This January 6 Video Demonstrates Clearly The Violence That Occured and Why All J6 ers Should Be Buried Under The Jail

Iceman's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
shocking lack of knowledge. Trump might have been Commander in Chief but perhaps you may be aware of Posse Comitatus? that LIMITS use of US Troops on American soil?

here's some light reading on it

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Did you know that the US National Guard isn't considered Federal Troops in the same sense as FEDERAL Army , Air Force, Navy or Marine Corps. The coast guard however does have express authority to perform law enformcement and not bound by the posse comitatus act.

Similarly - Nattional Guardsmen are considered as reservists unless called formally into full time action, and not subject to the limitations of Posse Comitatus Act too.. Further a president can call in the military to quell an insurrectional Act, as can others in government when needed, such as a governor of a state.

Did you get your talking points from Fox News again?

Trump could have called them in at any time, but it would have stopped the exact actions that he was trying to gain. The fact is that trump is a borderline personality disorder type of narcassitic asshole, and he has zero compunction to hurt or kill anyone that would stand in his way in getting power.

The only difference between a Trump and any other dictator is experience and age. Trumps old compared to Hitler and his youth- but the fact that you MAGA's are similar in your undying fealty to Herr Leader, as a good hitler youth, you would agree to his actions or requests to storm a capital, hang mike pence or injure anyone in the name of loyalty to Trump. Its enough reason that he should never be allowed to be in power again.

Perhaps you should take your Hitler youth pins and pocket knifes and get back to doing some reviews on the hooker board like you joined up to do, or atleast get the details on the posse comitatus act right.

It's funny to watch our conservative friends blame democrats for the actions of those who wore the red hats, drapped themselves in Trump Garb and Flags, and then have the absolute gall to say we made them do it. Fucking insane.
DNinja69's Avatar
In one breath Trump is mighty and fierce...

But when it comes to fining election tampering, setting up security for a big DC event, or organizing a 'peaceful protest' he just doesn't measure up.

Convenient especially on all things Jan 6 related
VitaMan's Avatar
TWK never reads anything, or fails to comprehend many issues. He didn't read the 92 summary court judgement before asking "prove it". Here again he starts asking "prove it" when he didn't even understand the usage of the law.

He is best left to his posting of cartoons, videos, and messaging "if you say so" without any engagement, discussion, or debate.

At least the members here tried to educate him and point out his errors, instead of just sarcastically posting "if you say so".

There is a lesson for him in that also.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
SNICK. Fake news. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so

Did you know that the US National Guard isn't considered Federal Troops in the same sense as FEDERAL Army , Air Force, Navy or Marine Corps. The coast guard however does have express authority to perform law enformcement and not bound by the posse comitatus act.

Similarly - Nattional Guardsmen are considered as reservists unless called formally into full time action, and not subject to the limitations of Posse Comitatus Act too.. Further a president can call in the military to quell an insurrectional Act, as can others in government when needed, such as a governor of a state.

Did you get your talking points from Fox News again?

Trump could have called them in at any time, but it would have stopped the exact actions that he was trying to gain. The fact is that trump is a borderline personality disorder type of narcassitic asshole, and he has zero compunction to hurt or kill anyone that would stand in his way in getting power.

The only difference between a Trump and any other dictator is experience and age. Trumps old compared to Hitler and his youth- but the fact that you MAGA's are similar in your undying fealty to Herr Leader, as a good hitler youth, you would agree to his actions or requests to storm a capital, hang mike pence or injure anyone in the name of loyalty to Trump. Its enough reason that he should never be allowed to be in power again.

Perhaps you should take your Hitler youth pins and pocket knifes and get back to doing some reviews on the hooker board like you joined up to do, or atleast get the details on the posse comitatus act right.

It's funny to watch our conservative friends blame democrats for the actions of those who wore the red hats, drapped themselves in Trump Garb and Flags, and then have the absolute gall to say we made them do it. Fucking insane. Originally Posted by eyecu2

prove that it was Trump's authority to call out troops on US soil

it's explicitly forbidden by the Constitution for a US president to do so

prove me wrong

TWK never reads anything, or fails to comprehend many issues. He didn't read the 92 summary court judgement before asking "prove it". Here again he starts asking "prove it" when he didn't even understand the usage of the law.

He is best left to his posting of cartoons, videos, and messaging "if you say so" without any engagement, discussion, or debate.

At least the members here tried to educate him and point out his errors, instead of just sarcastically posting "if you say so".

There is a lesson for him in that also. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
eyecu2's Avatar

prove that it was Trump's authority to call out troops on US soil

it's explicitly forbidden by the Constitution for a US president to do so

prove me wrong
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Already did it above but apparently you failed to read it.

National Guard troops are not considered FEDERAL troops when they are on Reserve. Hence the National Guard Reserves. If they are called into "active duty" then they become treated the same as the other Armed Forces. -

They are permitted to be requested by both the president and also the Governors of states when there is a threat by insurrection or an imminent threat to civil order; national disasters and storms are a perfect example where they are called in to help support local law enforcement etc on keeping peace.

The formal Federal Armed Forces, Army, Navy, AirForce, Marines, are NOT allowed to be called onto domestic soil unless we would be attacked by an outside force. That is what the Posse Comitatus Act states. That those mentioned forces are not permitted to be called onto domestic soil without support of the congress.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How about you prove yourself right, TWK!

This “prove me wrong” bs is a weak parlor game played by provocateurs long on opinion but short on facts.
eyecu2's Avatar

if he did why would he explicitly say "peaceful protest"?

there. i 'xplained it to ya Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
AND he said:

"if you don't FIGHT LIKE HELL, you'll not have a country any more."

"Show up on Jan 6th, IT's gonna be wild"

"Trial by combat"- Rudy Giuliani

So which one of those statements do you think the attendees to the Stop the Steal gathering were acted on?

Pretty sure it's the bottom 3 and not the top- peacefully protest. Nothing about that storming of the capital was peaceful.

Those fucko's need to be in jail- to remind them that there isn't a freedom called "storm the capital, and disrupting a federal process of elections". Those are not direct or implied freedoms.

They are implicitly not allowed, and are illegal.
DNinja69's Avatar
History will remember Jan 6 correctly.

The fallout from it continues for years and what toll it eventually takes on those who supported and believed in Trump probably won't haunt him but definitely should.

I stay about Justice. Party affiliation not a factor
VitaMan's Avatar
How about you prove yourself right, TWK!

This “prove me wrong” bs is a weak parlor game played by provocateurs long on opinion but short on facts. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It is his standard MO.

Plus the "if you say so" thing.