Moving Forward: But How?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Good point.
She is the elected Vice President. It’s not like “they” can just tell her to step aside. Biden can’t just “fire” her.

Many are under the mistaken notion that the VP serves at the pleasure of the President. The VP has Constitutional duties. First is to preside over the Senate. Second is to be President if the President is Constitutionally removed or dies.

Just like POTUS, she would first have to be impeached by the House, tried and convicted by the Senate, then removed.

That is the problem with all Vice Presidents. They can go from being a rather insignificant entity to the most powerful person on the Planet in a heart beat. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Well, Harris was not elected to anything. We stopped electing VPs 200 hundred years ago. Biden was elected and she is part of his team. He can ask for her resignation at any time. If the VP refuses (whomever it is), the POTUS has other options. Now, the House and Senate can impeach over the wishes of the president. It becomes a contest over the mind of Joe. Does he take out someone before they take him out with the 25th amendment or does he "trust" her?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
When it comes to foreign speeches, getting the names of countries correct is important. In 1947, the Secretary of State was in the far east making a speech. He went on about our commitments to our allies in the east. He mentioned the Philippines, he mentioned Australia, he mentioned Japan, he forgot mention South Korea (it was in his speech notes). Within six months, North Korea invaded South Korea because they thought we were not going to defend the south. Words mean things to other countries leaders whether they are sincere or not. It gives them a justification when you screw the pooch.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, Harris was not elected to anything. We stopped electing VPs 200 hundred years ago. Biden was elected and she is part of his team. He can ask for her resignation at any time. If the VP refuses (whomever it is), the POTUS has other options. Now, the House and Senate can impeach over the wishes of the president. It becomes a contest over the mind of Joe. Does he take out someone before they take him out with the 25th amendment or does he "trust" her? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I voted for the Biden/Harris team. In 2008 I voted for Obama/Biden rather than McCain/Palin because I thought Palin was unworthy to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. First time I ever voted for a Democrat for POTUS/VPOTUS. The selection of a running mate can be very important in the campaign for POTUS. Biden can ask for Harris' resignation but he can't remove her without her agreement.
Well, Harris was not elected to anything. We stopped electing VPs 200 hundred years ago. Biden was elected and she is part of his team. He can ask for her resignation at any time. If the VP refuses (whomever it is), the POTUS has other options. Now, the House and Senate can impeach over the wishes of the president. It becomes a contest over the mind of Joe. Does he take out someone before they take him out with the 25th amendment or does he "trust" her? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I beg to differ.

She is the elected Vice President. The President can ask for her resignation, but she does not have to comply. His only other option is to convince the House to impeach, and the senate to convict.

The fact that the President and Vice President run as a team is a product of our political system. But that does not negate the fact that she is elected.
HedonistForever's Avatar
All fun and games to "speculate' but IMHO, Biden AND Harris are here to stay till 2024. Now I'll speculate. As I've said before, "IF" Biden does decide to run again, almost an impossible feat to even imagine, he still will not be able to dump Harris, the first Black Female Vice President in our history, for a White, male, Newsome or Buttplug. The Black caucus ( and Progressives ) and James Clyburn and company will not stand for it. "They" get their foot in the door and willingly give it up? Don't see that happening.It will be a Biden Harris ticket AGAIN under the circumstances I have laid out.

And I'll probably do as well with this prediction as I did in the mid-terms but at least I got winning back the House right which I felt was the most important victory.

Let's face it people, if we, the collective we, couldn't convince the American people that keeping "these people" in power would be bad for America, with the MSM and Big Tech, enforcing the "new rules", that identity politics is the future of America, then we are unlikely to break this strangle hold on mis-information and dis-information not from Russia or China but from within, were the fall usually comes from.

Hate to admit it but China has played this country like a fiddle. Why invade a country if you can get them hooked on TikTok and destroy themselves with "Drag Queen Happy Hour", in every pre-school and elementary school in America .