespectful if you have been attacked and are defending yourself. It is always a no, does not matter which side you are on.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I actually have no idea who you are or which board you frequent. Not saying that to be smart I just don't but you said it as if I should.

I do take the information they are providing. My issue is just she said she wasted her life so I was not gonna let that slide. She could have offered the advice without that bit and all would have been well. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Kansas City metro
It's labeled right under my avatar.

So you can't let anything slide? Even a simple descriptive she used to emphasize a point? Ok then.

Welcome to the national board.
This is the big leagues.

joesmo888's Avatar
what is the big deal about an infraction anyway? if a mod wanted to really screw you up they would of banned you

last few pages of that thread and you were attacking everyone like a cornered badger when all you had to do was walk away
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
All communities have rules & regulations. We are all responsible for our own behavior on this board. If you were found to be in violation of the rules, so be it. Whatever other people did is on them.

But, if you continue to behave in a manner counter to listed ECCIE guidelines, you should expect to be on the receiving end of consequences (infractions, extended removal, banning). Bringing it to the national forum to garner support for your position doesn't make you "right", and it certainly won't change the rules here.

You seem so disdainful of ECCIE, continually referring to this as a hooker board and suggesting that being polite & mature is unnecessary here, so why stay a member at all?
rogerdodger's Avatar
wow ... I can't believe any of this ... so much so I felt like I HAD to post.

who cares what anyone's response is to any of this. I'm here to meet a couple of nice ladies and get laid. period. and if someone asks me a question - I might answer. other than obvious butthurt by internet ninjas - am I missing something ??
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
hey everybody meet Jayhawker. It never stops. Just when it seems like he gets it.. That's when it all goes down hill..

Jayhawker it ain't the mods, kc locals, or any one else..its just you.. No one but you buddy.. Bye bye..
inspector farquar's Avatar
hey everybody meet Jayhawker. It never stops. Just when it seems like he gets it Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
Link please. I see no evidence of him getting anything other than butthurt.
Thanks for the info folks. I got what I needed.

Take care.
pyramider's Avatar
Just keep licking the windows of the short bus ... they still need cleaning ... ijs.

See how easy it is. During the holiday season ask for the minty flavored points.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2014, 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Old-T

the way you respond to a respected poster like SAangel I have no clue who she is and she told me she wasted her life by reading what I wrote. My only point to her was why respond if she felt it was a waste of time. Is that really so bad to ask. . you seem to be on a quest more than actually seeking feedback. No, I do want feedback but I do want feeback that is helpful and not after reading my past post and telling me they shouldn't have even been in certain forums. You may think you are the baddest SOB in the valley--and maybe you are, but I doubt it--however it is disingenuous to act like a bully-wannabe and then complain that you are treated that way. Not complaining about getting attacked...that makes my day...I love the back and forth and want them to bring it. However, what I am complaining about is the infraction for responding to the attacks. hence why I titled the thread infractions

But to your original points:

1. Essentially no one on here has any idea if the other posters did or did not get reprimanded, so why did you raise the question here? To get others thoughts as I stated from the beginning.

Originally Posted by Old-T
Actually, I feel very confident saying that you are wrong. This is indeed a community that encourages honest discussion most the time, but in a civil manner. It is not a forum for juvenile slurs, insults, lies, and attacks. It's a 40 year old thought but the medium is still very much part of the message. Express yourself like an adult instead of a pre-pubescent highschooler and you likely won't get slapped near as hard or often.

So you are saying grown men in the real world don't use this type of language. You are saying that only kids use this type of language. It seems to me you have a double standard. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
You seem more and more like an immature testosterone driven young guy with every one of your posts that I read. I really should be doing other things, but I will take one more run at trying to educate. If it doesn't do any good with you, maybe someone else will understand and avoid the mistakes you have made.

First, you have at least twice stated that you don't know who some other well known poster is. One in your own neck of the woods. That is not evil by itself, but it does make you seem ignorant of how to deal with strangers and how to survive with minimal dammage in a potentially hostile environment. The simple hint is RESEARCH. It is easy to use the search tools and learn about a member and their persona and posting history. You didn't, so you made a fool of yourself and lowered your credibility.

Second, no, you don't really want feedback. From your replies throughout this thread it is fairly clear you were looking for sympathy, looking for people to agree that you had been wronged, and looking to show how James Dean you are. When that is not how people reacted you threw a bit of a pouting pose.

Third, you still didn't get the message a lot of very experienced people are trying to give you: your attitude/communication skills suck and if you don't change them you are likely to keep getting dumped upon. Not what you wanted to hear, so you reply by attacking the messengers (plural) who have no reason not to be objective with you.

Forth, as many have pointed out, you have no idea if the (very mild) punishment meted out to you was fair or not--you leap to conclusions while admitting you have no evidence. "They" may well have been slapped as well and just not sweat the point. In your misplaced pity party for yourself you seem to be oblivious to what the mod told you on the KC thread: it wasn't that you fought back, it was that you presentation was unacceptable--but your ego refused to accept that. You felt that YOU are either above the rules for civility, or that YOU should decree what the rules are--I'm not quite sure which version of megalomania you suffer from.

And lastly you throw out a version of the "hypocrite" accusation, saying I have a double standard. And you toss it out there with a healthy combination of illogic and seemingly intentional distortion. No, I did NOT make any statement that implied grow men always use civil conversational terms. What I DID say is this particular site--at least most the forums--has a set of rules for civil decorum, and YOU are not fitting inside the norms.

I have seen nothing in your posts so far that leads me to believe that you are willing to open your mind to actual constructive criticism so I suspect the next time I read one of your posts it will still be imitating a pre-pubescent highschooler (and that STILL won't be a double standard on my part).
inspector farquar's Avatar
I got what I had coming. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Yes you did.
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
Link please. I see no evidence of him getting anything other than butthurt. Originally Posted by inspector farquar

Your in it. He posted in a community and asked for feedback(not saying he understands for the better).
That is growth.. Very slowwww growth..