Upward Economic Mobility - Not Texas

I B Hankering's Avatar
And the additional debt being incurred from his taxes being cut belongs to whom, exactly? Originally Posted by Doove
What? TTH's scores of employees are not compensating for what he's not paying? Are you sure? You need to ask TTH to add up how much all of his employees, et al., are paying in taxes and with-holdings and compare it with how much he says he's not being taxed. After all, even if his enumerated 'ten employees' only paid $10K each per annum, that's still more than the $60K he claims he is not being taxed.

What say the Dims cut spending and used the saved money to pay off the debt!?! That would be a novel idea, wouldn't it?
How much am I supposed to pay for the right to live in a civilized society? Why is it right to give me a tax break when I can well afford to pay more in taxes, while the nation runs a deficit that it is going to foist of on those who are less well off? And why cut my taxes first instead of those who make less? Have you no fucking sense of justice and fairness? You're the dumb SOB who's paying for that $60,000 tax cut, you know. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It's always hilarious to see someone with no understanding of an issue call somebody else a "dumb shit!"

TTH's last statement is ridiculous for the following reasons:

First of all, how in the hell can TTH have any idea what IB's income is? As far as I know, IB has never said what he does for a living or offered even the slightest hint of what his financial status may be. Perhaps he is a professional or business owner whose income is equal to or greater than TTH's, and is similarly comprised in terms of what portions are made up of ordinary income, capital gains, qualified dividends, carried interest, and everything else. I that case, he would benefit to an equal or greater degree from the tax rate cuts.

On the other hand, if IB's income is less than TTH's, he may be in a lower tax bracket, in which case he pays income tax at a substantially lower rate. In fact, taxes were cut by a higher percentage for lower-bracket taxpayers than for the affluent.

Or perhaps IB is retired, in which case he may pay tax at a low rate since his income might be composed of capital gains, qualified dividends, and tax-free muni-bond interest. So in none of the above cases can it reasonably be said that IB is "paying for" TTH's tax cuts.

In a larger sense, it should be noted that we are "paying for" everyone's tax cut with borrowed and printed money, since our fiscal deficits are very large and the tax burden across the income strata, particularly for the non-wealthy, is considerably lower than it was in the 1970s.

We will eventually have to address the issue with big tax increases on some people, but it is impossible to predict how the load will be distributed across the income strata, so it is not possible to predict what income groups will end up "paying for" TTH's tax cut.

Politicians will undertake great efforts to avoid raising taxes on households with incomes less than about $250K, and will not do so until forced by severe debt crises.

Perhaps by that time a substantially higher percentage of baby boomers will be retired!

But a lot of people younger than about 55-60 are likely to get a very raw deal.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-17-2012, 02:26 PM
TTH's last statement is ridiculous for the following reasons:

First of all, how in the hell can TTH have any idea what IB's income is? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

A bit eaten up with class envy, eh, Doove? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
You have no idea what i make. Ergo....
Doove, the phrase you used a couple of days ago when addressing me (and several unknown others, presumably) was "you fat cats."

How many fairly successful people do you think go around addressing others in that manner?

You have long been in the habit of replying to my posts with snarky comments that ooze bitterness and resentment. For all I know, you might be reasonably successful, or even wealthy, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that you're not.

A number of people in this forum are intelligent, well-informed, and capable of competently discussing issues. It follows that they're very likely to be good at whatever they do for a living.

Nothing you've ever posted in this forum demonstrates that you fall into that category. You're just here to annoy people.

It's somewhat amusing that your sig line contains this little gem:

They just don't make good trolls anymore.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I have done fine here.
Most people that come here from other states love it here.
That is unless you are a whiney ass liberal. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Now, now, T2What'sForDinnerAtBarak's, caught you again pulling the typical female, passive-aggressive trick (well, trying to anyhow). That's the one where the woman (i.e. - YOU) assigns her behavior to whomever she's arguing with in an limp wristed attempt to confuse the superior opponent. Stop your whining. Hell, every post you make calls for cheese to go with the whine. Who does your pink cowboy boots for ya?

BTW IIfy, (and speaking of being full of sh*t)...
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-17-2012, 07:10 PM
Doove, the phrase you used a couple of days ago when addressing me (and several unknown others, presumably) was "you fat cats."

