Obama's Summer of Recovery........HA !

I repeat: Where is the Obama Summer of Recovery?

Answer: It doesn't exist; never will. Obama is an empty suit who governs by slogans. ...let's revisit some of his oldies but goodies...


"Yes We Can"
"Pass This Bill Now"
"Change We Can Believe In"
"America Is Soft"
"It's Gonna Be A Summer Of Recovery"
"Unemployment Won't Go Above 8 Percent"

For a more complete list go here:

  • Laz
  • 10-03-2011, 11:00 AM
tell me which specific policies failed???? Are you saying his jobs acts will fail too when he has many items that have been proposed by Republicans? Are you talking about TARP or the stimulus package? Ask Rick Perry how he balanced his states budget(Stimulus money)- iff the Banks weren't bailed out and the Auto Industry don''t you agree that the UE would easily be 15% or higher???? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I was not a fan of TARP. I think that the banks that should have failed would have the bankruptcy process would have sold off the assets and other solid banks would have stepped in to take on the business. Then the losers would have been the bank management and the stockholders. I must admit I am not positive I am right about this.

The stimulus package was definitly a failure since it only allowed states to defer problems they needed to deal with. Billions of dollars spent to put off what needed to happen anyway. Bailing out GM and Chrysler was also a failure because the bankruptcy process could have accomplished the same thing without taxpayer money. So no I do not think unemployment would be 15% without his policies.

And finally just for the record the republicans supporting some things does not make the proposal a good idea. They have been irresponsible also.
TARP was signed into law by Bush; it wasn't an Obama policy. TARP saved the banking system (many say)!

The $1 trilion dollar Obama stimulus bill was/is a failure.

The Obama green energy intiatives are a failure.

Obamacare is and will be a failure (unless you define success as bureaucrats coming between you and your doctor !).