My Experience With Sweet.Treat69

Luke Skywalker's Avatar
This piss-poor of a thread is definitely not an alert, just a disagreement between two human beings. One guy that seems like a spoiled brat and feels that women do not deserve to be treated well (his own words), does not value her privacy (he disclosed the text log), and a young girl that did not deserve to be mistreated and had the class and pride of refusing the money (good for her). This thread does not belong here. No one got conned, nobody's security at stake.

Call me a WK if you will. I never had any sessions with the girl, but it disgusts me the condescending treatment. Even if she had an attitude, she is a woman and deserves to be treated with respect.
I've learned over a long life that an asshole with money is still just an asshole. No amount of Bens make him smell any better.

As far as WK'ing is concerned . . . never met ST (though the SO and I just might have to fix that) don't know her from Eve and assuming everything this financier said is true about her, his self alert posts in this thread make it CLEAR where his mind is . . . the trash. Self evident proof that no matter how many greenbacks you throw around, you simply can't buy class.

And I'll bet that Larry the Cable Guy would be a hoot to hang out with at Gas Monkey!!
Ravasher's Avatar
So what I read here is Sweet Treat is hot and she has spunk. Thanks OP for putting her on my radar. I am assuming a no recommendation from your snobby ass is a yes for us regular joes. To Sweet Treat you handled you self with class here we need to hang out sometime. I promise parking won't be an issue.
Ravasher's Avatar
Oh and one more thing can the mods move this to Co ed. I mean putting an alert because someone can't find a place to park is just stupid.
Come on, folks.

Why do so many of you seem unwilling to attach any credibility to the thread-starter's narrative?

After all, semi-literate buffoons often pull down 7-figure or 8-figure annual incomes and boast about their material acquisitions openly and repeatedly on SHMBs. And virtually everyone believes every bit of it.

Hey DFWHobby,

This is not truly an Alert as no one was or could be in danger, basically, this is a he said/she said argument and both have said their version of events. I am not going to give an opinion on who is right, but if ST69 did send you those constant and obsessive text remarks per your original post, those are the ones you need to copy and paste to an email to the mods. But, if you are just blowing smoke, or deleted the texts, then you have no case. Your smartass comments about you having all this money and your shit does not stink is laughable since we are all billionaires behind a keyboard if we choose to be.

Your attitude reminds me of another active male member of this board who believes his opinion is fact and also the be all end all of any conversation, since he knows it all, he will let you know it by stating his opinion on every subject and if you disagree with him or his opinion in any way, he will stalk your posts, call you names and make his condescending remarks under them. He will make a post under mine shortly because he is just like you and my cyberstalker. Maybe you two should meet and discuss how great you are to one another!
I have met savannah a number of times. She has always dressed nicely, if a bit conserveative. Which is nice as some ladies her age dress like street Walkers.

She also does not react well to anyone she feels is not treating her with respect. And that is just fine. It sounds like the OP is used to people jumping to his command and does not do well when someone is not his concept of perfect.

She threw your money in your face. You go girl
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
*Sounds like sweaterpuppies(although I'm told this is a provider.)

Hey DFWHobby,

This is not truly an Alert as no one was or could be in danger, basically, this is a he said/she said argument and both have said their version of events. I am not going to give an opinion on who is right, but if ST69 did send you those constant and obsessive text remarks per your original post, those are the ones you need to copy and paste to an email to the mods. But, if you are just blowing smoke, or deleted the texts, then you have no case. Your smartass comments about you having all this money and your shit does not stink is laughable since we are all billionaires behind a keyboard if we choose to be.

Your attitude reminds me of another active male member of this board who believes his opinion is fact and also the be all end all of any conversation, since he knows it all, he will let you know it by stating his opinion on every subject and if you disagree with him or his opinion in any way, he will stalk your posts, call you names and make his condescending remarks under them. He will make a post under mine shortly because he is just like you and my cyberstalker. Maybe you two should meet and discuss how great you are to one another! Originally Posted by davidfree986
*Sounds like sweaterpuppies(although I'm told this is a provider.) Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
Nope, he has posted under mine as I predicted (and it is not you).
How stupid can you be to post your personal instagram page just to brag some more about how rich and awesome you are LOL. You would think the way this thread transpired you would just know when to STFU and stop posting. Just goes to show you, you can have all the money in the world and still be a fucking idiot.

Thanks for the kind words & support, everyone. I really appreciate it and those that know me, know this guy is full of shit

Have a great week!! XOXO Originally Posted by sweet.treat69

Here we are

Two hours of my time was wasted, that is a little over 10,000. Time is the ONLY commodity that should be valued. It doesn't matter if I was poor or rich. It is the one thing that no matter how much wealth I have or anyone else, you cannot buy more of it.

Personally I don't have anything to prove to a bunch of white knights on a prostitution board, this was merely for fun. So heres 10K, simply to verify that a hookers word isn't worth much. If you showed up to your job looking like a slob and with an attitude you would be fired, so why should it be tolerated here?

To curvesnmore, you came to a 6 million dollar apartment in downtown dallas. You don't keep cars inside of condos... Really? This will be my last post on this thread. You guys keep white knighting it up.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
deleted Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
I could have gone all day and NOT read the above post. The last three sentences were alright. The first paragraph was overkill and doesn't reflect well on you.

Sometimes, it's alright to not have the last word.

Think about what you post. I shouldn't be posting THIS post because it won't reflect well on myself but I'm trying to be helpful. At any rate, you can always delete that first paragraph if you choose. You still have some time.

I could have gone all day and NOT read the above post. The last two paragraphs were fine. The first one was overkill and doesn't reflect well on you.

Sometimes, it's alright to not have the last word.

Personally, I'd delete that first paragraph while you still can. It should be beneath you, really, to post such words.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
And you're right. But i couldn't help it This guy literally has made an ass of himself, not me. I am carrying on with life and business as usual Meanwhile he feels like he still has something to prove by posting videos of him burning up a stack of money. LOL.

Thanks EW & thanks again everyone for your kind words & support
Hell I'll go burn the 300 if you want just for fun, it isn't about the money once again. Its about a person's time. Originally Posted by DFWhobby
I would like to see a video of you torching the $300. Better yet, torch one of your Ferarri's and film it! It'll only take a weeks' pay to replace it...

Love this can't make this shit up...or can you?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
And you're right. But i couldn't help it I'm done though because this guy literally has made an ass of himself, not me. I am carrying on with life and business as usual

Thanks EW & thanks again everyone for your kind words & support Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
I'm so glad that you understand where I'm coming from. I went ahead and deleted my quote from your previous post. I had also changed some of my wording when I first posted what I did and I noticed that you quoted my older post, which is cool. It sounded just a bit harsh, I think, so I changed it.

Have a good week. And just try to remain above the fray. People are always going to try to bring you down one way or the other. I think that it's a pretty normal thing that people do and it's very negative.

Have a great week everyone!

Hugs and more,
Mavs fan's Avatar
Now that you mention it I didn't see how ST69 parked at my place. When I opened the door she was standing sideways and her boobs totally blocked my line of sight with her car. Come to think of it my across the street neighbors house was also blocked out. Which is a big deal because the CEO of a large corporation lives across the street from me and his house is huge. She didn't block my view of my helicopter, thank goodness, I love looking at it. Gotta go, in the time I spent posting this I could have made 3.2 million dollars.