
ANONONE's Avatar
John Bull's Avatar
Let's see if we can set this controversy that Anonone has generated straight.

First off, the thread was started as a Fantasy of mine. It includes those things that I require in an orgy situation. While I hoped that there would be responses that would allow me to keep a little book on who approved and who could afford it, I didn't intend the post to be an open invitation to an orgy.

I know that there are ladies in this forum who would jump at the chance for an invite. How do I know? Because they've been to such parties in the past! Their names will remain with me but they know who they are. hehehe
Now as to the controversy: I make no apology for the requirements of the orgy and understand that it isn't for all. I also have no intention of altering those requirements. Those who find it not to their taste would simply not respond or if invited would decline. No hard feelings at all!!

I feel bad because of the way things developed when our newest member posted to this thread. I'm sure she didn't intend to have her policies questioned anymore than I intended for my Fantasy to be altered. Still, because of the way the posts developed, it was made to seem as if she was not an acceptable provider because of her policies. Marcus made every effort to disavow such thoughts and I thought I had also.

Still, to Sicilian Ginger, I wish to extend my hand in apology if you felt at all put upon by anything in what I said or in my attitude. I hope you will accept this apology in the spirit in which it is given.
I will accept your apology, but you did not make me feel very welcome. I am really thinking about leaving this board. That was pretty hurtful, and more importantly it put a ding in my business. I am now getting more flack than I ever had over this issue before.

I understand that the fee belongs to you until we book and that you have a right to have your preferences, but the way you stated things, it stirs up derision in clients. Just because you have a personal preference, it does not make it the standard. Of course since you are a mod, you hold sway over the opinions of others. You may not realize that, but when you assert the way things should be in the hobby--men listen.

As to my CBJ, it has nothing to do with my enjoyment of giving head or swallowing. I actually love it. It is a bit of a safety issue (multiple partners), but the bottom-line for me is it is about intimacy. I save that very special act for my SO. I would hope you respect that.
  • MLG
  • 12-31-2010, 04:46 PM
Ginger, I can vouch for the fact that JB meant no harm. I have known him for years and he would never intentionally try to cause harm to anyone. He was just being specific in HIS fantasy.

CBJ's have always been a sore spot with many gents in this area for years. Some eventually come around and try it, then realize its just as awesome. Others refuse to try it for whatever reason and hold on to the Bare part for dear life.

To be honest, not many gals in the area do CBJs, and the ones that do have taken some heat for it. Its not fair and its not right - but it is the way it is.

Please dont leave us. I think u make a wonderful addition to the board. And God knows there arent too many that will post.

Hang in there girl. Hell I would get INSIDE a plastic bag if I had to just to be with u!

Thank you, MLG. I have actually had no complaints about providing a CBJ, until I started doing bookings from this board. Maybe one or two guys complained, but they would either politely decline the booking or give it try. . .and if I may say so, were rather surprised.

It seems like the gents from ECCIE and Indys go further than to enjoy BBBJ, they often seem on a crusade to eradicate CBJ--or at least lecture me to no end on why I need to "get with it."

I apologize if I stirred stuff up, but JB seemed to be lecturing me. . .and then when a few customers brought this thread up, I began to wonder.

All I ask is that gentlemen respect my boundaries. I am not trying to push an agenda of CBJ--it is just a personal decision--please do the same--don't pester me to change--especially since I have been open an honest about my position. To call or send me messages and emails talking about "WHY I SHOULD LISTEN TO JB AND GO BBBJ" is just not very welcome.

I am trying to be diplomatic here. I have been very clear on CBJ, if that is a deal-breaker for you there is no need to contact me. As MLG stated, there are plenty of providers that excel in providing that service for you. If however .025" of latex does not make that big of a deal (I promise you my blow job is downright savage given that i feel safe and comfortable with it covered), and you aren't hung up on that one little menu item, please get in touch with me. I will prove to you just how hot a CBJ can be as just one small part of the total GFE package.
John Bull's Avatar
All I ask is that gentlemen respect my boundaries. I am not trying to push an agenda of CBJ--it is just a personal decision--please do the same--don't pester me to change--especially since I have been open an honest about my position. To call or send me messages and emails talking about "WHY I SHOULD LISTEN TO JB AND GO BBBJ" is just not very welcome.
Now I'm shocked! I would never tell you or any lady not to adhere to your boundries.