How many fairly successful people do you think go around addressing others in that manner? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Per Wikipedia:

"It is also commonly used to describe a rich, greedy person who, due to ownership of large amounts of capital, is able to "live easy" off the work of others."


"The word has since acquired a meaning of a rich, powerful person of possibly 'undeserved' wealth. It is now commonly used in editorial cartoons. In the British printed media, a fat cat is usually depicted as a cat-faced, clad in a pin striped suit corpulent middle-aged man holding or smoking a thick cigar representing a venal banker or a high earner executive or "captain of industry".

So to answer your question.....plenty.

You have long been in the habit of replying to my posts with snarky comments that ooze bitterness and resentment.
In a response to 4Karlos' 2nd or 3rd post in here, you referred to him as a pompous, clueless liberal. So spare me the righteous bullshit.

A number of people in this forum are intelligent, well-informed, and capable of competently discussing issues. It follows that they're very likely to be good at whatever they do for a living.

Nothing you've ever posted in this forum demonstrates that you fall into that category. You're just here to annoy people.

It's somewhat amusing that your sig line contains this little gem:

They just don't make good trolls anymore.
I know you're a smart guy, so your stupidity about what goes on in here is either willful, or a sign of your delusion. Given our previous go-rounds, i'm guessing it's the latter.
I love watching SLUGS squirm when salt is poured on them. Then they disolve. Like the wicked witch from the west.....LOL
Randy4Candy's Avatar
IIffie, how are you still here? You should have been up in sizzle years ago.
Doove, you don't comprehend stuff very well, do you?

The question I asked in my previous post was how many fairly successful people go around addressing others, about whose business dealings they know nothing, as "fat cats." The term is generally considered epithetical in nature and connotes, as you yourself noted, that a person is a venal, greedy bastard who has a lot of undeserved wealth or lives off the production of others. Was your intention to express resentment toward me? The reader can make the call.

Regarding 4Karlos, you must have missed some of the stuff he posted. In one thread a couple of days ago, he credited Obama with the equity market rebound following the steep plunge in Q42008 and Q12009, followed by telling people to leave out the "ideological rebuttals", since he didn't "care about" politicians. (Yeah, sure, Karlos.) All I did was ask him what policies improved the economy and the markets relative to the condition they would have been in if Obama had proposed little or nothing in the way of significant policy changes. He could have tried to answer the question, or he could have just ignored it and moved on. Instead he responded with a childish insult. The guy's sort of like you, Doove. He'll make statements and then simply respond with snide remarks if you challenge him. Is he clueless? Looks like a pretty easy call to me.

I don't know whether you're a bitter loser with self-esteem issues, and I don't care. If you are, it's your problem, not anyone else's.

But one thing's for sure. You certainly come off as one!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-18-2012, 02:13 PM
Doove, you don't comprehend stuff very well, do you? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I comprehend that you're a narcissist. How am i doing?

The question I asked in my previous post was how many fairly successful people go around addressing others, about whose business dealings they know nothing, as "fat cats."
You asked the question as if successful people don't go around calling successful people "fat cats". There's more to being a "fat cat" than simply being rich.

I would ask, how many truly successful people go on an escort review board and act like an immature little whiny assed tittie baby like you do? Not many, i'm sure.

Was your intention to express resentment toward me? The reader can make the call.
I've been reading your posts. Believe me, i have no desire to be anything like you - wealth related or otherwise.

And this is about the 5th or 6th time in the last week where you've accused me of being resentful towards you - as if you're someone who's worth being resentful toward. Is this a sign of your narcissism? The reader can make the call.

I don't know whether you're a bitter loser with self-esteem issues, and I don't care. If you are, it's your problem, not anyone else's.

But one thing's for sure. You certainly come off as one!
You're the guy who went on a 7 day posting bender because i referred to you as a hypocrite. So if you wanna talk about who here has self-esteem issues...
I've been reading your posts... Originally Posted by Doove
Yeah, I sort of noticed that, since you've replied to so many of them with snide comments unrelated to the topic under discussion. In that long thread a few months ago, you must have dug up and posted links to 15 or 20 of my posts in a forlorn effort to paint me as a hypocrite. If anyone actually clicked on the links and read them (a highly doubtful proposition, since you're the only one obsessed with the issue), they would have seen that you're full of shit. The only reason I replied to those posts was to point out what a fool you are.

When it became obvious that wasn't working well for you, you started repeatedly calling me a narcissist.

