Oligarch identification

I don't have political influence. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You're just influenced by politics, lol.
The ''Rock'' and Tucker Carlson got 2% or more. Kanye got 1%. Michelle Obama got zero, but even Republicans think she would whoop Trump if she decided to run. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Hee Hee! That's why I asked you to look at
some others "in the race" there, mate.

Michelle OBama?? ... You really think she'd win?
Which Republicans believe THAT? ... Seeing as her ideas
would be the same failures that Biden brought the country
- and Joe's numbers are in the shithouse - I surely doubt
she could muster the votes.

Maybe the Dems can look at a celebrity or two.
Wouldn't Rosey O'Donnell make a grand president.
Or maybe that unfunny drongo Jim Carrey.

... I'd also throw in Elvis from singing and even
that Pittsburgh bloke Mr. Rodger - who had his-own
show for joeys on the telly where he played with puppets.

But those two Icon fellows are dead already.

### Salty