Eccie, and I as their representative, believe that every lady has a right to set her rules and her prices. You, as a member of this board, always retain that right.

Now to the messages you've been receiving; I would like those guys to quit harassing you and to respect your boundries. We all have them and we all have the right to them but none of us has the right to browbeat others to change theirs.

As to a fee, I don't understand that. What fee? I'm not operating a business and I'm not collecting fees for anything.
ANONONE's Avatar
Now I'm shocked! I would never tell you or any lady not to adhere to your boundries. Originally Posted by John Bull
You might want to go back and reread what you posted. This sure reads like a lecture to me:

I specified that the providers were to be ones who enjoyed sex more than most and who would perform and enjoy the type of activities loved by most hobbyists. CBJ is not one of the activities loved by most hobbyists. Originally Posted by John Bull
Frankly, I was rather dismayed to see a moderator behave this way. Furthermore, I don't think you should be speaking for other hobbyists in any shape or form. For instance, I prefer a BBBBJ, but I would not say that I don't also love a CBJ. Let's face it, even a lame blowjob, if your SO won't give you one, is better than no blow job.

How about we extend the tent stakes and make room for everybody--not just our own preferences.

WALDT is still the golden rule in this lifestyle we all lead.
John Bull's Avatar
Mr Anonone, you are not in a position to lecture or give instruction to any moderator. If you feel the need to communicate displeasure with me, use the PM system.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Okay... if a had a hard one from thinking about an orgy (yes, I know girls don't hard, but let's pretend, besides, if I had said I was wet but I am all dried up now... well, it gets lost in the visual, so play along with the hard one analogy!), I would have lost it by now.

John, Anonone and Ginger... it's been said, now let's drop it and get back on topic!!!

The Orgy!!

Woohooo.... I am all in!!


ANONONE's Avatar
Mr Anonone, you are not in a position to lecture or give instruction to any moderator. If you feel the need to communicate displeasure with me, use the PM system. Originally Posted by John Bull

I beg to differ sir, you crossed the line. Mods running off providers is not good for the board.

I am done talking about this. The right thing for you to do would be for you to resign and take a break until you can separate your personal preferences from your role as a moderator. Pressuring ladies to do anal and BBBJ when they are uncomfortable with it damages the health of this board. This region has struggled.

I think it is time for a change in moderation for Ohio.

I have said all I am going to say in this matter. You will either be a man and do the right thing, or you won't.

Good day.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I beg to differ sir, you crossed the line. Mods running off providers is not good for the board. Originally Posted by ANONONE
John wasn't running off anyone from the board. Nor was he pressuring anyone to do anal or bbbj and you very well know it.
What you are doing here is below you. Or so I would have thought.
ANONONE's Avatar
John wasn't running off anyone from the board. Nor was he pressuring anyone to do anal or bbbj and you very well know it.
What you are doing here is below you. Or so I would have thought. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

I respectfully disagree. We need a change in Ohio and this is a prime example of why. As I said above:

I am done talking about this. Originally Posted by ANONONE
I swear the misunderstanding of another persons post is prime in this thread, or it is a blatant attempt by a member to spin the thread to meet their agenda. I rather hope I'm correct on the first and not the later.

Repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. Lesson to be learned by a spin doctor.
I have known JB for too many years, I have Volunteered as an Admin for too many years in a past life. It's jerks like Anonone who ruin it for everyone.

Hey dogbreath, try walking a mile in JB's shoes before you attack him. He's a GREAT guy! And he does this just because he believes in these boards. Get's NO benefits! And when he has to deal with anyone like you, you just suck all of the fun out of things. That's all I got to say.

Keep your dick up and your head down! Go John!
John Bull's Avatar
Thank you Edward, my man! A lot has been going on behind the scenes. A vacation has been mandated and administered by the highest possible authority and all is well with the world and the board. LOL

And wonder of wonders, we have 3 of the top ladies from TX volunteering to come to my Fantasy orgy. Now all I have to do is make sure my dick can come.

Get your dancin' shoes on boys.