You rarely even make an attempt to substantively discuss issues. You're just here to harass and annoy.
Yeah, I sort of noticed that, since you've replied to so many of them with snide comments unrelated to the topic under discussion. In that long thread a few months ago, you must have dug up and posted links to 15 or 20 of my posts in a forlorn effort to paint me as a hypocrite. If anyone actually clicked on the links and read them (a highly doubtful proposition, since you're the only one obsessed with the issue), they would have seen that you're full of shit. The only reason I replied to those posts was to point out what a fool you are.

When it became obvious that wasn't working well for you, you started repeatedly calling me a narcissist.

You rarely even make an attempt to substantively discuss issues. You're just here to harass and annoy. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I'm Glad to see you here again. Not to mention, you sure do have a sexy mind! (I think that I've got a crush here.) The only problem here is that you make too much sense for these slack-jawed zombies. I can already see the name calling and back peddling coming in 5...4...3...2
TexTushHog's Avatar
TTH, I'd get rid of the tax code altogether, but if you're so upset about, fork over some more to the Treasury and quit bitching. Or pay the taxes for one of those poor SOB's you claim to care about so much. Gawd, I bet you're fun at parties. Geez. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'll pay more when similarly situated Republicans pay the same. But damned is I'm going to pay their share while they get a break and can contribute more to candidates than I can. Democrats value fairness and treating similarly situated people the same, if you'll recall.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-18-2012, 06:41 PM
Yeah, I sort of noticed that, since you've replied to so many of them with snide comments unrelated to the topic under discussion. In that long thread a few months ago, you must have dug up and posted links to 15 or 20 of my posts in a forlorn effort to paint me as a hypocrite. If anyone actually clicked on the links and read them (a highly doubtful proposition, since you're the only one obsessed with the issue), they would have seen that you're full of shit. The only reason I replied to those posts was to point out what a fool you are. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
You're awesome, dude! You're a hypocrite because you treat those who agree with your politics with a different set of standards than you do those who disagree with your politics. Which, dare i say, we all do. You not seeing that this also applies to you just boggles the mind.

I offered you 2 or 3 (maybe even 4) chances to prove me wrong, and you responded with nothing but cricket sounds. And more insults directed towards me. Awesome, awesome stuff.

When it became obvious that wasn't working well for you, you started repeatedly calling me a narcissist.
No, i started calling you a narcissist because it became all too obvious that you are one.

Per Wikipedia, traits of narcissism include, but are not limited to:

An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges
Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships
A lack of psychological awareness (see insight in psychology and psychiatry, egosyntonic)
Difficulty with empathy
Problems distinguishing the self from others (see narcissism and boundaries)
Hypersensitivity to any insults or imagined insults (see criticism and narcissists, narcissistic rage and narcissistic injury)

Like going on a defensive rampage over being told you're like everyone else in here. I mean, what could be more evident?

Carrying on:

Vulnerability to shame rather than guilt
Haughty body language
Flattery towards people who admire and affirm them (narcissistic supply)
Detesting those who do not admire them (narcissistic abuse)

Like your hatred of me simply because i don't kiss your ass.

Using other people without considering the cost of doing so
Pretending to be more important than they really are
Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating their achievements
Claiming to be an "expert" at many things
Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people
Denial of remorse and gratitude

The ones i highlighted in red absolutely pertain to you, as is obvious just from reading your posts. If i were to use some conjecture, i would suggest another 3 or 4 pertain to you, also based simply on reading your posts. But those are not as clearly obvious as the ones in red, so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

You rarely even make an attempt to substantively discuss issues. You're just here to harass and annoy.
I tracked down, according to you, 15 or 20 of your posts to make my point. And you say i don't make an attempt to substantively discuss issues? Are you high?

I'm Glad to see you here again. Not to mention, you sure do have a sexy mind! (I think that I've got a crush here.) The only problem here is that you make too much sense for these slack-jawed zombies. I can already see the name calling and back peddling coming in 5...4...3...2 Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Yup, be patient....

5....4.....3.....2......1..... ..slack-jawed zombies!

How's that?

{Heavy sigh}

I have noticed how you do have a tendency to tell us all how smart and well informed you are.

Claiming to be an expert on many things.

Things that make ya go hmmmmmmmm.
Doove take some time off and pick a new hair style please. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnXBK...9C362BB2F293C8