BLM going broke!!!!

Racism and racists are two different things, there will always be assholes on all sides. How would you know it’s more rare? There isn’t, nor can there be, any accurate measure to legitimize that statement. Everyone surveyed would lie.

If you actually don’t know what self inflicted wounds are crushing black communities, it’s called willful blindness. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Huh? What? LOL As long as there are racists, there is racism.

I think the phrase you might be looking for is willful ignorance, but specifically what are these self inflicted wounds that you speak of?
HDGristle's Avatar
I'm not here to change your mind or wilfull blindness. So you'll keep waiting until you can come up with a few examples of your own once you solve the paradox of racism being dead while racists live on.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Really? I find it hard to believe you’re not aware of the discrimination that goes on in hiring, school admissions, apprenticeships, etc.

And 1b, if you actually don’t know, or are unwilling to admit, what’s driving problems in the black community you’re either not serious minded or simply dishonest.
And 1b, if you actually don’t know, or are unwilling to admit, what’s driving problems in the black community you’re either not serious minded or simply dishonest. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Or, I just don't see the "self inflicted wounds" in "the black community" that you claim. Instead of attacking my character, why not back up your own statement?
berryberry's Avatar
I'm sure there's a black business owner out there somewhere who refuses to hire white folks, but it's more rare. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
And you know "it's more rare" how exactly?

Just admit you made this statement up and it has no semblance of reality
bambino's Avatar
And you know "it's more rare" how exactly?

Just admit you made this statement up and it has no semblance of reality Originally Posted by berryberry
He has no idea. He just makes bullshit up as he goes.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Maybe this’ll be a bit long winded, but is a good example, so I’ll try’n keep it as concise as possible.

I check every gas fitting in my house for leaks annually, and found a small one right where the meter bar union connects to the meter. Even tightening it with a couple 18” pipe wrenches didn’t stop it. The brass sealing surface was obviously worn beyond repair and needed replaced. These can’t be acquired locally, it’d make it too easy to jump the meter, so I had to call the gas company. I actually could’ve let it go, being so small and on the input siof the meter, but I’m anal so wanted it fixed.

They sent out their service person, a 90 pound black girl with biceps about the same diameter as my thumb. She simply couldn’t get it done, unable to get the old one off because it was tight AF after I cranked it on there trying to stop the leak. I repeatedly offered to help but she wouldn’t accept it, company policy I imagine.

After she sat in my driveway for upwards of 2 hours, another van shows up with a big burly guy who got it right apart, installed the new union and they went on their way. All in all she was at my house for well over three hours, to do a job I could’ve and would’ve done myself in 10 minutes.

That, gentlemen, is called window dressing. A double does of it at that. The utility hired someone, likely paying her pretty well, completely unable to perform the task at hand because she was both black and a woman. It doesn’t matter that she has to call for reinforcements to complete a simple job, she checked all the right boxes. Nothing personal, because she was very sweet, and pretty cute too, but she has no business doing what she’s doing. People could die because she’s physically unable to do her job.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
1P, look up the Obama quote I posted a bit ago. Therein lies the answer you’re looking for.
And you know "it's more rare" how exactly?

Just admit you made this statement up and it has no semblance of reality Originally Posted by berryberry
Easy. There are a lot more white business owners than black business owners in this country. Once again you're projecting. Your statement has no substance. You've also once again ignored a question that was difficult for you to answer. Do black lives matter to you?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That proves nothing, it’s not even anecdotal evidence.
Maybe this’ll be a bit long winded, but is a good example, so I’ll try’n keep it as concise as possible.

I check every gas fitting in my house for leaks annually, and found a small one right where the meter bar union connects to the meter. Even tightening it with a couple 18” pipe wrenches didn’t stop it. The brass sealing surface was obviously worn beyond repair and needed replaced. These can’t be acquired locally, it’d make it too easy to jump the meter, so I had to call the gas company. I actually could’ve let it go, being so small and on the input siof the meter, but I’m anal so wanted it fixed.

They sent out their service person, a 90 pound black girl with biceps about the same diameter as my thumb. She simply couldn’t get it done, unable to get the old one off because it was tight AF after I cranked it on there trying to stop the leak. I repeatedly offered to help but she wouldn’t accept it, company policy I imagine.

After she sat in my driveway for upwards of 2 hours, another van shows up with a big burly guy who got it right apart, installed the new union and they went on their way. All in all she was at my house for well over three hours, to do a job I could’ve and would’ve done myself in 10 minutes.

