Is it OK to talk about federal law enforcement on here?

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Usually veteran FBI agents, especially supervisory agents, are pretty slick when writing reports and giving testimony. Keep in mind these people are reasonably educated and this is their sandbox. I can't imagine Strzok, who is chronologically an adult, is any different.

This one is a little different though. The House Judiciary and Oversight Committee has a couple of hammerheads who have been playing close attention to this shit and who will exercise reasonable strict control over questioning. Jim Jordan is reasonably effective and he definitely does everything he can to raise his own profile so I'm sure he'll be on his game. Bob Goodlatte is second tier but he's OK.

The real killer is Trey Gowdy. Gowdy will destroy Strzok and if Strzok lies he's going to find himself eventually under arrest. He also won't be able to wiggle and worm his way out of anything.

Peter Strzok is going to have a head full of gray hair by this time next year.

All this while Ana Navarro works to fine-tune her preposterous faux-Mexican accent while simultaneously doing a high level Joy Behar impression on the fake news network.

Maxine Waters doing her Staff Edit routine while stirring the pot for her ghetto constituency as per usual.

Sarah Sanders rulez.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
felons for Andrew?
Plastic Man's Avatar
Says the recipient of a gifted lifetime Icky membership he couldn't otherwise afford. Originally Posted by jokacz
maybes someday whens ya ...earns ...somethin other than yer ebt ...card ya mights understand whats its means ...ta be a treasure like yer ...plastic man!
jokacz's Avatar
maybes someday whens ya ...earns ...somethin other than yer ebt ...card ya mights understand whats its means ...ta be a treasure like yer ...plastic man! Originally Posted by Plastic Man

lilylivered's Avatar
I can see that you are one of those that never shot a gun in your life. Sad that you have to rely on someone else to protect you. Like your fabulous government. Good luck with that
jokacz's Avatar
I can see that you are one of those that never shot a gun in your life. Sad that you have to rely on someone else to protect you. Like your fabulous government. Good luck with that Originally Posted by lilylivered

Wrong, try me.

Another dickless wonder heard from.

Do you have a pickup truck too?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
joekacz do you think the FBI and DOJ have conducted themselves poorly or not.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Wrong, try me.

Another dickless wonder heard from.

Do you have a pickup truck too? Originally Posted by jokacz
Agree with your point on this particular male lesbian.
jokacz's Avatar
joekacz do you think the FBI and DOJ have conducted themselves poorly or not. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Off the pigs!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I can see that you are one of those that never shot a gun in your life. Sad that you have to rely on someone else to protect you. Like your fabulous government. Good luck with that Originally Posted by lilylivered
But but but Jo is getting me ta think sell my hunting & target handguns.

and buy a carry gun. What good is a 10in barrel if not hunting or competitive
target shooting anymore?
thanks Jo,
should I go 45 for stopping power or 9mm for lots of rounds?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Off the pigs! Originally Posted by jokacz
That's why we have the IG breaking their balls and Strzok being subpoenaed.

I prefer limits on the scope and power of LE intrusion on the privileges of private citizens, even if they are candidates for political office.

I also think that these idiots flirting on their government issued telephones shows poor judgment.

Threatening to allow their political affiliation to influence the degree and character in which they conduct investigations and pursue targets is ludicrous. Have your personal opinions but please pretend to be objective while doing your job.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
joekacz do you think the FBI and DOJ have conducted themselves poorly or not. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
most no

a few yes
if Hillary goes to trial I hope in ROC So I can see the "FED READY" before leaving Monroe County Hotel.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The 2nd amendment is far more ambiguous than federal law enforcement, at the very highest levels, conspiring to exonerate one party's presidential candidate and initiate an investigation on the other's.

You can argue the merits of 21st Century behavior governed by what James Madison thought and wrote down on paper 230 years ago for a long time.

Defending corrupted law enforcement officials for adopting an obviously politicized posture and spreading a virus of propaganda and deliberate misinformation is another.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
No. No he's not. We'll stop it.

Who is "we", and what are we going to do to "stop it".

lilylivered's Avatar
Agree with your point on this particular male lesbian. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Sad, I was hoping your therapy was working for you.
You better fire your shrink and find a new one. It isnt working.