For real?

Rogue_Gent's Avatar
I have made it plain to providers that I have bothered to contact with screening info that they can text me on my dedicated hobby phone, especially with specials!!
sixxbach's Avatar
Sorry man.... But in this one.... I gotta Agree with Reya! (someone que the "Lets Get Ready to Rumble!" announcer)

I would have to say it was simply Smart Business and remind you that you were contacted a number of times as you grew in prominence on the board by ladies that either wanted to pick your brain or suck your cock...... You KNOW you got a few good deals that way......

This should prove interesting...... There are MANY that want to "humanize and romance" the providers here in the CoEd forum...... to present them as people, ladies, having feelings.... while there are those that will be very fast to say..... But respect my privacy.....

But underneath THAT attitude is the simple human need for interaction...

Business is Business and Cold Calls are a way of increasing immediate revenue and developing future business......

There are many here that seem to THRIVE on wanting to communicate with the ladies and viceversa....

The unsolicited telephone calls are an absolute no no...

But..... If I received a PM here on the board... I wouldn't be put off.... and I would have to side with the the Providers having a right to do so unless it's against one of those rules I haven't memorized....

I put myself out here..... Just like they do... By participating I believe I invite contact and communication... as do all of you that participate....

One particular lady a little over a year ago reached out to me that I had showed NO interest in even having met her..... and after talking quite a bit we got to know each other and I enjoyed her company for a few months and her friendship since....

It would be neat if this software offered a way of flagging your profile to let the other side of the fence know you are open to unsolicited contact.... Originally Posted by Whispers
You are absolutely correct. I was and am still contacted from time to time via PM. I was simply messing around with Reya. Her and I have a "unique" friendship if you will. We enjoy ribbing each other.

Reya, I don't think its tacky, etc to contact someone via PM. Accept my apology if you took it as a shot directed at you. You know very well that our public interactions (nonBCD) have never been negative and I would like to think that were in some way pleasant and enjoyable.

Whispers I think dating my reviews is what was giving away my hobbying schedule. So I have stopped doing that. But like Rogue Gent said if it's a provider he's seen then text specials. But if I were to get cold called or texted by one I've never seen - I would change number instantly!
  • Vyt
  • 01-04-2012, 07:07 PM
I'm always open to being contacted via PMs!
cckid2006's Avatar
Ladies contact me all the time. I like being informed about specials. Ladies please note -

I'm always open to being contacted via PMs! Originally Posted by Vyt
I never have nor never will cold call anyone, if they want to see me or ask me any questions, they can email or call me first.

LMFAO no and I've only offered it to like three guys on the board- again through PM only so I don't think it's desperate or intrusive but that's just my lil opinion- (one of which I decided was a jerk after he accepted the offer so I changed my mind about wanting to see him) when I did offer it I told them it was a one time meet and greet type thing and did offer a discount since I was the one to show interest.

Not like I sent out random mass email or pm's...if a guy doesn't want to talk to me I don't badger them or anything but I see nothing wrong with letting them know I read a post of theirs and am interested in getting to know them better. What's the harm in that? They can just ignore the PM if they don't like it, not like I'm holding them down and shoving my pussy in their mouth.

That would set off my spidey sense. Do you offer to compensate these guys for their time? Originally Posted by Booth
Sammy75's Avatar
not like I'm holding them down and shoving my pussy in their mouth. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
Can I sign up for that one?
sixxbach's Avatar
shoving my pussy in their mouth. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine


LMFAO What's the harm in that? They can just ignore the PM if they don't like it, not like I'm holding them down and shoving my pussy in their mouth. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
You have such a way with words!!! Who can resist your charms?!!!!

LOL, What can I say Space? I'm completely without pretense and I try to be straight with people.

Oh and Sammy...remember, we met at Maxeen's party and I told you to your face you were cute and you know where to find me sooo...

You have such a way with words!!! Who can resist your charms?!!!!

Spacemtn Originally Posted by Spacemtn
LOL, What can I say Space? I'm completely without pretense and I try to be straight with people.

Oh and Sammy...remember, we met at Maxeen's party and I told you to your face you were cute and you know where to find me sooo... Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine

Wait, wait, wait!!! Reya, we met at Roxy's B'day party, hell I even rode across the parking lot in your car and you didn't tell me I was cute????????? I'm f'ing crushed!!!!

You are my lovely little princess and as cute as a button Space. Better?

Wait, wait, wait!!! Reya, we met at Roxy's B'day party, hell I even rode across the parking lot in your car and you didn't tell me I was cute????????? I'm f'ing crushed!!!!

Spacemtn Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Reya is mine, back off gents! I'd go lesbian for her in a heartbeat
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Reya is mine, back off gents! I'd go lesbian for her in a heartbeat Originally Posted by Jamieyoung
Me first first...thou I don't mind sharing