ISIS beheads American journalist, Obama goes back on vacation

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  • 08-21-2014, 08:04 AM
Save your money. You'll need it to flee the US when they get over here. Originally Posted by LexusLover
When they get over aren't even willing to raise your taxes to pay for any type of war with them. You want to borrow money and you old moochers want to send other people's grandchildren go fight ISIS and then have to pay back the money the war cost with their taxes!

I'm not scared of ISIS coming over here btw ....if you are so scared , give up your retirement benefits to fund your nation building wars.

boardman's Avatar
Isis will attack us.
Hell, they already have...just not on our soil...yet.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
When they get over aren't even willing to raise your taxes to pay for any type of war with them. You want to borrow money and you old moochers want to send other people's grandchildren go fight ISIS and then have to pay back the money the war cost with their taxes!

I'm not scared of ISIS coming over here btw ....if you are so scared , give up your retirement benefits to fund your nation building wars.

Originally Posted by WTF
You aren't even willing to hire Americans and pay taxes on their wages.
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  • 08-21-2014, 08:37 AM
You aren't even willing to hire Americans and pay taxes on their wages. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
And you aren't willing to spend a dime of your money or blood and guts on wars you promote. So fuck off mooching leach.
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  • 08-21-2014, 08:42 AM
Isis will attack us.
Hell, they already have...just not on our soil...yet. Originally Posted by boardman
The question is what are you willing to sacrifice and I use the word you metaphorically.

What are we as a nation willing to sacrifice? Are we willing to spend our retirement saving? Are we willing to succumb to higher taxes? Are we willing to give up personal freedom to the government to protect us....

The Tea Party answer to those questions has been a resounding NO.

boardman's Avatar
The question is what are you willing to sacrifice and I use the word you metaphorically.

What are we as a nation willing to sacrifice? Are we willing to spend our retirement saving? Are we willing to succumb to higher taxes? Are we willing to give up personal freedom to the government to protect us....

The Tea Party answer to those questions has been a resounding NO.

Originally Posted by WTF
How about we sacrifice a little bit of everything.
How about instead of just raising tax rates we increase the tax roles also so that more than 50 % of people are paying any tax at all. Everyone should pay something so that they have a vested interest in how our money is spent. I would support a tax increase on my part if it meant we could get everyone paying something. How about Obama setting the example and giving this tragedy the attention it deserves by cancelling his plans and getting back to Washington. Not that he could do a whole lot but it would still show that he is concerned. Hell the British PM cancelled his plans after the beheading Tuesday because it is thought that the killer might be British.

We(metaphorically speaking) are not willing to sacrifice anything apparently. Not our tax rates, not our vacation, not our entitlements and certainly not our handouts because that would cost votes. That's why we keep kicking the fiscal can down the road and betting on recovery and inflation to somehow miraculously bail us out of our problems so that our children don't have to bear the burden.
We are doing the same thing with terrorism, specifically Islamic Jihad when we don't address it now. Only there is no hope that the jihadists will miraculously reform. They will keep coming. We can choose to keep them at bay now which will take sacrifice or allow them to keep coming unopposed.
I don't fear Sharia Law, I'll be dead, one way or the other, before that can take hold here. I have no children to be scared for but I do fear for our future if we do nothing.
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  • WTF
  • 08-21-2014, 09:43 AM
You can not squeeze blood out of a your notion that you should tax the poor more is ludicrous.

It sounded like you agreed with the rest of what i said...we as a nation are not willing to pay for the War we want. If the Tea Party wants war.... reinstate the draft, raise taxes and be willing to give up your SS/Medicare benifits. If not you are just asking future generations to pay for our chicken shitness.
boardman's Avatar
You can not squeeze blood out of a your notion that you should tax the poor more is ludicrous.
Originally Posted by WTF
Nice Cliche but people aren't turnips. They are dynamic and resilient. Most have vices(especially the indigent) that they can sacrifice.

According to the US census bureau in 2012 16% of Americans were under the poverty level. That's also happens to be close to what the "real" unemployment rate is considered to be. If only 50% of people are paying any tax then why aren't at least the other 34% not paying something.

I don't care if they only have to pay 1 dollar in taxes. If that means they spend an afternoon or weekend picking up cans or not buying a lotto ticket to do it then at least they will have a vested interest and hopefully a real concern about how that dollar is spent. If someone came to me truly broke and I was convinced of that I would give them some work to do to earn what they needed to pay their dollar plus some.

Some people just have come to expect the handout. I get people coming into my business from time to time asking for $1 or two to buy milk for their baby(which I never see) but when I offer them $20 to mow my grass for an hour they bail.

I'm not against charity, I'm against the government providing charity.
I thought that Bush's faith based initiatives dove tailing off of Clinton's successful welfare reforms were the right way to go. We were getting to a point of giving a hand up not a hand out. What happened?
Buying votes is what happened.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You can not squeeze blood out of a your notion that you should tax the poor more is ludicrous.

It sounded like you agreed with the rest of what i said...we as a nation are not willing to pay for the War we want. If the Tea Party wants war.... reinstate the draft, raise taxes and be willing to give up your SS/Medicare benifits. If not you are just asking future generations to pay for our chicken shitness. Originally Posted by WTF
Why not cut benefits to all the welfare recipients who didn't work all their life like the pensioners have?
Why not enforce immigration laws so that American workers who pay taxes get jobs?
LexusLover's Avatar
When they get over here....
I'm not scared of ISIS coming over here btw .... Originally Posted by WTF
Just snitch on your parents as being Christians, ....

............ and let them fade the heat for you. You can do it while hiding.

It will reduce SS/MC payments.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why not enforce immigration laws so that American workers who pay taxes get jobs? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Now you are hurting WTF where it hurts the most. He'll have to tap his parents harder for more "infusion" of discretionary spending funds for his golfing expenses and interneting.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, don't tax the poor... cut their benefits then. Shouldn't people who pay in get something back? That keeps the elderly (who paid in) solvent.
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  • WTF
  • 08-21-2014, 02:55 PM
Do you silly fuckers hear yourselves? Raise taxes on the poor or cut their benefits to fund some God Damn war you want? How about you fund your war through your own pockets if you want a war. Then I wpuld have no problem treating to poor the exact same way!
LexusLover's Avatar
... God Damn war you want? ... Originally Posted by WTF
See, JL, he's already "building" his portfolio for the ISIS head hunters!
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  • 08-21-2014, 03:07 PM
See, JL, he's already "building" his portfolio for the ISIS head hunters! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL if they cut your head off you'd gain 30 IQ points.