That, gentlemen, is called window dressing. A double does of it at that. The utility hired someone, likely paying her pretty well, completely unable to perform the task at hand because she was both black and a woman. It doesn’t matter that she has to call for reinforcements to complete a simple job, she checked all the right boxes. Nothing personal, because she was very sweet, and pretty cute too, but she has no business doing what she’s doing. People could die because she’s physically unable to do her job. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

That's what you got out of that? There are a lot of variables there that you don't know. Maybe the burly guy wasn't available at the time. Maybe they are hard up for workers. Maybe she's good at most aspects of her job. Maybe this is a specific task that she's not usually assigned, but for some reason was that day. You're making an assumption when you don't have enough information.

1P, look up the Obama quote I posted a bit ago. Therein lies the answer you’re looking for. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I'm not looking for Obama's words. I'm looking for yours. You're the one who made the vague claim that you haven't been able to back up with specifics.
That proves nothing, it’s not even anecdotal evidence. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
To a reasonable person it certainly does prove that what I said is almost more certain to be true. You're right about one thing though, it's not anecdotal. It's statistical. According to lending tree, white Americans own 85.6% of the business in this country, while black Americans only own 2.5%. Those who have even a cursory understanding of probability and statistics, and have even a reasonable estimation of how many more white owned businesses there are in this country than black owned businesses know that what I said is almost certainly true. White folks own 34 times more business in this country than black folks. I know that the truth doesn't matter to everyone, but it matters to me.

But you're nit picking. Even if there were more racist black business owners than racist white business owners, that would still disprove your blatantly false and ignorant claim that racism no longer exists in this country.
bambino's Avatar
To a reasonable person it certainly does prove that what I said is almost more certain to be true. You're right about one thing though, it's not anecdotal. It's statistical. According to lending tree, white Americans own 85.6% of the business in this country, while black Americans only own 2.5%. Those who have even a cursory understanding of probability and statistics, and have even a reasonable estimation of how many more white owned businesses there are in this country than black owned businesses know that what I said is almost certainly true. White folks own 34 times more business in this country than black folks. I know that the truth doesn't matter to everyone, but it matters to me.

But you're nit picking. Even if there were more racist black business owners than racist white business owners, that would still disprove your blatantly false and ignorant claim that racism no longer exists in this country. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You’re right, (Staff edit) . Yes, It’s true!!!!!
You’re right, a lot (Staff edit). Yes, It’s true!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
There would have to be 34 times more racist black business owner than racist white business owners for my statement to be untrue. That's 3400% more. In the real world, where Trump lost the election and black lives matter to reasonable folks, my statement is true.

For what it's worth, going off of your words, I do think that black lives matter to you, bambino. Not so much to some other folks though. Maybe you just made this thread to "own the libs." LOL
Maybe this’ll be a bit long winded, but is a good example, so I’ll try’n keep it as concise as possible.

I check every gas fitting in my house for leaks annually, and found a small one right where the meter bar union connects to the meter. Even tightening it with a couple 18” pipe wrenches didn’t stop it. The brass sealing surface was obviously worn beyond repair and needed replaced. These can’t be acquired locally, it’d make it too easy to jump the meter, so I had to call the gas company. I actually could’ve let it go, being so small and on the input siof the meter, but I’m anal so wanted it fixed.

They sent out their service person, a 90 pound black girl with biceps about the same diameter as my thumb. She simply couldn’t get it done, unable to get the old one off because it was tight AF after I cranked it on there trying to stop the leak. I repeatedly offered to help but she wouldn’t accept it, company policy I imagine.

After she sat in my driveway for upwards of 2 hours, another van shows up with a big burly guy who got it right apart, installed the new union and they went on their way. All in all she was at my house for well over three hours, to do a job I could’ve and would’ve done myself in 10 minutes.

That, gentlemen, is called window dressing. A double does of it at that. The utility hired someone, likely paying her pretty well, completely unable to perform the task at hand because she was both black and a woman. It doesn’t matter that she has to call for reinforcements to complete a simple job, she checked all the right boxes. Nothing personal, because she was very sweet, and pretty cute too, but she has no business doing what she’s doing. People could die because she’s physically unable to do her job. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Another easy example, watch Live PD.

Not that I’m any better today at my age, I couldn’t do the cop job either. They also wouldn’t hire me for that reason.