Hey Guys !What is your TOP provider complaints

taxmaster1998@gmail.com's Avatar
"Customer is King".... In this case I literally wants to feel like 👑 king !! Which is why I'm willing to pay more than what I pay my doctor!
CH Luke's Avatar
I hate it when they laugh at my physique, laugh at my dick, laugh at my nose, and generally laugh at me.

LOL! Never had any of that shit happen, but just got a Rodney dangerfield inspiration for humor and had to share it. Wouldn’t that suck, though!?! LOL

Seriously, though... Excellent points above, all. I can’t add a single thing other than a made up one for humor’s sake. Hope all providers read this one and all hobbyists read the one dedicated to hobbyists.

Happy hobbying!

Your buddy Luke
(on an offbeat humor day)
CH Luke's Avatar
Okay, one more semi humorous new peeve... taking my butt plugs!

TWICE this year, a girl has noticed some really nice toys in my toy bag, begged to keep a fancy butt plug, promising lots of amazing pics with it in use that night ...and I, heavily under the influence of pussy, relented both times, only to get NO PICS!?!!

Texting “No more damn butt plugs for you, gorgeous...” just doesn’t seem to settle the score.

Okay, I’ll get serious now...sorry I’m in a mood...

Onward with the more mainstream complaints!
Picksix's Avatar
No complaints! It either works out or it doesn’t. When it works out, I love coming back.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
No complaints! It either works out or it doesn’t. When it works out, I love coming back. Originally Posted by Picksix
Love your outlook !! Hope you are having a wonderful week
Laurenspencer's Avatar
I did not even think of that Slowhand because I always assume this encounter will be handled professionally but that can be a dangerous assumption. The #1 most important thing to me is my safety. Worrying about a boyfriend pulling a gun, an attempted robbery or the threat to blackmail me with exposure is what makes me keep coming back to my preferred provider. The potential of being outed and ruining my personal life is not a risk I would ever knowingly want to take. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
clients do like beauty but that all goes out the window if they have a mean spirit . I really enjoy talking with you Doc and our connection . Quality time is my love language
Laurenspencer's Avatar
This may sounds crazy to some of you but I prefer a lady that screens and screens thoroughly. The more she screens, the safer I feel when I visit her. That's why I do most of my "shopping" on P411. I have a bunch of "likes" from my past visits and use that to "open the door" so to speak, but I also don't mind answering a few other questions as long as they don't get too invasive into my personal data. Originally Posted by Murf76
Murf I absolutely love P411 and the clients that come from there . Theres a section you get to read more about the client and their needs . When its filled out its very helpful for the providers . I agree about providers screening it shows they care about there safety and yours
clients do like beauty but that all goes out the window if they have a mean spirit . I really enjoy talking with you Doc and our connection . Quality time is my love language Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
This was a very good thread Lauren. I really appreciate getting to know you. Your presence on the board is greatly appreciated. We need more kind, positive posters.
CH Luke's Avatar
Pain meds...sorry bout that. #postingmedicallyintoxicated
Deibrem's Avatar
The only thing I really have had trouble with is having other people there. One girl I saw had a girl in her hotel room with her and was offended that I asked if she could leave us two alone.

Another had a whole crew over at her house when I came over hanging out in the living room so I had to deal with an auidence when I came and left. Feels great.
snakewhite's Avatar
Asking if I'm close to coming. I was until you asked. LOL Or worse telling me to come.
I like performance consistency, 110% or close too it keeps me coming back. I understand no one is on top of there game all the time. There are factors that distract and sometimes degrade a session some. One high end provider was always great and cheerful but my smart ass mouth said something that wounded her and she is a tough broad so it kind of caught me off guard. The last time I saw her she cut her menu in half and was somewhat rude and rushed me out. I did not get mad because I figured I had it coming. I really regret saying the stupid thing I said. So a hobbyist attitude can also effect performance. I am mindful all the ladies on here have feelings an should be respected and treated kindly .
h2s4u2's Avatar
Burning the clock and making the client wait past the appointment time.

Not being freshly showered. Kills the session when you are hit with a whiff of no bueno in K9.

Lack of IOP or dead fishing it during the session. Originally Posted by Mr. Rothstein

All of this
h2s4u2's Avatar
Adding another one:

The date does not officially begin until we are in the same shared space together. Sitting in your car for 10 minutes before getting out and knocking on the door or making me wait in the hotel lobby for 10 minutes before we get together does not mean my date becomes 10 minutes shorter. That's on you. You are responsible for time management as well. I still get my full time. Don't waste the clock.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 06-22-2021, 11:41 AM
BE ON TIME. A few minutes to 10 minutes late is understandable; 30 mins to 2 hours isn’t. This is probably my largest complaint.